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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]good morning guys happy Monday I justmade myself some breakfast thought I’dshow you guys and start off the vlogthis morning I am having the rest of mylittle tangerine juice I’ve got somewater and then I made an egg whiteomelet it’s actually really bigdidn’t realize it’s gonna be this bigwith chopped tomatoes and spinach withsriracha everything but the bagelseasoning half of a little baby avocadoand some turkey bacon delish hi guysokay it is later now I’m having a badhair day we’re just gonna leave it inthis ponytail and hope for the best Iput some makeup on did a little tintedmoisturizer and some mascara just toclean up the face of it my hair lookslike an actual like peacock today lookat this wow wow okay so as per plantoday I have nothing I got my editingdone already and I have legitimatelynothing to do so today is going to beanother cooking blog hopefully you guysare ok with that but more importantlyit’s going to be the best cooking vlogever because look what it’s finallyreadydun dun dun dun you guys my bananas arefinally ripe enough to make some bananabread I’m gonna be honest these onescould go a little bit longer but I havebeen patiently waiting these two aregood to go for sure and I’m ready ifyou’ve watched any other vlogs I’m sureyou have everybody and their mom hasbeen making banana bread lately and Ineed some in my life because I can’t sitback and watch it anymore I need toparticipate so today we’re gonna makebanana bread we’re gonna make some funstuff for lunch it’s gonna be great Idon’t know how to make banana breadthough so we need a recipe first what’sa good recipe for banana bread here aresome recipes I found ok let’s seeFood Network if I could trust them thebest ever banana bread sounds prettygood to meI’m not gonna do chocolate chips and I’mnot gonna do walnuts I’m just gonna doplain plain banana bread alright Ishould make sure I have everything firstwe need flour baking soda salt buttersugar egg oh thank God we actually dohave sour cream sour cream vanillaextract bananas chocolate chips walnutsagain no chocolate chips no walnuts orshould I find one maybe withoutchocolate chips and walnuts in it maybeFood Network’s 30 minutes that’s it ok Idefinitely have all this stuff we’regonna do it I was so excited it’shappening today I haven’t made bananabread in actually like years bake at 350how 503 25 or bacon I’m excitedI think we’re going to switch it up guyswe’re gonna bake over here today I’d mixeverything because I’m gonna follow thedirections here okay preheat the ovenand then we need a loaf pan I have alittle pig loaf Eden I’m gonna spray itwith some Pam baking spray this actuallyworks out because I needed to clean thiscountertop already so might as well makeit a little more dirty before I do sookay spraying all the sides making amess now we’re going to cream the butterand sugar in a large mixing bowl shouldI use the stand mixer today I have astand mixer I can’t get over my hairwe’re just gonna put it in a bun allrightmixing bowl and then I’m gonna get thewhisk attachment which is down here Icould also do it with like a hand mixershould I just do that I think the handmixer might be easier for you to seewe’re gonna do that we got the handmixer we got the little whiskattachments okay this is the only butterthat I oh I missed the carrot I startedtalking to the air fryer this is thebutter that I have and I need eighttablespoons and how much is this one twothree four five six seven eight oh wowit’s a lot of butter okay I’m gonna takethe butter and it should be very intensebut I need to make it soft so I’m justgonna microwave it for like a little bitone two three four five six seven eighteach tablespoons don’t want to microwavethe packaging because it will explodebutter and I’m gonna microwave it forlike 10 seconds so now I need one cup ofsugar and you guys normally if you’veseen me cook before I never followdirections properly and I just eyeballeverything I have learned with baking itneeds to be exact so I’m going to doexact measurements today I promisebutter is perfect gonna plop it into thebowl and now I’m going to add in a cupof sugar okaya cup of sugar now we’re gonna creamthis until it’s light and fluffy lightand fluffywhoa I suppose[Applause]I feel like I have to mention the butterdefinitely was not soft enough but Ifeel like this should do so we’re justgonna keep going now we add in two eggsbut one at a timegot a moist and everything up in thereooh I’m sorry you’ve got wordone more wait this is good okay oh mygosh our butter and sugar and eggs lookreally good now I’m going to mash inthree bananas with a forkthese ones are obviously perfect in caseyou did not know bananas with thesebrown spots are perfect for makingbanana bread I personally like eatingthem when they’re a little more greenand like a little under right I don’tlike them when they’re really sweet likethis but they are so much better to bakewith when they’re really sweet I knowLaurens gonna kill me for saying thatalso[Music]I’m going to add in one tablespoon ofmilk I’m using oat milk but you can usewhatever milk you have I don’t have anyregular so this will do doesn’t seemlike a lot of milk to be honest likewill this make a difference will thisone tablespoon change anything I don’tknow okay one tablespoon of milk andthen one teaspoon of ground cinnamonalright one teaspoon cinnamon and thenmix this all in okay now in another Bowlwe’re going to mix the dry ingredientswhich is the flour baking powder bakingsoda and salt so here we have this andwe need 2 cups of flour 1 1 cup 2 cupsof flour 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1teaspoon of baking powder the bakingpowder and baking soda are gonna worktogether to make your bread nice andfluffy and then 1 teaspoon of salt Itold you guys I’m gonna do exactmeasurements today because I feltnormally and lipstick for now as wellwhen I bake I know I’m making a mess Ipromise I’ll clean it up mom alrightmaybe like a little more perfect 1teaspoon of salt alright now we’re gonnamix this togetherI need a whisk oh man you guys I hopethis turns out okay I’ve been waiting solong to do this alright that looks goodnow we have the dry to the wet I thinkI’m gonna do it in like half and half orso okay and it says to mix just untilthe flour disappears so don’t over mixactually then I’m gonna do the wholething and not over mix it and turn it onslowly[Applause]okay guys one of my little things isn’tworking am I using the wrong ones Idon’t know what’s going on but I usedone it worked I’m going to scrape thisinto the loaf pan and I have to bake foran hour to an hour and 10 minutes andthen cool for 15 so this takes a littlewhile but I’m taking my spatula itsmells really good that’s for sure Ihaven’t made bread in years seriously Iam very excited right now our mixturesin the loaf pan I’m gonna spread it atthe top make it nice and even alrighthere it is I’m gonna put in the oven nowfor an hour and hope for the best andnow for the best part of baking cleaningup whoa wait was I supposed to putvanilla in this oh my god did I forgetoh no oh no oh no I didn’t okay we’regonna oh hi guys okay figured out asemi-decent hairstyle to rock todayuntil I go shampoo my hair tonight thebanana bread has been in the oven forhalf an hour and you guys it smells sogood let’s check it out I know I’m notsupposed to open the oven but I justcan’t help it oh she’s so puffy itsmells so good okay I’m excited okay soI clean the whole kitchen did all thedishes and I still have nothing to dobut as you can see I’m in a very cookieslash baking mood today and Cal hasn’tworking all day long really really hardon his work stuff he’s actually upstairsworking right now so I figured I wouldsurprise him with some really good lunchif you guys do not know both mine andCal State Fair food over is sushi andobviously right now in this time it’s soimportant to be ordering from smallbusinesses and restaurants and thingsand helping them out as much as you canbut I will say post-meeting sushi everysingle time can get really reallyexpensive so for the times that we’recreating it but I don’t want to spend alot of money on ordering it in we’vebeen making it we made it for dinnerlast night and it was so much fun so I’mgonna surprise him and make some reallygood sushi you guys seriously it is somuch more inexpensive to make it at homeand so much more fun because you get tocustomize it so yeah I thought I’d showyou guys how we made some sushi lastnight it was so good I cannot get overthe banana bread it’s currently 2:30p.m. and I am so hungry because thebanana bread smells so good and all Ihad was that breakfast this morning okayso let’s get to making some lunchas I said it’s customizable so it’sgreat because you can use whatever fishwhatever vegetables whatever energy youblood so today I’m gonna show you guyshow to make homemade tempura we’re gonnado shrimp tempura and then broccolitempura and then we alsosome sashimi great fish make sure if youguys are eating raw fish make sure thatit’s sushi me sushi grade fish youcannot just go and buy like a fillet ofsalmon and eat it raw that is not gonnabe okay so yes I’ll show you guys let’sget started first up we have clean handand then these are tiger shrimp I gotthese from the Asian grocery store theyare massive you guys I already peeledthem and then thawed them out we have afew in here and then I’m gonna show youguys how we’re gonna prepare them to betempura or fried alright so we’ve gotour shrimp here and this is how I’mgoing to clean them and prep them forthe tempura I am going to start off bytaking my shrimp are we in focus are wegood hold on alright so this is howwe’re gonna do it we’ve got our shrimphere these are massive massive tigerprawns I’m gonna take my knife be verycareful and I’m gonna go down the backlike so so this is where you can findthe digestive tract I know it’s kind ofgross but you want to definitely take itout better to take it out now then eatit cuz it’s yucky basically that’s allthe shrimp poop which is nasty but cleanit out get it all out okay so now I’mgonna do it to eat shrimp there’s notalways poop in every single one but youjust want to get that little thing outof there for sure oohso scrumdiddlyumptious shrimp poop guysI have to apologize I know every singlevlog has been a cooking blog lately butall I’ve been doing is literally cookingand playing Animal Crossing and watchingHarry Potter so oh growth or the big onenow what I’m gonna do is if you guyshave ever had a piece of shrimp tempurayou know how they’re like long and flattrim naturally curls so we need to cutthem so that they lay nice and flat andkind of break the muscles up so you wantto take your knife and just chop themthrough the bottom make small littlesegments down the bottom and then alsoI’m gonna do it on the sides so now thatwe’ve broken the muscle down then youwant to lay it flat and kind of pinch itand just break up the segments so thatthey can be nice and flat and they’llcook like this which is perfect comparedto cooking like this which doesn’treally go into a sushi roll as easilyall right so I’m gonna repeat this andwe’ll speed through it[Music]okay all our shrimps are nice andstretched out now I’m going to wash themdry them and then wash and clean thiscutting board and I will come right backokay guys I’m reheating some sushi ricethat we made last night for dinner sushirice is a special type of rice it’s likea shorter grain rice so you cook thatand then you mix it with a little bit ofrice vinegar and that’s going to giveyou sushi rice to make tempura batteryou can totally make it by yourself it’sjust like flour and I think cornstarchwith a little bit of ice water it’ssuper super easy here’s the sushi riceso the beauty as I said of making it athome is you can pick what goes insidebut you can also control everything elseso if you want to do like no rice rollsjust what I love to do especially whenI’m being healthier like I’m trying tobe healthier right now because I haven’tbeen eating the best so for my rollstoday I’m gonna do no rice but you canuse less rice more rice do whatever youlike as I said forward the tempura youcan make your own batter I have this mixhere that I got at the Korean grocerystore but you mix 200 grams of this with280 milliliters of water and it makes areally nice light batter the tempurabatter is super super light and itfluffs up and it’s nice and light airyversus like deep-frying something reallyheavy all right so I’m gonna make thisbatter now all right I got my scalegonna put it on even it out and then 200grams of this here trying to get itperfect oh wait I went over hold on I’mgonna go under fans on that and thenfrom this one 280 milliliters of wateroh my god I know I’ve said it 50,000times with this bread smells better thananything I’ve ever made beforecold water going in you want the tempurabatter to be nice and cold because itmakes it a lot more when you fry it itmakes it more airy versus being reallydense and heavyall right mixing our batter together andthen I’m gonna get a pot of oil going onthe stove you guys I tried to airfryerthis I tried to here try this shrimplast night with the tempura batter andit turned out so bad so I think this issomething you absolutely have to do likefrying an oil I really tried it you guysI thought I was being a genius and itwas so so chalky so yeah I don’t worry Idid the hard work for you already triedthe airfryer whole thing and definitelyrecommend just doing it in oil all rightour batter is good to go and now we’regonna get the oil going onokay so for my oil I’m using vegetableoil it is my favorite oil to fry in I amgoing to be doing a shallow fry at leastso as you can see the pan doesn’t have aton a ton of oil in it I mean there’s alot don’t get me wrong but it’s not likeyou’re deep frying everything justtrying to use a little bit of oil as Ipossibly can in this frying method so wegot the batter also to put inside of thesushi as I said we have some sushi gradesalmon also we’ve got carrots there’savocadowe’ve got cucumber Japanese Mayo andsriracha to make like a spicy mayo youcan put literally whatever you want init also I do not have any bamboo littlemats by the way which are those likelittle sushi rollers I have to get someof those but I’ve been just using myhands and it’s been working out justfine all right so I’m gonna let the oilget hot oh also my absolute favoritetempura vegetable is broccoli so we canalso make some broccoli tempura you dothe same thing as a shrimp you just dipthe vegetables into the batter put it inthe fryer let it cook and you’re good togo let them drain but I’ll show you guysalong the way obviously all right guysthe oil is ready to go I put somebroccoli into the batter I’m gonna usechopsticks to try and protect my handsbut you want to dip your broccoli orwhatever vegetable or whatever you’reusing and then make sure you shake offthe excess you don’t want too muchbatter on your stuff as I drop it inokay let’s do a small one for now oh mygod I’m like butterfingers right now I’mnervous people are watching me okay tapoff the excess and then put it in theoil and now she’s going you guys I’mgetting really nervous I’m gonna do thisoff camera I’m gonna do this I’ll keepyou updated know why alright guys I’mback sorry I I couldn’t like see what Iwas doing through the camera so I waslike getting scared that I was gonnalike hurt myselfbroccolis obviously in the little piecesobviously fry a lot faster but the bigones she’s going to keep turning themwhile they’re getting nice and toastyjust flip them around make sure they’recooked all the way through I like thebroccoli to be a little bit softer tooso this is awesome you can eat this aslike an appetizer or you can use itinside of like a vegetable roll if youwant to make that but that is going it’slooking good we’re gonna leave it thebread is almost done it needs four moreminutes also we need to get our sushiwrappers so today I’m gonna use sushinori which is just normal seaweed andthen you can also use soy wrappers I’mgonna use soy wrappers for mine and justdo a little like hand rolls with justlike the fish and the vegetables insidebut I’ll show you guys how to jazz it upand make it a little more fun too okaythe banana bread needed another 15minutes or so the shrimp’s look awesomethey go really really fast so I need toflip them they look so goodthis looks like restaurant quality orlike what you buy at Costco oh my godget them fully cooked nice and crispyand then drain them on some paper towelslike I did with the broccoli looks sogoodokay guys it’s time to assemble we haveall of the goods here obviously we’renot gonna eat all of this right nowoh you’re crooked so just so you knowthese do freeze pretty well and you canput them in the freezer and then putthem back in the airfryer just like atCostco or Trader Joe’s you can buy likethe pre-made ones and then you can putthem in like your ramen or have it as asnack I don’t know make more sushi lateras I said I don’t have a sushi roller soI’m gonna do it free handedly I’m gonnatake some cling wrap put it down on mylittle cutting board and to make thespicy mayo I did two parts Japanese mayoand then one part sriracha the swatchesbleed it out and that made this righthere that I can use oil to have avocadogotta chop this up we got some a cod presliced cucumbers from last night sofirst let me show you how I’m gonna makemine I’m gonna take some soy wraps againI got these uh I think Gelson’s I’m surea lot of Health grocery stores will havethem or any Asian market will have itgonna take a piece of that place it downthen on the inside of mine I’m going todo the sushi grade salmon along withsome of the radish that came with itwe got radish loaded up with lots offresh salmon then I’m gonna do someavocado in mine little cucumber and thenI’m just gonna use my plastic wrap tohelp me kind of roll it over press ittogether oh I almost forgot the mostimportant part hold on and then use alittle water to seal the edge so that itsticks also the water is perfect forwhen you use your hands to make a riceroll and it keeps your hands fromsticking to make that press and there wego I’m gonna slice it in half and we gottwo little salmon vegetable littleavocado cucumber radish hand rolls thatare very low carb super healthyand delicious I’m gonna make a few ofthese and dip them into some coconutaminos and they are super light andfresh for lunch then if you want to benaughty and have a really really reallyreally really delicious sushi roll saranwrap outwe got nori here I got this at WholeFoods and you want the shiny side downthen I’m going to use my sushi rice thatwe warm and I’m gonna go in and grab asmall little clump definitely don’t wanttoo much rice I’m not gonna do the rollsor you like cover the mat and rice abecause we don’t have a ton and B we’regonna fill it with a lot of otherunhealthy stuff so while I load up I’mgonna take a giant shrimp tempura oh mygod then I’m gonna add some cucumbersthat thing is massivea little bit of a card cowboy likeshredded carrot so it adds some nicecolor little crunchiness and then alittle bit of our spicy mayo right ontop gonna give it a good roll try ourbest to squish it together without abinder wet the edge again roll it pressit nice and tight I did go to sushischool for a day guys so hopefully I’mnot messing it up too much as my sushiroll falls apart then chop it in halfbeautiful chop this in half chop thesein half hopefully they don’t explode andthere you goyou got a cute little sushi roll itslowed up the plate with a little sushithere we goit’s not the prettiest I really need toget a bamboo thing but not bad for ahome eight am i rightall right I’m gonna keep making theseand I’m gonna take the banner bread outbut I wanted to show you guys how I madelunch and how I made dinner last nightand yeah I’ll keep you updated but seeyou soonCal is doing dishes now thanks babe howwas lunch it was like cut you guys okaywe love sushinow I took the banana bread out look howperfect she is wait before I cut into itI need to get a story because we’ve beenwaiting a long time for this I need totoggle Orang okay back to the bread Idon’t have a cooling rack so this is mymethod right now I have a pizza pan andI put it on top of a bowl to hopefullyget a little more air either way time tocut oh gosh I don’t how to do this holdon oh my god you guys you see the steamcoming off of itsteaming hot banana bread okay you haveto take a bite nowI mean I personally would not want anedge you take whatever you wantdown the middle I just pulling aparthaha really good good mm-hmm bananabread mmmI usually only like breads when they’rereally soft but I like the crunchyexterior I do have to say I think itsmells better than it tastes but ittastes really good but the smell is likenothing I’ve ever smelled beforethat’s pretty bomb though mmm we made itbanana choco chips would have beenreally good Lulu tell him hmm all rightI’m gonna take a nap now hi guys Iwatched chick stalks for like two hoursand then I just woke up it’s like 7:30grazing I both fell asleep Cal’s doinghis anime night so we’re hanging out onthe couch come here Bubbasay hello everyone we are sleepy babieswe both fell asleep all right now I’mjust gonna reply to emails watch someYouTube I’m just chilling not hungry atall because you didn’t eat lunch toolike three or something I woke up frommy nap and I have my makeup on still andit felt disgusting so I just took it alloff I feel nice and fresh and clean andyes I’m sorry this is so boring I havenothing to do actually I do have anunboxing haul I can do a ton of packagesthat were sent to my old apartment gotrerouted to my house now so there’s likea bunch of PR packages so I guess wecould open that up together let’s dothat so I stopped watching tick tock higuys okay it is the next morning after Isaid I was gonna do the hall last nightwe ended up watching Harry Potter andthe Goblet of Fire that’s the one rightit was so good by far my favorite one sofar but don’t worry we’re gonna get tothe hall right now so let’s do itall right guys hello we’ve never feltfrom this area of the house hopefully itlooks okay the lighting is a littleweird actually let’s move you over itokay that’s a little better here’s myvacuum hellowell we’ll push this out hello as I saidwe’ve got some random packages so let’sopen them up I don’t know where any ofthese are from seriously I do seethere’s actually a couple princess Pollypackages Alicia and I right before I gotthe house had a shoot for a really bigproject we’re working on and princessPolly was sweet enough to send us abunch of clothes for it but thenunfortunately they didn’t come inand I didn’t realize that they’ve justbeen at the apartment for so long so wewill do a little unboxing with thatfirst up this one is from dpq which isan awesome hair company okay we’ve gotgloves to put on there gloss this stuffis seriously so good you guys if youwant your hair to look nice and shinythis product is amazing next up we havethe AC V rinse which is apple cidervinegar and it’s a substitute forshampoo I personally have actually nevertried this yet because of my extensionsI’m never sure if I can use that kind ofstuff but I’ve heard great things from abunch of people and there’s a littlebaby one too this is the AC D scalpscrub and then this is the hair maskI’ll definitely use the mask so thankyou to them for sending all that overI’m excited to use the gloss on my hairbecause my hair has been looking alittle dull at the end next up what isthis I have no idea ah oh my god I waswondering when these were gonna come Ithink I got these from Lulu’s foreveragoso Sophia rich she dropped a line ofrolla’s like a collection of them andthey are the best shorts I’ve ever wornI got them away I got them in black andthen the denim had sold out by the timethat I realized how much I love thatlike these are going to be my new go-todenim shorts like the only ones I’llwear all of my denim shorts over theyears have gotten way too short becauseI wash them they just keep likeshrinking a little bit so my butt islike hanging out and it’s not cute so Ipicked up a new pair of these like Ilove this it’s like a cute short shirtbut it’s not too short these are calledthe dusters their high-rise shorts andthey’re so cute so these the nice lightwash pair package from L’Oreal and itsays long hair goals we’ve got theLoreal dream length the shampooconditioner and then I think this is aleave-in probably yeah this is aleave-in product it smells really goodand I like the packaging a lot I willdefinitely give this a try they havesomething here from Amazon as you guyssaw him this vlog I’ve been baking a lotI just got a very large baking sheetthis is like twice the size of a normalbaking sheet so I can make like 24cookies at a time got that nothing crazyand then last night at least we do havethe stuff from for this bully so let’sgo through it also half of this stuff isAlisha so I’m not going to open up herstuff but she got this puffer jacketwhich I have and I loveso much she got some shoes what shoesdoes she get oh you well snakeskin shoesa little white cardigan what do we havewith this cute little set oh this is socute this is like a cute little top likethat and then it comes with a matchinglittle skirt it’s like a minty littlemoment that’s adorable that’s perfectfor springtime lay on it like a bigdenim jacket and some like little heelsI’d be adorable I get this super cutelittle cheetah flowing skirt this is areally pretty loose flowy kind of likesweater top this would look so cute ifyou wore it with some joggers or someleggings and some sneakers okay Aliciaand I both got the same hat but what inher pile we got these bucket hats thatare made out of like bandana as we allknow I’m a bucket hat Queen I love itI’m gonna wear the rest of the video Idon’t know whose this is oh that’s cuteI think this is Alicia icky little whitedress like this I got this really prettylittle cheetah print floral dress thisseriously screams me I love the strapsthere’s like a cute lace up in the backand I love princess hydrosis becausethey’re stretchy and not too tight andnot uncomfortable at all and then lastbut least I got this sweatshirt here ittook a little charcoal hoodie it’scropped it’s super soft it’s nice andthick and perfect for lounging aroundthe house so that about wraps up thehaul I hope you guys enjoyed this videothank you so much for watching be sureto try the banana bread you guys it wasseriously so good I shared the recipewith like three other people last nightand they all made it already and we’relike obsessed with it so yes love youguys and I’ll see you the next vlog bye[Music]