Hey friends come cook with me! In this video I’m showing y’all how I make jerk shrimp Rasta pasta and cheesy garlic bread. This is not only a delicious quick meal but affordable under $30!
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Video Transcription
hey friends is Lex here with anothervideo and if you’ve been my channelbefore welcome back if you’re newwelcome in today’s video I’ll be showingyou guys how I make my a jerk shrimppasta pasta and cheesy garlic bread soif you’re interested in seeing that thenstay tuned[Music]jumping right into it as you guys cansee I have my shrimp sitting in somecold water this is the precooked shrimpand basically what I’m doing is justtaking the tails off of the shrimp and Iwent ahead and poured the water off ofthe shrimp you guys and I’m justcontinuing to take the shells off of theshrimp so I can start to season itokay so in the next couple Clips youguys are gonna see me season in theshrimp so I started off with mincedgarlic that’s what was on the shrimpbefore I proceeded to pour the garlicpowder on I’m also going to pour someonion powder on I’m gonna be using somecase but some blackened season I’m sorryI’m gonna be using some of the jerkmarinade black pepper and a couple morethings so keep watchingyounow that I’ve added all my seasoning youguys I’m gonna go ahead and start mixingeverything up so I can go ahead and putit in my pan and start cooking cookingcooking cooking cooking cooking[Music]this is the olive oil that I’m using andI’m going to proceed to put it in thepot that’s what I did there I put myhand over it to make sure that it wasnice and hot before I went ahead andadded that shrimp so once I go ahead andput my shrimp into my hot skilletI just proceed to mix it around and moveit around to make sure that it’s cookedevenly on all sides and it was – oh goodat this point y’all ready do you miss itjust randomly adding hot water to mypots of oil my pasta and then movinginto cutting up my vegetables sobasically I went ahead and I chopped upsome fresh garlic I chopped up some bellpepper I believe I had red green andorange bell pepper I’m insecure theother one instead of that or anyone butit is what it is and yeah I’m just goingahead and cutting that up into likestrips and once I’m done cutting that Imove into the green I am and once I’mthrough cutting everything I’m gonna goahead and add it into the pan and I’mgonna start start saying it what youguys are seeing here oh my god it looksso good so basically you guys you wantto go ahead and start saying cook thisdown until it gets soft I personallydon’t like a crunch to mine right backwas kind of showing you guys why wasthat on my water that I had put on someoil and then yeah look at my look at myum garlic and I messed up you guys forthe cheesy garlic bread I went ahead andmade my own little mixture you guys willsee that at the end at this point I’vegot the veggies um at the right densityI hope I’m saying everywhere right I’mhope I’m using the correctly that I wantthem to be and as you guys can see Iwent ahead and added the heavy whippingcream so that mixture I’m gonna wind upusing all that cream because I like mynoodles wing so now that I’m gonna startdoing is adding my seasonings to mysauce right there I added some parsleyand then mrs. – I mean I’m just gonnastop talking to let y’all see ityourselfyouyou basically want to cook your sauceuntil it starts to thicken up thatcheese that you add definitely aids inthat thickening of that once I’ve cookedit to the consistency that I like I goahead and I add my noodles and then Iadd my shrimp as you can see that I’vejust done here and I kind of just mixeverything together now I believe that’sonly some of the noodles because youguys know I did make one and a halfboxes so I just go ahead and mix thefirst half with the first half of thesauce and then I go ahead and pour therest in and continue to mix everythingall together runjust pour my mixture over the remainderof the noodles so I really want to doadd in that I think it’s important tonot let that sauce get too too thick Imean you want to thick enough so where’snothing like you know water but youdon’t want too thick to the point towhere it like where it’s like weird riceon the noodles you want it to be wet youwant to be juicy you want it to be moistokay so you want to stick but you don’twant it to stick like you guys knowtimes have them dry noodles when youmake a sauce too thick and it juststicks on there like in the wrong wayand but that’s not what we want that’snot what we wantyoulast but certainly not least on to thecheesy garlic bread and y’all look at mylook at my car buddyI bought that food processor yeah I’mnot just being goin crazyI just been one crazy so basically how Imade that was I chopped up my garlicwhen I didn’t I put my girl to get myfood processor and I missed it all theway down almost pulponce I did that I add it in I want tosay a third of a cup of butter and thenI went ahead and put a little bit ofthat olive oil in as well is a littlebit of parsley and yeah I just mixed itall the way up my food processor untilit’s hard into one what you see rightthere that cream and yah when I tell youit was the hintit was the hit now we gonna take theremainder of the cheeses that we use toput to make our sauce and we’re gonnajust load it up on that bridge like justload it up and that’s what’s gonna makethe bread super cheesy and good like mykids absolutely loved this yo when Itell you how they love it like I lovedit – it was so good like my guys outthere I helped out there from the storehe didn’t even know that it was homemadejob he know that was homemade so I justfelt so good I had to Pat myself on theback like literally my mouth is wateringas I’m like doing is voiceover I can’twait to make this again with anothermeal it was really just that good I hopeyou guys really consider making this sothis is the finished product of mycheesy garlic bread you look so goodokay so this is the finished product andyeah my iPhone 11 camera does not dothis justice like I really need to giveme a camera out and I am working on thatbut this is it here you have it I wantto thank you guys so much for watchingand continue to support me and I’llcontinue to put out more and more andmore more content and until next timeI’m I’ll see you guys later bye friends