This Cinnamon Raisin Bread Recipe is home-baked goodness at it’s finest! Your house is going to smell amazing and breakfast will never be the same!
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Video Transcription
[Music]hello everybodytoday in this video I’m gonna show youhow to make cinnamon raisin bread thiscinnamon raisin bread is one of thesimplest breads you can make it homefrom scratch and it’s loaded withwonderful cinnamon flavor and juicyraisins this recipe is a family favoriteand only requires a handful of basicingredients and also this bread isunbelievably moist and soft so let’s getstarted the ingredients you will need tomake the cinnamon raisin bread will betwo and a half cups of all-purpose flour2/3 cup of warm milk 1/3 cup of raisins3 tablespoons of melted butter 1teaspoon of active dry yeast 1 teaspoonof salt 3 tablespoons of sugar and forthe filling you will need 1 tablespoonof cinnamon powder and 4 tablespoons ofsugar now let’s see how to make thisdelicious and easy cinnamon raisin breadfirst let’s prepare the dough into yourstand mixer add in the all-purpose floursugar salt and eased now mix the dryingredients well now into this add inthe milkand butter now what that’s the doughhook and knead the dough for six minutes[Music]so it’s been nearly six minutes and asyou can see a non sticky dough has beenformed now at this time add in theraisins and knead it again for oneminute so here is the dough right on mykitchen counter and now I’m gonna rollthe dough into a rectangle so here isthe dough rolled into a rectangle shapehere into a small bowl add in thecinnamon powder and sugar mix them welltogether and here our cinnamon sugar isready to sprinkle you can also brush itup with some butter before sprinklingthe cinnamon sugar[Music]and now sprinkle the cinnamon sugar ontop so as you can see I have sprinklecinnamon sugar on top of the rolleddough now I’m gonna roll the dough froma side to form a log and pinch the seamsto seal now I’m gonna place the log ontoa loaf pan and wrap it up with a plasticwrap so as you can see I have wrap it upwith a plastic wrap now I’m gonna letthe dough proof for two hours so it’sbeen nearly two hours and as you can seethe dough has raised very well and nowpreheat the oven to 350 degreesFahrenheit and let the bread baked onthe lower rack of the oven for 40minutes so here’s the bread right out ofthe oven it’s been baking in there fornearly 40 minutes and now I’m gonna letthe bread sit in the pan for 10 minutesand then transfer it to a cooling rackand now I’m gonna let it cool downcompletely and then serve and enjoy[Music]and that’s it delicious and easycinnamon raisin bread is ready to beservedthanks for watching like and subscribefor more cooking videos bye[Music]