Bread Recipes

Chocolate Banana Bread | Cook With Me

You guys asked for it! Here is how I make my chocolate banana bread. Let Me Know If you Tried The Recipe!

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[Music]what’s up guys welcome back to mychannel and you already know by thetitle of the video and if you did thepull on my Instagram then you would knowthat I said I was going to be doing thechocolate banana bread recipe for youguys now I’ve been doing this chocolateand banana bread for about going onthree years now little backstory when wewere in Korea I made this banana cakefor all the other air man’s that workedin my husband squadron because they hadno family there didn’t have foodsometimes and I just wanted to make themfeel good and thanked them for what theywere doing for me my family our countryis so on so I made this chocolate bananabread for them and they absolutely lovedit my husband loved it I make anotherbanana cake for our kids that’shealthier my husband he loves chocolateso I am gonna ask some similar chocalatechick inside of this and it’s super easyso I want to come on here and show youguys how I make my chocolate chip bananabread I found the recipeoptin tasty tasty has a lot of goodrecipes and this is just one of therecipes that I killed doing over theyears so let’s just jump straight intothe video before we do make sure you aresubscribe to my channel like this videothumbs it up share it let’s get straightinto the video before you get startedmake sure you wash your hands wash yourhands scrub them 20 seconds so yeahfirst you wanna make sure you have threeripe bananas some vanilla extractone egg some semi or chocolate chipchips flour some stock some butter andthat’s it let’s take my three bananasand I’m gonna place them into the bowlthese bananas are getting super old andI do not like to waste anything soI’m actually gonna make two of thesecakes but I’m gonna show you guys one Igot my three bananas in there you wantto take a fork and mash them upI’m gonna go ahead and take 1/3 cup ofmelted butter I like to use real butterand then you’re gonna mix that up aswell[Music]okay I forgot to mention earlier thatyou are going to need some sugar so I’mgoing to take a half a cup of sugar andput that into the bowl and I’m alsogoing to mix it up[Music]then next after you have get into yourbowl the sugar the butter and mushbananas you want to add your one eggnext we’re going to add our 1 teaspoonof vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon ofbaking soda vanilla extract 1 teaspoonand once you spoon of baking soda mixthat up as wellnow you want to add a little bit of saltto your liking I’d like to take the 1/4teaspoon and add that much salt just 1/4now that I’m done mixing all my wetingredients I’m now gonna go ahead andadd my flour you want to take 1 cup and1/2 of flourand then once you get that in there youwant to go ahead and mix that in as well[Music][Music]okay now that I’m all mixing my flowerup last ingredient is your chocolatechips now I chose some semi-sweetchocolate chip that’s what my husbandMike I’m gonna put a half a cup in here[Music]let’s go ahead and grab a baking bowlthis is the loaf pan that I have I’mgonna take a little bit of coconut oiland put that at the bottom of this andspread it out we’re gonna take our mixand pour it into the loaf pan[Music][Music]there we go this is all ready to go intothe oven if you want you can go aheadand give it a shake shake so that it isevenly into the pan and so we’re nowgonna pop this into the oven for 50minutes of it is set on 350 so let’s popthis bad boy in the ovenso guys once the banana bread is alldone I’ll come back and show you thefinish result so see you guys in a few[Music]so guys this is the finished resultsI’ve already cut in the slice for ahubby you guys enjoyed this video givethis video a thumbs up subscribe like itshare it also I wanted to mention thatbefore baking it some people like to addsome additional chocolate chips on thetop of it but I chose not to becauseit’s already sweet it doesn’t need to beeven sweeter so yeah if you guys made itto the end of this video leave me somered heart down below in the comments andI will see you guys in my next videopeace out

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