Bread Recipes

Bread SOS Episode 3: No YEAST!? – Bake with Jack

Problems with YEAST?

In this weeks video we talk about how to make it last, what to do if you DON’T have ANY, and a few ideas you might want to try!

NEXT WEEK we are switching up the Bread SOS Service making this more accessable and immediate for you, hopefully more helpful, and easier for me to make from the top of the tower!
Here’s hoping!

Send your bread making problems to
Include your name, your location, a method or recipe if possible and the temperature of your kitchen if you know it and we’ll get to the bottom of your most common problems right here.

Magic Ingredients Channel:


I’ve never tried this, but I wanted to share it with you incase you fancied giving it a go:

Boil your potato as you would for Mashed Potatoes
Save the Water
Mix 1.5 cups of the potato water with 1tbsp of sugar and 1 cup of flour and leave overnight in a warm place.


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Video Transcription

hey home bakers it’s Jack here bake withChuck koto you can’t bring a new breadSOS episode three it’s all about yeastbaby got any no neither if I roll thatfeed chew hello then welcome back to thebakery Jack YouTube channel where I havededicated the foreseeable future tosolve in your bread making problemsthrough the breadSOS service welcome to episode 3 we’retalking about a yeast firstly I’d liketo say a massive thank you very muchthank you to everyone who’s placedorders at the bakery check online shopand for your patience and waiting forthem to arrive because orders have goneoff the chanceeverything’s gone crackers we used toaround about 50 to 60 orders a week andthis week we’re up to 173 and rising sothank you very much for your patiencethere’s the lace hear me get them out toyou I’m trying my best to get to you asfast as possible this delays along theway of the post off and stuff like thatso thank you very much for being patientand for your understandingyou’ve been sending your emails into thebread SOS email inbox hotline the thickand fast in the last two episodes wespoke all about flour if you missed itcheck it out some of you haven’t got anyflour somebody got very specific flowerswe spoke about how to deal with whatyou’ve got how to make something niceout of it and the differentcharacteristics in the final bread thatyou’ve made with the flour you have thisweek we’re talking all about yeast someof you have got zero yeast some of yougot some yeast some of you got differentyeast than you normally use we’re goingto tackle all your problems that yousent to me we’re gonna start off talkingabout sourdough bread we’re gonna talkabout other things you can make withoutyeast that’s not your traditional loafof bread we’re gonna talk aboutdifferent types a yeast them how to getthe best out of what you’ve gotten atthe end I’m gonna raise two differentinteresting points that people have sentme I’ve never thought about before itmight be worth having a try andexperiment with at home let’s go firstemail we and from Andy in South Waleshello Andy please can you tell us how tomake some bread with no yeast as itseems like that is now more rare in theUK than hen’s teeth well let me tell youand we talked about sourdough if youwant to make a loaf of bread for yourtoast and sandwiches you’re gonna bemaking the samewithout bread which is bread madewithout yeast sourdough for those thatyou don’t know is a loaf of bread thatrelies on natural yeasts in the end inthe atmosphere and then your flour toprove up natural fermentation createsbubbles and that’s what puffs up yourdough with there is a sourdough playlisthere that I put together because wellyou’ve spoken about stars we’ve spokeabout what to do we sort of spoke aboutacceleration of the puffs andfermentation over fermentation as awhole recipe which is video number 101you’ll find it all in the sourdoughplaylist it is making a loaf of breadbut you change the process you changethe principles it’s a completelydifferent beast than now that you maybeare at home for longer I’m assumingbecause I certainly am and I know a lotof people are now could be the time whenyou tackle sound I’m really nail itbecause if you’re about you don’t need alot of time to do it it takes a lot oftime start to finish but when you’reinvolved you don’t need to pop in anddip in their power every once in a whilenow could be the ideal time to tacklethe sourdough playlist let’s move on tonumber two some of these might feel likeI’m repeating myself I feel like there’sa little bit of value in the differentway in which you word your questions solet’s go for it margaret from and wedunno where Margaret from but it says myquestion is I can’t buy fresh or driedyeast so if I make sourdough starteryeast how much can I put in this simpleloaf of bread recipe that being myrecipe number 130 on the video as itonly gives the fresh and dryer twoquantities right okay so fresh and driedyeast is a different beast to sourdoughyeast and it’s interesting call itsourdough yeast as if those things areinterchangeable because they’re notquite we’re going to talk in depth aboutthis in a literally couple of minutestime but a sourdough starter yes it isit contains it natural yeasts and itserves the same purpose in their puffsup our dough but it’s a different beastentirely if you are moving on to makingsourdough bread with a sourdough starterwhich is your used effectively yourreplacement for yeast I wouldn’t do thesimple loaf of bread recipe and just adda little bit to it it requires differentProyes and it requires your attention it’sa whole new different thing to learn ifyou have never done it before my adviceto you wouldn’t be to adapt a yeastedbread recipe to accommodate your solostarter instead of yeast my advice wouldbe to go to video number 101 and learnhow to make a sourdough loaf of brickbecause that recipe is made forsourdough style you’re not adapting thething you you by adapting stuff youcreate room for error already make asourdough loaf of bread start to finishusing a sourdough starter that you’vemade home okay next body or body I wantto say bodyI’m sorry forgot that wrong and I don’tknow where you are from either so ifyou’re writing in please let me knowwhere you are in the world it’s justnice to know that’s all can’t thank youenough for the amazing videos in the wayyou organize those playlists on YouTubethank you very much I’m new to bakingand your videos make it very easy tobake and most importantly understand theprocess that’s lovely to hear anyway myquestion is the following where I liveis hard to get dry active yeast orinstant yeast at the moment but I havemy sourdough starter ready and healthyI am wondering is it possible to use thestarting get a regular white bread loafie substitute the dry yeast we’vestarted we just spoke about that asecond ago and we’ll do it in more depthin a minute if yes what do you suggestto modify in the recipe I like sourdoughbread but my kids prefer the taste andtexture of regular white bread this isthe key point here body sourdough breadwould always taste different okaybecause everything takes longer to makea sourdough bread like I said earlieryou can’t just swap out of yeast becauseyeast makes it loaf of bread and itstarts to finish through the oven andbaked within about four hours butsourish start that takes about six seveneight hours of fermentation thenovernight proof ideally and then bakingagain in the morning it’s a two or threeday process depend how you tackle it andit’ll always taste difference because ofthat process you can’t make the samething as you could do with a yeastbecause all that time is required andthat transforms the flavor completely itwill always taste different if you wantto make a tender sound widget’ loaf outof a sourdough started they already havefrom my video I did want an Instagram acouple of weeks ago and why did wasinstead a feemy start with rye flour I fed it withwhite flour in fact I took a little bitout to keep the starter a rye flour 100%and I fed my little with tiniestprobably 2 or 3 grams of somethingridiculous of rice tartar with whiteflour and water and then I continued todo the recipes that gonna say make awhiter loaf recept I’ll put in its hidnow you think about the principle Burtonloaf and the principle of a sourdoughloaf they’re two different things and tomake something accessible of both themain difference is what I based mymethod on was this final bake whenyou’re baking a free-standing loaf ofbread of sourdough right comes out yourbasket we proved it in overnight andit’s still got plenty of puff left ithasn’t risen a hugely during the proofyou put it in the oven and it busts openreal nice and big it jumps up in the airhuge and it busts open on the top andgets a nice Airy crumble in its hendloaf is different you prove up in it inlife don’t worry about the basket youput it straight in a tin loaf and youwant to prove it up to almost maximumbefore you bake it because the principleof its in dope is different you bake ita later point it’s not gonna jump ohit’s not a freestyle it’s not gonna jumpup and bust open on the top you’re gonnawant to prove out to his maximum andthen bake it get a little jump and thenit sets its shape and you’ve got a tinloaf in terms of the flavor it’s alwaysgonna be different because it’ssourdough and it takes so much longeryou can if you don’t want mine’s neverparticularly sour anyway but if youdon’t want to sound this and you want tomake sure you don’t get that sournessyou just start when it’s a little bityounger when it’s on its way up asopposed to like reaching the peak andcollapsing down and getting reallyacidic use it when it’s on its way up orwhen it’s just reached halfway up use itthen and you get unless that’s ourthough taste I hope that’s clear I hopethat helps at this point I would love toput together a full tutorial video foryou but I just it I just can’t do it ata moment okay I hope that helps okayhere’s the big one you’ve been asking meabout it’s from Alan in Arkansas us Jacklove your YouTube channel keep up thegreat workthanks men so here’s my dilemma as youknow bread flour has sadly become veryscarce I’m making do with other flowersthanks for the SOS episodes on those byethe way you’re welcome the problem Ihave now is I can’t find yeast anywayfortunately since you inspired me toattempt sourdough a while back I have abatch of sourdough starter in my fridgeat all times what I don’t know is how tosubstitute sourdough starter in theirrecipes that call for regular yeast in away that will maximize the passage niceuse of language there Allen gram forgram is obviously not a good ratio Istand by your words of bready wisdomready Allen you are quite right youcan’t substitute 12 grams of fresh yeastfor a loaf of bread for 12 grams ofsourdough starter for a loaf of bread itjust wouldn’t make sense it’s not assimple as a straight-up swap becausefresh yeast is like the eastern side ofsalad a star on steroids when it’sabsolutely crackers that you can make aloaf of bread for our start to finishand that’s what fresh yeast allows us todo but in the olden days before it waseven invented everything just used totake ages because it was made with asourdough starter so I think the bestway to do this is to compare a simpleloaf of bread like in video number 130with your simple loaf of sourdough andvideo what I want for a simple life ofloaf of bread you need 12 grams of freshyeast 7 grams or 6 grams of dry orsomething like that for my sourdoughloaf of bread I use a hundred grams ofsourdough starter a hundred grams ofsourdough starter a hundred grams ofsourdough starter allows my dough toferment itself nicely in six and a halfhours ish ready to hit the fridge to bebaked tomorrow so in that way you’veextended the fermentation time six and ahalf hours instead of one hour firstproof one hour second proof for a usedto loaf of bread that’s just a two hourwindow for yeasterday two hours for theyeast if six and a half hours for us outof a hundred grams of starter in in myclass I use a hundred and fifty grams ofstarter for some Brits because I wantthem to be ready sooner so we can makethem start to finish in the class andlet me give you an example right if youwant it to use for example if you had ayeasted bread recipe whatever is someonesaid about hot cross buns over therebut you wanted to make that sour thoughwhat you would need to do is adjust theingredients in the recipe to accommodatefor that starter your starter is madeout of flour and water equal parts ifyou follow my recipes equal parts sothen for example if you were to use ahundred grams of starter for your 500grams of flour recipe wherever it iswhether you’re making you just put in 50grams of water or 50 grams of the flourfrom your start I hope this is makingsense a hundred grams of starter 50grams of water 50 grams of flour so Iwould take that then out of your recipeif there’s a half a kilo of flour takeit down to 450 grams of flour toaccommodate for that flour in yourstarter and do the same with the liquidcontent of your recipe whatever is ittake it down by 50 grams so that yourwhole recipe when you put a ball backtogether again is exactly the same aswhat we would have done in the beginningthat’s what to do with your ingredientsnow for your process you need to youneed to elongate that proven timemassively okay let’s say my loaf takessix and a half hours to ferment then Iput it in the fridge it does its jumpwhen it hits the oven so what I have toallow for that jump that big puff at theend when it hits the oven if you’redoing hot cross buns I know it’s a bitlate somebody asked me the other day butas an example you want there to puff upbefore you bake it okayso you need to allow six six and a halfhours fermentation time folding up everyonce in a while in the middle as youwould normally do for that yeast so thenbuild itself up to multiply enough to beable to puff up your bread in the endthen you shape it let it come up likelywill take about three hours to puff upto its full potentialand then bake it as it’s after is puffedup does this make senseyou’ve been lengthened that fermentationtime building up those natural yeastswithin that starter now they got theirnew foods at a perfect point ofperfection puff and then you’ve letallowed it to puff up to the maximum andthen baked it off done so you have tochange the ingredients accommodating theflour water that is already in yourstarter by removing it from your recipeingredientsso the whole dough stays the same andyou need to lengthen the fermentationprocess dramatically okay and this ispartly down to practice and partly downto your instincts which is why it’sprobably best if you’re new to sourdoughto start making sourdough loaf like theone in video 101 start making asourdough loaf and lay down the linewhen you get your head around it whenyou get a feel of what your active doughis like as it’s starting to puff up andwhat to expect then potentially startadapting other recipes because you knowtheory you can make anything sourdoughin theory as long as you clever about itand you think about it and you practiceand you’re prepared for trial and errorwhich for some of you if you’re lackingingredients at that moment it’s probablynot a good idea I start with a sourdoughloaf and then adapt things later on asyou as and when you become comfortablesomething I wanted to mention this thatI wrote my notes was that you see a lotof stuff at the moment about how to makeyour own yeast homemade yeast I seevideos popping out all over the placelike homemade yeast how to make your ownyeast as if you can make that yeast andthen swap out your 12 grams of yeast for12 grams of the yeast that you made andeverything’s going to be fine but that’snot the case a lot of the videos in factall the ones I’ve seen are the same orsimilar in that they are making asourdough starter and the point is thatthere’s two points okay you’re notmaking yeast you’re making a home forthe natural yeast there’s natural yeastinside the flower itself there’s naturalyeast in the air around us and you’regiven a home inside of that sourdoughstarter to be able to multiply so we hada feed and produce the gas bubbles thatwe need to rise our bread and the secondpoint is that if you are making breadwith a sourdough starter as opposed tofresh yeast you got completelytransformed the process from thebeginning it’s not as simple we’reswapping it in and out it’s just notpossibleokay and on the subject of actual yeasthere we go from Mick from Darbyhey Jack hope you’re well having spentthe last few weeks searching for breadflour like everybody else I finallymanaged to get two bags woohoo myquestion to you on the part I’mstruggling with is yeast I’ve got twotins of yeast lucky dried active yeastand easy-bake yeast which is the bestone to use for my white loaf and shut upin water first like you do with freshcheese or shall I mix it in with theflour now I’ve managed to get hold ofthe bread flour I don’t want to ruin itI understand that there’s two types ofdry yeast you get one that looks likethe granules like little beads and thenyou get one that looks like a powder theone that looks like the powder in thetheory you’re supposed to just put itinto the flour and mix it all up andaway you go and the one that’s in therebe it’s like a little tiny balls youneed to dissolve it otherwise you put itinto your bread and your bread won’tpuff up I’ll have these little yeastcrunchy bits and bobs in there I wouldalways as a roll put into the wateranyway because that’s what I wouldnormally do anyway and I feel likethings are probably ferment better thatway haven’t already been dissolved inthe yeast that’s what I would do just tokeep everything the same that’s what Iwould do and if you’re using fresh yeastand a loaf like I do you’re gonna needabout 12 grams and as a gener’l rollit’s a good idea to cut that number inhalf if you’re using freshly so 12 gramsof fresh yeast equals 6 grams of dryyeast unless you’ve got a 7 gram sachetin which case putting a whole sachet inand we’ll forget that one gram everhappened next Susan from London is goodto see you’re keeping well and upbeat Itry I have a question about yeast beforegoing forward I have some yeast but Ihaven’t seen any to buy for weeks i’vestarts i wonder whether the principlesneed a full amount a yeast that theycall for or whether it just makes for aquicker rise this is wicked what do youreckon pleats and perhaps by adding lessyeast to begin withmight we actually improve the taste ofour bread through a slower fermentation/ rise and proof is it worth trying oris the yeast recommendation really to befollowedthis is excellent question enough I’vehad the same question from a lot ofdifferent people and I’m really pleasedthat you sent it it’s exactly what yousay ok the yeast in that recipe is theyeast in that recipe so the recipe takesas long as what it takes let’s considermy recipe from video number 130 by theway okwhere I would use 12 grams of yeastfresh yeast in half a kilo of flour tomake one loaf of bread that’s 12 gramsof fresh yeast the reason theyis 12 grams of fresh yeast as thatallows me to make a loaf of bread withadequate fermentation time to developsome texture and some flavor and so youcan rest it for an hourshape it arrest it for an hour and bakeit and that’s all job done right that’sthe reason there is that much yeast inthere let’s take it to one extreme for amoment imagine if I put 50 grams ofyeast into one loaf of bread you’regoing to taste the yeast there’s goingto be well yeasty it’s going to puff upso fast that it’s not going to developthe character inside of the crumb andthe texture that we want it to rightlet’s say we take it down to the otherextreme let’s cut the yeast in half for6 grams of fresh yeast or 3 grams ofdried yeast likely well is going to takemuch longer to puff up in the beginningmuch longer to puff up after you shapedit ready to bake it and the flavor isgoing to be greatly improved the text isgoing to be greatly improved because ofthat time so you can completely ifyou’re worried about yeast if youhaven’t got much of it you cancompletely cut it down cut it in halfand give it double the rise in time Ihaven’t done the maps but you’ll have tokeep an eye on it you can take it downand give it longer to puff up and italready make a nicer bread your breadsgoing to benefit from there that’s themagical thing about it yeah it’s stillgonna puff up its gonna take its sweetsweet time and you’ve just saved enoughyeast to make yourself another loaf ofbread in a couple of days Susan fromAmerica flour and yeast are both inshort supply here in the States and Ican’t seem to find a starter that Ican’t kill can you please offer a fewdifferent ways to bake withoutcommercial yeast please and thank youSusan in America so I think the key wordhere is different ways to bake itwithout commercial yeast and we touchedon this a couple of weeks ago there areloads of things you can bake withoutyeast that doesn’t resemble a loaf ofbread there’s loads of things liketortilla wraps you can make it withbaking powder or without I did in theother day I made it really small so Icould eat loads of them and they werereally really lovely and light andfluffy there’s loads of recipes heresearch up on youtube you’ll find onethat’s amazing there’s tons of them pitabreads is a really nice thing you can dois where I’ll think about flat breadsand wrapand things that don’t require a greatdeal of path there’s loads of coolthings like crackers soda bread is aclassic and you got bicarbonate or sodabut it’s not quite bread in my eyes it’smore of a scone II texture first yourcompany has its place but let’s face itI ain’t gonna make a sandwich out of itbut it’s a nice substitute and now atrisk of sending you all off away on thebest YouTube channel expedition in theworld and leaving me here by myselfthat’s absolutely fine if you choose todo that by the way I’m gonna share withyou a channel that I found recently withloads of really creative and differentthings that you can try bread wise andother things wise and it is called thefollowing the channel is called magicingredients and it’s really the videoshave this like hypnotic beauty aboutthem they’re really lovely and there’sloads of cool ideas for you guys to usethe principles that I talked with youhere and think outside of the boxbecause the things that lady makes aunbelievable and I’ve tried a few andthey’re really really delicious andplease when you’re done watching all thevideos come back and hang out with mebaby shame not to share that channel ofyou because I found it recently and Ilove it mixed up Bev my name is Bev andI’m emailing the Baker jacket towersfrom a secret bunker deep underground atDoncaster South Yorkshire I’m doing sobecause I have two very rare thingsbread flour and fresh yeast hold thephonebread flour and fresh yeast stop showingoff beef so much don’t tell me where youlive seriously so my question is can Itry some of my fresh yeast to prolongits shelf lifeI’ve already frozen some of my stash byeno it loses some of it and when it’sdefrosted yes you can freeze it andyou’re right I find it I lose some of usand when it’s defrosted it still worksbut if this doesn’t have that mmm if youcan draw your yeast do you just use itin the same manner or will it developmagical properties so I don’t have touse as much I use your overnight greatwhite as my go-to recipe thanks againJack thanks for all bringing us wherethey smile your weekly bread negativesevery single Thursday you’re welcome Ido try I’ve never dried out fresh yeastso I don’t know the answer to thisquestion but you can dry out sourdoughstarter maybe it’s worth a try because asourdough starter comes backmaybe fresh cheese will come back okayas well by guess the theory behind whyyou would use less of it is because whenyou dry out the moistures left nowleaving the yeast lighter than it wasbefore and so then in theory youprobably need to use less but I’ve neverdone it and I would love to give it atry by just I just don’t have any withme okay but there are a couple of videosthat I made before all this happened andwhen everything was normal I’d made acouple of videos one about how best tokeep your users last as long as possibleand the second one about where to get itin the first place and I didn’t put themout because it seemed like it wasirrelevant I felt like it was irrelevantso I didn’t put them out beef that isrelevant to you I don’t know maybe he’scommon underneath and let me know and Iwill put them out because they’reliterally all done and sitting away andI just thought at the time it wasn’tappropriate so if you want to see thosetwo if you think they’ll be helpful letme know and I’ll put them out and ifyou’re gonna try drying your yeast athome try it like you can try it and ifit doesn’t work use your dough to makethose tortilla wraps we spoke aboutearlier and they’ll be lovely anyway nowthis – while I’m enjoying about thisprocess is you guys getting in touchwith me about questions I never eventhought might be even a question for youand I hope to get to the bottom as manyas possible at least the ones thatcoming up more often and you guys sendme really interesting things I’ve neverheard of and so now at the end of thisvideo I’d like to share with you twothings they have come in to me that arereally interesting not is that I haven’ttried but you might like to give a go athome okay the first one comes from Toddin Texas he says I’m in Texas and I’venoticed the shortage of yeast in thegrocery store I have only one packetleft of dry active yeast it occurred tome that I might be able to feed it andit should double like a superchargedsourdough starter am i right on this soit sounds like what Todd is talkingabout here he’s making a sourdoughstarter but using the yeast that he hasas like this seed right in theory thatthat yeast then might be able to be fedand fed and fed and benefit andmultiplies acting like a sourdoughstarter does but a quicker rate becauseit is yeast that’s a really interestingidea and the theory of it andunless it burns itself out too fastbecause it is going crackers the theoryof it I think would work if you use thetiny amount of it and made some sort offlour water mixture and then built it upalready for a loaf of bread I don’t seewhy I wouldn’t work but it’s aninteresting idea something you mightwant to play with if you’ve got a gramof activity east kicking around then youwant to see if you can reuse a reuse andreuse but I keep feeding it in the sameway as you would do a sourdough to makea bread that rises up quicker if thatmakes sense I thought as interesting toshare with you that’s all something elsethat came in from Maria Colorado Springsin Colorado is potato yeast does thepotato yeast method work if so how doyou use it so the potato yeast methodwhich she has sent me here is basicallythe water that you’ve boiled potatoes inadding sugar and flour in that fermentovernight until tomorrow and using thatas the basis for the puffs in your breadthough I’m gonna leave the instructionsexactly she sent them to me in thecomments box underneath if someone wouldwant to try this trial there’s afascinating ideas and the reason I’msharing you them with you like this isbecause I would have took that and Iwouldn’t make a video of it and I wantto try it out to show you well that’snot practical for me at this time Idon’t want you to miss out on the ideaof it so if you feel in ambitious andyou want to try something new that mightjust work the worst thing that mighthappen is you have a flat dough you’llbe able to make pizzas and tortillawraps out of any way and there mightjust be the most delicious ones you’veever tasted so here we are there’snothing left on my clipboard that meansit’s the end of the video and thank youvery much for being here with me I hopeyou’ve got some value out of this pleasekeep your emails coming – bread SOS atbake with Jack Co dot uk’ and I’ll pickthe most common problems things you’restruggling with the most and talk to youabout them I feel like so much timepasses in between these videos that Ican’t answer as much as I would like toI’ve got loads of stuff here for me totalk about but if you’ve got problemplease send it to me and we’ll get tothe bottom of it – give upI’ve been toying with the idea of doinga live session on here because I feellike that’sless work in terms of preparation andediting time and everything else likethat would be much more streamlined wayof me of getting information to you thatyou might need at the time at the momentso let me know if that’s of interest toyou as well the comments box can beexploding with the amount of stuff thatI’ve told you to put in there in caseit’s helpful to you but I’m just tryingto help in the best way as I can at thetime being and one day we’ll be backdownstairs in the studio for a propervideo so listen thank you very much forhanging out with me here every singleThursday I’ll link up everything wespoken about underneath all over theplace and I look for see you next weekfor another weekly bread SOS of videobye byeyou

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