Tasty Bread Samosa at Home in 5 mins.
And also you can check the Healthy Cook items by clicking below URL
Veg Items:-
#1. Vada Curry – https://youtu.be/j94w17kRne0
#2. Raagi Roti – https://youtu.be/H-jukAtIi48
#3. Aakura Roti – https://youtu.be/kCs5U_wgrgg
#4. Menthu Kura – https://youtu.be/SfpApGLYOu4
#5. Minapa Gaarelu – https://youtu.be/mdWD_ESnXrU
#6. Pudhina Rice – https://youtu.be/lSBP4_unnP8
#7. Noone Vankaya – https://youtu.be/hTiR9HYq7rI
#8. Ponagantaku Rasam – https://youtu.be/Lr_0FVSUGc0
#9. Onion Rave Dosa – https://youtu.be/4ZABET8T4gs
#10. Arati Kaaya Pittu – https://youtu.be/awflxzLGDKk
#11. Kothi Meera Chutney – https://youtu.be/lXnnlTiyqGc
#12. Alasandula Pakodi – https://youtu.be/Z3ICrMYTkGc
#13. Puli Ponganalu – https://youtu.be/leTdraQsnvg
#14. Kandhi Pappu Dosa – https://youtu.be/mvEt6nFeGbQ
#15. Pepper Mushroom – https://youtu.be/nlH7Z8X458k
#16. Beerakaya pacchadi | Ridge Gourd Chutney – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssv3o…
#17. Potato Cutlet | Aloo Cutlet – https://youtu.be/3_WAqpfa-4A
#18. Idly Upma – https://youtu.be/gNLV0dpy64U
#19. Moringa fry – https://youtu.be/GZk6QUOx4XE
#20. Raagi Aloo Parota – https://youtu.be/ahUNw1ohvAE
#21. Tomato Pickle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxZtIqq1lJ4
#1. Karvepaku Podi | Curry Leaves Powder – https://youtu.be/tf72pzi6VfY
#2. Idli podi – https://youtu.be/GK6xTvgp_9I
Non-Veg Items:-
#1. Chicken Curry – https://youtu.be/GUOZg5cfebo
#2. Chicken Biryani – https://youtu.be/S6avH5jsZgU
#3. Masala Egg Rice – https://youtu.be/Xc_jDoxHuD8
#4. Chicken Fry – https://youtu.be/6SWtawsFYbk
#5. Methi Egg Curry – https://youtu.be/oMdkTKGFOP4
#6. Fish Curry | Chepapa Pulusu – https://studio.youtube.com/video/0cDq…
#7. Prawns Curry | Royyalu kura – https://youtu.be/WixMaX6hRJU
#8. Chicken Pakoda – https://youtu.be/KIVmK7dYrpc
#9. Chicken Cutlet – https://youtu.be/rpgT_FAcBJ8
#10. Egg Burji – https://youtu.be/Ctooc2Dh3To
Please let us know your comments to improve our channel and
Share with your friends and family members to try these dishes.
Thanks for Watching.
#HealthyCook #BreadSamosa #EveningSnacks #BreadBajji
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hence they cook bake chicken turkeynamaskar Amla here also nano tails takea bread pizza Misano yellow pea tailorchosen to go to none and importat a nobhagavata birthday or to TC for theparticular juicy leg Anantha OOP OOP OOPOOP Karamu that way PACU configure codetamara semina guitar go into the noonday onion watch amici busy Baga Cala Pmode adjacent container mo you pre acabala vaca chin neck up oh Jenny Wendyokay tender spoonula rice powder busytagging antelope boo occiputkarma is a collab control namo in thelow one casa da garage H Cochino Ninowhale a zoo you need Jerrica collabquantum Ibaka bread McCool on top ofMauna Kea vedangaPhilippi munchkin Tom OHin today’s folder wizard annual la cotede Navarra Murano gotten a tonic aburger taste you go on from this okayfor the monomer Brittany samosa logicactress a medication to control namuanother day don’t wanna hurt of Madonnathen telepathyif a single bug oppressed Jessie somewas her type low-cut recent kendama justAmerica everything got Nikora undergonea religious cult a mu a pramana more2010 appendages kunam Cara in the lowmana mo a bread dough ready justcollaborative a seminoma vaga ILO HagenTabata yes control namu in the aislefull look I’m not like a Bakuman againmeant a monarchy it’s almost awkward afine what about Carlton’s in Anoka bigaway stunned when a pilot a I’m gottalive Sunday even got in the way playmedium flame Lani just connect later lowplayback Ibaka try a pot only tasteaccountant inka inka potato thisCannavaroyes a Masako Center low on Eno carrot tobe in so if a Jenga J Sikora Center lowmessages for channel another end of apehle AAP bhava brownish color checkercomonomer walker colony thumb so Sarah asteak around a bread the samosa made apainting for cases come to me try tryand II like to end each attendee thanksfor watching