In this video,we are going to see how to make bread pizza on tawa without oven. The regular pizza to prepare at home is time consuming (prepare dough and other stuff) but this bread pizza can be made very quickly and instantly too.
Make sure to toast one side of bread in low flame and apply pizza sauce on that side of bread. Somehow missed that video frame so mentioning it here.
1. Bread slices – 6 ( can use white or brown )
2. Mozerlla cheese grated
3. Capsicum/bell pepper cut into slices
4. Onion cut into cubes (layers separated)
5. Tomato cut into slices
6. Pepper sprinkle
7. Salt sprinkle
8. Chilli flakes sprinkle
9. Oregano sprinkle
10. Pizza sauce ( homemade or store bought)
Can use other toppings like olive,jalapeno, paneer ,sweet corn as you wish it to be flavorful
• Bread pizza recipe can be made very quickly if we keep the toppings cut and ready.
• Toast the bread on low flame to prevent it from burning
• You can top up with different veggies to make it nutritious and colorful
• Lastly, Bread pizza tastes great when served hot.
• Bread pizza tastes great with white bread but you can use brown bread for healthier version. Once a while it’s ok to compromise!!!
• Kids will love to eat this bread pizza and its sure blockbuster for all no matter kids or adults.
Hope you all like this recipe and do subscribe my channel for more recipes.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi friends welcome to heads be homestylecooking today we are going to see aevening time snack bread pizza which issimilar to normal pizza it is going tobe a definite hit for everyone no matterkids or adults everyone loved to eatpizza but this is a healthier versionwith lot of veggies let’s have a quicklook at the ingredients as the titlesays bread Pisa we need bread which ourslices are seen in the videoMozilla cheese grated and toppings youcan use any I used onion pepper andtomatoes peas our sauce is ready madeand black pepper firstly apply pisasauce on the bread and do it for therest of the breads once the pizza sauceis applied you can put toppings one byone as shown I had only these three sohave I put this you can even top it upwith olives alla Panos and sweet cornbunny mushroom as you wish once that isdone you can add grated cheese for allthe breads you can top it up more as youwish you because everyone loves to eatcheese and the breads are ready to betoasted on the pan make sure the flameis very low because the base of thebread gets toasted dark close it with alid once the cheese melts it means thatthe bread Pisa is ready to be taken to aserving plate after taking it to theserving plate you have to top it up withpepper sprinkle pepper salt chili flakesif you have and you can even top it asprinkle of mixed herbs or igano so dothe same for all the breads which arefried and you can cut into whatevershape you want As Seen and enjoy thebread Pisa it’s great to eat when hot itwill taste awesome and kids will lovethis bread Pisa we can even use wheatbread to make it more healthier but Ifeel vibrant tastes greatI can add more cheese as per your wish Ihope you liked this recipe do subscribemy channel for more videos thank you bye