How to make Bread Masala; Chilly bread; bread kothu recipe :
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Video Transcription
hi friends welcome to Artie’s lifestyleunique individual a bit dumb little tosay that they have been punked althoughseen a person away to be subpar Americanto sweetness it achromatic what abreakdown lane tiny capably satyr thanmy papa Antikythera on a politicalimparting numbered slices unique analgebraic late so that their carenow the cathay bein eleven would tendbut I know what I didn’t take this or inthe egg land you tried a brand classesvery cool la mancha little pepper tallones okonjima under the mat manicure asa couple of bar and then put it intotablespoon of the day before in namesuited it credible so Quinn Jamaat Avabut up first or bola and I made it shelook at a mortar and amante what I choseeither eleven they were a Carl tbsppepper tono were a pinch ofwere a pinch man gentle other one theport okay so when I’m a mosquito islight panda Barone being resin Annapepper when they were Carl tablespoon deBordeaux either order Paul Wendon overand a tablespoon protocol finally thecat went on fighting in a number a giventhe bread omelet poor mother softer andthe world are the government the Paul onthat bundleso Paul I’d put it in halibut panic ohyeah so what a look a beat for anothercouple of panting anonymous sweetnesscolor sugar than that when o’clockunique in now and then not to checkcaravan that burner perhaps so why yousugar where am i oh look how wide whentomorrow low the canal is it so he tookon this for the render tablespoonanother good not to check for anotherNana and panic air not to check her addmoney to the couple now lovin the b20come look at this curtain that there beno this question panic on mm4 questionbit funny comment then a beat funny wayto the cup row no matter which it couldhave bread slicer a brave and they lookdependable different a mother in thisarea even and I love dip for novena andthey agar the court item now the coupleanima prevented those circle up or notso those are cultivated on a lighter Iwill put this and heat under thecarpeting Anna I’m a different name isShira bread slices well anything in theLaPorta no first you waterside oven thenthe cook cover or a dome when it’s loveand never the same cooker hero whokarnataka promo poor Mia when they youknow decide when they turn pani poni soyou notice I wrote and look okay Robertso the party no you know what I said ohand the cuca you know another couplepartying I have Tina and the four sidesRukia and I’m a dipper Nippon analystiep’s like me one day and go to theircoolso are they made when they were spoonwhich in the montréal aside sopunted I’ma be a bit put it charitablynow so illness is me when I’m on I livein the window in case nigandamoody red chip and ring grab dinner I’mthe heat leave until I say it’s windowopen lava chip and Alana and honest Idid so and then when they return tolater path the color so you de MolinaMakita Arikara bread slices LM eventheir own ona 48 at the table Dana nomokou bread I’m Littman radii literatureone just paste it into the arena themulti render and I would have put eighto’clock either pathing have been askedde streaming snacks insula Soleil ago aTurner and iMac remove a healthy Americaeither well then I’m a normal bread lessa debate breadless ending every now youknow on the healthyevening snack screamer to in like amorning dick first cover toward a nightdinner cover talk I’m again the curve amemo and the mods leave and then I madeearly since its optical now my usualaside a predominately padding there beno I’m literally our bread to relayerotic romantico but I was gonna burndeep burn imported Anala bread dough andarmy to and there is any layer in lamano or a later commands beautifulso in the sound / is open to sweetnessholding the pepper salt other word uponthis v2 it occasionally remove a tasteor the different are Co plus numberPernod paneer cousin alarum soft Arcanait is when the suitors up Tom Deenaremember al Arcobread do is funny new recipe breadmasala if they say that they have greensa little already number channel uploadspaneer go at the park are the hungerkill the description box little videoorder link on another mother you’re aparticle if or may worry MollyParadiso say I’m a different differentanimals in she could talk Lena i’ma beatlurker : thing Lupita moon Alice sampleabout that nomicon the same G kuru thesatisfaction on the Yuriko okay friendslinglong read my name on separatedownload changes afterfiring that but the day I prayed in thevariants let the command box lovecommand pairing that in order videoIslam a couple changing the depth innaonly to family and friendscuca she had fun in there up there ohsubscribe pandas all in thereapplicable but new gift for negatingarena now upload pendra videos or anotifications una no couldn’t even berecovered thanks for watching