Part 3 and I’m drunk again, sorrynotsorry!
This video covers the proving of the dough, baking conditions and timing.
Also the preparation of the leftover dough for baking as a pain tradition.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]who’s this suspicious character alrightso this has been sat for nearly 24 hoursand as you can see it’s in there it’sgood to go what do kilo of this dough isI get one good size ball out of itand maybe two baguettes or one big pantradition and that psycho satisfyingamount for me you can get like a doughcutter if you want to spend cash but Ijust kind of like snip off with myfingers like 2/3 and this is kind oflike yeah it’s it’s it’s wet and stickywork that in there this is set up so 20minutes before the end whatever longyour oven takes to heat up before theend of the proofing process- you’ve opened up to as Max as it willgo you will want to and this isimportant put this in the oven when youturn on to heat up the you will not getthis a good crust or the same effectloaf if you don’t keep your dot job andup casserole dish in the oven when youturn the oven on because there’s like ashock treatment to the dough when youput it into a hot cut all you know thenput it back in the oven so that’s that’simportant that it’s in heat you dish upas well yeah yeah just put this in okayyeah see you when we come back for thebake bake in an hour or so oven spin onis heated up as you can see the potsinside Stephen change codes will gonedark and this little heart into the napit’s like hot like an oven you[Music]definitely need a set of these tea towelif you know it was well hey she’shotall right technically this is do theother way take that off first we don’treally want a portal well that’s cool inthere get flowery hand and this willshould come out of the proving basketroughly like that it’s wet sticky you’regetting in that they can Hut that waspretty successful if I do say so thepreview basket but you know that’s allgoodnow we’re going to go in the oven I’dsay max temperature in the Dutch oventhe kasi dish – 30 minutes 30 minutesand then take the lid off and finish itfor 15-20 minutes or until it’s a nicedark brown crustyou’ll know where don’t let it burnready 30 minutes then with the littleyeah so time has passed and we’re alwaysready to take the lid off and have alook now at how it’s going on in thereall right so 30 minutes is gone safe wayyeah that looks good so I’m gonna leavethat for another probably 10-15 minutesI’ll check it after 10 minutes do yousee the tops Brandon off nicely gloveson it to sort of like warn people thatasshole and watch that over the nextkind of 10 15 minutes because that willsoon darken up and become tray tray bondwith the rest of the dough in the bucketbecause a pan try this your or baguettewill take a shorter time to prove wellthat’s finishing you can like prep therest of this dough ready- thank you and then your buck is freeso you want your proving cloth and youwant Leslie flowered all right there’s anice bit of flour on there already I’vedone that and now I do it with thisdough is that twisted give it a twistfinally thing but there you go gottwisted bit oh you know prairies Ian’sbakers are roll it little twist up thesecorners and roll it but you’ve got togive it a Wayne ball yeah to get itstretched out and then with your provingcloth mostly flour so it doesn’t stickto it you can do that if you do multiplebut get smaller ones do them along soways and they kind of support each otherwhen you pull the blanket up next to ityou can score this I don’t find thatneeds to score but a scoring I haven’treally played with it does nice crackingcracks nicely in the oven anyway yeah Isometimes sprinkle in some nice littlegarlic so on there maybe further like abaked garlic baguette fancy or got thisfancy like mommy seaweed from Japanwhich is peppery I like that one thereas wellpretty fancy and that yeah this ispretty display for purposes of the videoplain and that proves for 15 minutes 20minutes is fine but by the time that’sdone that’ll be ready to go in the ovenand I’ll show you that when we take thatout[Music]