Bread Recipes

BAKE WITH ME : vegan gluten free banana bread

Thanks for watching my gluten-free vegan banana bread recipe!!!! Make this recipe!!!! I promise it will not disappoint. I will leave the recipe down below.
– @clairegreve_
wet ingredients
– 3 very ripe bananas
– 1/4 cup coconut oil
– 2 tbsp flax meal
– 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
– 1/2 cup maple syrup
– 1 tbsp almond butter

Dry ingredients
– 1 cup almond flour
– 1 cup oat flour
– 1/4 tsp baking soda
– 1/4 tsp baking powder
Music in the beginning
– Don’t let me go by Lane 8

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[Music][Music]we’re so close to touching ourmy reach I’ll see you don’t let me godon’t let me go don’t let meOh[Music]hey everyone what’s up my name is Claireand this is Franklin my um my co cookingpartner he wants to come up oh goshright okay so today I think my head’sgone up but today we are going to becooking a special treat for you um Ilove to cook banana bread whenever mybananas go bad um and I like to make ita little bit healthier than thetraditional oh my godI don’t know do you went down now helpdudeokay okay that was enough of that butanyway so yeah I want to share my famousbanana bread recipe that um I just loveto make all the time and I think it’sbetter than anyone else’s banana breadrecipe so why not put it out there tothe world and prove it you know prove itso um I have three ripe bananas let meget up first up and fix this okaysorry I have a janky a little bit of ajanky set up but anyway um so we havethree ripe bananasmy oven is preheated to 350 degrees andI’m just letting you know I when Iusually make this recipe it’s justeyeballed like I just I know what I wantto be in it and I just kind of throw allthe ingredients in there and hope forthe best but I will be trying my best tomeasure everything out today um so ifanyone wants to make it make it and it’scompletely veganI mean you if you I know like somegoons they are who’s you eating Franklinwhat are you chewing on I just heardlike the loudest crunch but I know somepeople like her vegans will orplant-based eat like eggs but you coulduse eggs but I’m gonna make minecompletely vegan today I’m gonna beusing a flax egg ever heard of that Ibet you haven’t um also we have anothercoaster on the show today um he’s alittle more quiet but like definitelylets his presence known and it’s thislittle guy right here he’s really kindof he’s not the best guest of the showbut like I guess he stays quiet andhopefully it’ll go away sometime soonbut anyway let’s get started with ourbanana bread recipe and also I use youdon’t this is completely optional but Ilike to use my electric mixer completelyoptional if you don’t have one your handwill work perfectly fine I think itmakes a little tiny bit of a differencein the recipe like in the texture of therecipe but again completely honest andthen yeah like if you want to use yourhand go for it but let’s just getstarted so I’m gonna take my bowl offget ithello hellooh why is it not working okay okay we’regonna take my little goalie okay we’regonna put our banana verse bandanas inhere oh yeah I hope you guys enjoyed mylittle montage this morning that song byLaney I just have been like obsessedwith it and I was like you know I shoulddo a little a little montage ethingbecause I love that song and I just Iwant everyone to listen to it okay sonow I have my bananas in here I’m gonnamash up pre mash them up just because Iwant to help get things going okay sowe’re gonna do all the wet ingredientsfirst and then we’re gonna do the dry ontop so right now what I’m gonna do isI’m going to show you how to make theflax egg I hope you don’t care my headscut off I feel like that character andum powderpuff girls what’s her namelet me know I love that show and let meget a smaller bowl so I’m gonna smartbowl and I’m gonna make what makes Iguess technically two flat sides sowe’re gonna do two tablespoonswe’re gonna do 2 tablespoons but flaxseed I use mmm flaxseed meal I do notknow if this would work with regularlike flax like the whole flax seed Ihave no idea I want to say no but likego ahead and try anyway so that ohshoot shoot um I am going to add twotablespoons of warm waterthat is extremely important okay I’mgonna let mix it around town I’m gonnamix it around town okay I’m just makingsure everything is like moist and likegood okay and now we let that sit okaywe’re gonna let that chill for like Idon’t know a minute 30 seconds and likelet it like get goopy goop lubed up okayso while that’s doing that I’m gonnatoss in okay I don’t know if you want meto measure this out but like I usuallyjust do like a dash of um that like thatmuch of vanilla pure vanilla extract Idon’t know that might measure out tolike 1/4 a teaspoon or something um okayand next I’m gonna do my coconut oil butI’m gonna go ahead and put this in adraw a little bowl and melt it in themicrowave and then I will show you mepouring it in but I think I’m gonna useabout 1/2 a cup because I am usingalmond flour in this recipe and onceupon a time I heard a rumor that ifyou’re using like almond flour orcoconut flour it already has like a lotof natural oil in it so like don’t youdon’t need to use as much I don’t reallyknow that could be just a large rumor abig fat old lie actually you know I’mgonna use 1/4 a cup sorrycorrecting myself I’m into 1/4 a cup ofcoconut oil andall you you don’t have to use coconutoil and it’s a healthier option but ifyou’re just using like a flavorless oilthat would work as well like avocado oiland I’m gonna scooper in and I’m gonnapop her in the microwave for a coupleseconds until it’s completely melt okaywe’re back and I’m revealing my faceagain I decided maybe people would liketo see my face if not let me know andI’ll never show my face again that wouldbe sad but like okay but my coconut oilis completely melted and clear um we’regonna just pour her right in there andmy flax egg let’s check her out I’m notit so see how it like literally absorbedall of the water um I’m gonna let thissit just a couple seconds longer just umfor extra precaution and then for oursugar substitute um I want to make thislike as healthy as possible so I’m goingto be using a maple syrup instead ofwhite granulated bleached sugar um Ilike to use maple syrup I also thinkthat maple syrup like gives it a anotherlayer of great flavorum so if you’re like baking try usingmaple syrup sometime um where’s mymeasuring little cups we are going toadd 1/2 of cup of this maple syrup Ifeel like I’ve switched up the way ofsaying it you say maple syrup or do yousay maple syrup because I kind of sayboth you know why not all right we’regonnalook at that look at that golden Li goatI’m really using a like okay you wantwhen you’re like baking like a helpwithout like real sugar like a healthiersubstitute but if you want to make sureyour batter is like almost to the pointwhere it’s like too sweet because Idon’t know why just maybe it’s not assweet as like regular sugar but like youwant to make sure it’s like super supersweet because in the when it’s done ifyou didn’t put enough like of the sweetpart like of your sugar substitute in itjust doesn’t taste as good very sweet tomake sure your batter is almost likeblack be sour almost like what facewould you make one get something toosweet I feel like my teeth just hurtanyway okay we’re gonna add in my Godlook at my tiny fork my mini Fork we’regonna add in our flax egg it’s like lookthis is how a bucket should be like alittle almost salad mixture I don’t knowthe science behind that either like whydo the flax I access the subsoil I’m nota scientistdon’t ask me okay so now we have allwait don’t act like I wasn’t gonnaforget the secret recipe to a bombbanana breadalmond butter almond butter man I’mgonna do one tablespoon of almond butterif you want to go crazy do – not my I’mnot gonna call the cops on you but likeyou’re getting a little crazy if you dowant more than one okay I’m gonna needmy memory work againOh baby Oh dong okayokay so she’s in there and we’re gonnado oh we don’t need anything else wellI’m actually going to mix this firstbefore I mix the dry ingredients in soI’m gonna place her there lock her inlock her in and I’m just gonna mix thison like low like two four until it’slike all mixed together okay so she’sall mixed together and that’s what itlooks like now I’m gonna go ahead andadd in my dry ingredients so I’m oh mygod sorry I’m like really trying hereokay dry ingredients we’re gonna do Imixed two different types of gluten-freeflours I like to use a combination ofalmond flour and oat flour so yeah Ilike to use a blend a 50/50 blend ofeach just to make sure the texture isright I’m running out I’m running low onall my flowersokay so a cup of each and then I also doI don’t know why but I also do a bakingsoda and baking powder mix so I’m gonnado all my measuring tablespoon thingsare dirty I’m gonna do 1/4 a tablespoonsorry 1/4 a teaspoon not a tablespoon afourth a teaspoon of baking powder Idon’t know I wonder I just really wantto know like what does this actually doI just think I’m like when I was makingthis recipe up I just kind ofwould go off of other recipes to make myown recipe and mix them all together andthey all either require baking powderbaking soda so there we gothat is that um oh my godI might do a little bit more because itgot like stuck to the it got stuck tothem little thing cuz it was way more ofeach just to make sure okay and then I’malso going to add a dash of pinkHimalayan to really bring out thatsweetnessyou know the salty sweet flavor this iswhat it looks like and I’m not going toI’m going to hand mix this part I’m aHansel sticky sticky I’m gonna can mixthis part just because I want to gentlyfold in the flour and this is what itstarts to look like beautiful and I’mgonna be using a loaf pan today a breadloaf pan I don’t know the measurement ofit maybe it’s 8 by 5 I don’t know that’sjust a guesstimate but that is the sizeof the loaf pan I’m going to be usingthis can be made into um little muffinsas well I you know I love the muffinsbut the thing about that is when I makethe muffins I’m just more inclined toeat all of them in one sitting I don’tknow why that’s just me um but when it’sin a loaf pan I’m like in a bread loaf Idon’t know my brains just kind of likeyou can’t eat a whole loaf of bread likeClaire you can’t eat a whole loaf ofbread so then I’m a little more likeinclined notGovan I’m gonna grease my coconutgreased my coconut I’m going to greasemy little pan and you guys this isactually it’s such a simple recipe likeit does not take long at all and I feellike a lot of these ingredients youmight already have and like obviouslythe flowers can be substituted for justa regular bleep um like regular flourwhite flour wheat flour or whateverflour you gotshe’s greased and she’s ready to beloaded up okay so we’re gonna pour herin my little bread pan there we go let’smake sure we get every little drip outof here we don’t want to be wastefulright we don’t want to just waste allthis beautiful little batter and thenthe best thing about that like cookingvegan recipe is that you can eat thebatter because it’s completely vegan anddoesn’t have eggs in it so like I’m notgonna stop you from licking the bowl orlike licking the spoon no one’s reallystopping me okay so yeah that’s ourlittle completed batter I’m going to popthis in the oven at 350 for about 30minutesum and I’m gonna check on it at 30minutes I’m gonna be checking on itaround like 25 minutes as well I don’tknoweverything really depends on how hotyour oven gets I don’t know how hot yourever engage but my oven gets pretty hotno flicks but yeah I’m gonna pop her incheck her out and then I will show youthe final product you guys if you couldsmell the room likeit smells so goodcan you see her oh she looks greatthere’s about 4 seconds left 3 2 1 okayshe looks pretty great I’m just gonnatake her out and I’m just gonna show youwhat she looks like and I cut a littlesliver off I mean I really have outdonemyself here oh wait let me get my littlemitt and show you I stuck a toothpickthrough her and she came out perfectoh look at how well she rose she reallya rose to the occasionokay look at that the level the heightshe’s beautiful and it smells so goodI’m gonna let her cool off I’m actuallyjust gonna let her cool and and then Iwill cut into her but um yeah that’s mylittle banana bread recipe and I amTelling You like you need to try it I’mnot joking when I say it’s like one ofthe best banana recipes banana breadrecipes of all time like it even it’slike this is a healthier version butdoesn’t taste like it at all like tastesreally really really bad for you notgonna live like those are the bestthings those are the best tasting thingsso yeah let me know if you try this outI have my Instagram link down below solike maybe like DME or whatever I leavea comment or tell me if you try thisrecipe comment below tell me if you tryit I just want to prove to you guys thatlike it really is one of the best um soyeah thank you for watching don’t forgetto subscribe if you want to keep up withmy videos um I’ll be uploading like Iupload all the time now so just keep upyou know just keep up with meso yeah I don’t know why that I I don’tknow where that just went offbut anyway peace out haters bye

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