Hey guys! In today’s video, we are baking sourdough bread! Was it a flop? I’m also showing you my setup for my daughter, Maddie’s, food purees! All links listed below are not affiliated in any way. If I missed a link to something you are interested in, leave a comment down below, and I’ll try to link it for you!
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Sour Dough Starter Tutorial:
(I only did 70 grams water/ 70 grams flour; and took away all but 70 grams every 24 hours)
Cream Cheese Lemon Cookies:
Coffee Bar Cart:
Coffee Maker:
Breville Knock Box: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000MDASE8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Kk9PEb8ES4RSV
Baby Brezza:
Ice Cube Trays
Baby Food Storage Containers
Sippy Cups
Silicone Food Container Cups
Popsicle Molds
Colorful Kid’s Bowls
Colorful Kid’s Plates
White & Green Kids Bowls & Plates
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]this is probably going to be a two dayblog because I wanted to post all of thesourdough making in this video andbecause it’s a two-day process it’sgoing to be a two-day video so today’sThursdayI have been prepping my sourdoughstarter for one week now and it lookslike it’s ready to goit makes my starter with some water withmy hands after that was done I addedsome flour and then I put a towel overthe bowl and I let it raise for 45minutes just sitting and after those 45minutes where I started folding thedough so right now I’m in the process offolding window I have to fold it aroundsix times in the next five to six hoursso I’m actually going to show you mystarter it took about a week to make myhusband tried starting the starter andit never rose since his starter didn’tseem to work out I decided that I wouldmake my own starter and it’s been abouta week now and the starter is bubbly andacidic and it seems like it’s doingreally well so we are trying our firstsourdough batch today I transferred thestarter to its permanent home and it’sgoing to stay in the fridge everytimethat we want to use it we just need totake it out about two days in advanceand feed it and make sure that it’sreally active sourdough is actuallyreally hard and I didn’t know that goinginto it I thought it was just like otherbread and it is not it is a two-dayprocess after the starter is alreadydone so far it’s taken about a week anda half for me to make my starter andalso to start the sourdough bread sothis is my starter it’s in its permanenthome now I put it in this mason jar andI’m just keeping it in the fridge I readthat I need to keep the lid really looseso it’s barely screwed on so that itdoesn’t fall off but that it’s stillreally loose so we’re keeping this inthe fridge right now and if we want touse it we just take it out two or threedays before and feed it to make sureit’sProactive right now I have my doughunder this towel it’s in a pretty bigbowl and there it isI’ve already folded it two times so Ihave four more times to go and aboutfour more hours I’m actually reallyexcited with how this is looking so farI really hope I did it right we willfind out tomorrow it’s the only thingthat stinks about having to wait twodays for it to be doneI don’t know if it’s going to be okay ornot you will see also these I made theseyesterday oh my goodness they’re so goodthey’re just cream cheese lemon cookieis so deliciousthey’re amazing they’re super lemonyI’ll try to leave a link to this recipedown below it’s so good definitely worthtrying Marcus and I were alreadystarting our starter and then I foundout that one of my friends who Imentioned in my last video is also doingsourdough and she already made two orthree loaves of bread so I asked toborrow her recipe because she’s alreadytried it and I wanted to use a recipethat I know who has already used it andthat it worked out for so she gave meher recipe so far it’s looking prettygood the only difference is she uses 75%white flour and 25% wheat flour weordered wheat flour and it still hasn’tcome in it comes in today but I reallydidn’t want to wait so we’re gonna justsee if my white flour will work and ifnot the next batch that I make will bewith the 25% of wheat flour if you’recurious about her recipes or her lifeher name is Hannah and I will link herblog down below she has a beautiful blogand she has a little son he is just thecutest thing though if you want to checkher out I’ll leave her link to her blogdown below but today it’s just beenreally low-key we woke up pretty late weforgot last night to take our garbage tothe curb and today was trash day soaround 9:00 in the morning we could hearthe garbage trucks coming I woke Marcosup really quick he hurried and ran outthe door andvery trash to the curb right as thegarbageman came we got lucky with thatoneafter that rushed morning we’ve justbeen really chilled todayMaddie’s taking her nap right nowBruno’s napping and I’m making my sourdough Marcos made french toast for usfor breakfast and then he made Moultonwhich is a traditional German dishI think it’s German we had it in Germany[Music]pretty sure it’s German not a hundredpercent sure we had it in Germany and hemade it yesterday but he used some ofthe leftovers to make more today and itwas delicious that’s what I’ve beeneating it’s basically a ravioli with meI think it’s bratwurst ground beefspinach some other stuff I don’t knowwhat he puts in it it’s delicious and hemade mashed potatoes to go with it andmy friend Sofia made me some chile conqueso which is just peppers with cheeseand it was amazing I put that on theside and I dipped my multi shin into itand it was deliciousso now I’m just waiting to fold my breadand I’m sipping on a sprint so here inMexico they have a day called kids dayit’s kind of like Mother’s Day orFather’s Day but it’s for kids right nowthere’s a parade going on outside[Music][Applause][Music]so I just halted the dough for the thirdtime in the last one Dexterin the last two hours so I have to foldit three more timessince Maddy is napping I am going tofinish editing Monday’s video[Music][Applause][Music]it’s been five hours since I starteddoing my dough for my sourdough breadand I just put them in the proofingbaskets and I put them in the fridgethey’re going to remain coveredovernight and in the morning I’m goingto try baking my first loaf of sourdoughbread[Music][Music]good morning today’s Friday and I’mgoing to start making our sourdoughbread we’ve got miss Maddie over hereviu your friends say hello friends hellofriendsfirst thing we’re gonna do is preheatour oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit Alexahow many degrees is 500 Fahrenheit andCelsius there we go so we’re gonnapreheat it to 260 I have already in heremy Dutch oven and I’m going to let thatpreheat with the oven and I’m going totake out my sourdough and take it out ofthe proofing basket I just got our sourdough out of the fridge I haven’t lookedat it yet we left it in the fridgeovernight let’s see oh look at that Wowyay if I poke it and it springs back atme then it’s perfect so let’s test ithere and see all that looks pretty goodwe’re just waiting for the oven topreheat with the Dutch oven inside Iactually turned down the temperature alittle bit because I reread theinstructions that my friend gave me andshe had it just slightly under I thinkshe had it at 490 degrees Fahrenheit or480 degrees Fahrenheit I just slightlylowered it to 250 for roughly I mean andonce it’s done preheating I’ll take itout I’ll place the bread in there withthe lid on for about 13 minutes and thenI’m going to remove the lid to the Dutchoven and I’m going to place it back inthere for another 12 to 16 minutesyes Maddy over here is teething andshe’s just a little bit of a crabby babyright now yes are you a little crabbybecause of your teeth you do do youwanna see your starfish starfishhandsome is that your sister he’s socute and good with his sister every timeshe cries he comes to check on her makesure she’s doing okay I don’t know ifit’s growing well you guys tell me Ithink it I hope they’re not weeds Ilooked up a tomato plant it looks likeit that could be wrong while the oven ispreheating I’m going to do some dishesand I wanted to show you this littleicon that says to clean it wants me toclean the funnel you have to do once ortwice a day when it asks you can youjust pull it off like this and it tellsme that it’s removed so it’s not goingto start while it’s removed but you cansee all the crusty formula on there andit gets really gross if you don’tconsistently clean it I’m gonna cleanthis I’m gonna clean that and I’m gonnawash your bottle from the night[Music][Music]so all of these little pieces just needto be completely dried out we’re justtaking a microfiber cloth I’m justcompletely drying them and I’m justadding them back on to the baby brotherthe fun way goes like this we’re goingto add this one her bottles pretty longso I’m going to put it on this last knobthat is where the funnel is so if youhave a shorter bottle you might want toput it up on one of the higher rings Ihave a pretty long bottle so I’m gonnapress it onto this one I’ll set up sothe oven is preheated now I’m just gonnaput my bread unto this parchment paperso I can transfer it to the ovenso there it isI scored inside of it I am going to putthe lid on and place it in the oven for13 minutes so you have miss Mattie overhere in the stroller she is starting toget tired I’m gonna make her a bottlemake me a coffee take the lid off of thebread and try to get this one to sleepafter her bottle because she’s justbeing a little bit crabby are you alittle bit tiredI like to ask those vanilla and cinnamoncream mr. myko see for the last 10 yearsI’ve had my coffee black and for somereason I don’t know if it’s the weatherI’ve just been wanting coffee withcreamer so I’ve been using the coffeemate vanilla and cinnamon just addingboth of them I think in the Statescoffee mate actually makes a hugecontainer of cinnamon and vanillacreamer together next time we go to thestates we’ll probably pick one of thoseupI wanted to show that it also has thisno water signal it’s just like a Keurigthis is the water container I’m gonnatake this out and I’m gonna fill it withbaby watermy husband is working upstairs right nowbut he just took Maddie because she wasreally crabby something draining to makehim me I just turned the power on I’mgoing to make the coffee grind and aboutthat full I’m going to take it out ofhere grab this and I’m going to press itonto herethis little sign will pop up and it saysempty me so we’re gonna have to cleanthat this just comes straight out yousee all the water in there our timerjust gonna let’s check our head oh wow Ithink I’m gonna leave it in for theextra a few minutes I’m just gonna rinsethis off wash it and then this comesapart like it just peels apart basesthen we have all of this water in thereso we’re gonna clean this all this[Music]what you making[Music][Music]raining outfit day some cute bikershorts and your princesses fix eachother’s ground yes they do so anotherthing that I worked on was makingMaddy’s baby food I really wanted to tryeven for the pandemic everybody wasbuying all of the formula all of thebaby food and I didn’t want to run intoany of those problems so I wanted tomake things that we already had in thehouse so I used two frozen bananas thatI already had in my freezer that I hadcut up for smoothies I took that aNana’s out of the freezer to defrostthem and added them in a food processorI only blended the fruit so what I needto do is take out one of these cubeseach cube is about one ounce and I’mgoing to take it out and I’m going toput it in one of these bowls I thinktoday we’re going to do OVA kadoI did 1 and 1/2 avocados to fill thiscontainer and then I did 3 carrots Icould have done it probably 5 carrotsbecause I’ve only used 2 out of thiscontainer and I use 2 bananas so for thecarrots I already cooked them and peeledthem and everything and I just addedthem into the food processor to blendbut they are pretty chunky the foodprocessor didn’t do a good job ofblending them so what I do is I defrostone of these and then I add somedistilled water and I mix it to get theconsistency that I want it and I usuallypress it with like a fork until all ofthe harder bits that didn’t getprocessed in the food processor getsmushed so that she doesn’t choke oranything so what I’m going to do now isjust take out one of these I’m going toput it in here and put this in thefridge in a ziplock bag I got these fromTarget I think there were only like 50cents each so I got a couple I got twobowls and I got two plates soI spent two dollars on some of thesethese containers I got from Amazon itcame in a three pack I don’t rememberhow much that they were I’ll link thembelow I’m sorry it’s a mess this isgonna have to be in a video when I gothrough our whole kitchen and justorganize everything but up here I haveall of Maddie’s things she hasn’t usedthese yet these are the plates that Igot from Target I got these ones at IKEAthese from Ikea I got this on Amazonit’s just a popsicle mold in itssilicone so it’s easier to get thepopsicle to come out and I didn’tmention that but these are also siliconebottoms so it makes it easier to popthem out they’re just ice cube trays andthey feel like really hard but they comeright up so I take one of these outfitting here this little fridge and thiswill be one of her meals after herbottle but I also got these containersthey are freezer safe and fridge safeand everything’s I have pretty muchpretty sure you can even put them inyour dishwasher unfortunately I don’thave one so that doesn’t matter to meright nowbut when she gets a little bit older andshe’s having more food a day I’m goingto start putting her baby food in thoseI need to take them out and just stackthem like only lids and only containersso it takes up less space but right nowthat’s what I have I got them fromAmazon I got these bibs they’re siliconeand they have a little pouch to catchfood so I can link those I got them fromAmazon I got these little silicone foodsafe bowls from Amazon I got all ofthese all together so when she getsolder and she starts having like fingerfood I’m going to put them in here soit’s just separated and a little bitmore fun for her these stickers that Ihave on here and it just has the dateand it has two lines that you can writewhat you put in each of the foodcontainers so I’ve been using these theycame with those ones but I’m just usingthem right now for this and I’m gonnatry to make my own stickers so I don’thave to keep buying more the breadturned out really good I already cut itup and I put it in thislock bag I’m gonna store it in thefridge but it turned out really good Iburnt the bottom of it which was alittle unfortunate but you’ll probablysee in the video for some reason Idumped the dough onto parchment paper toeasily transfer it to the Dutch oven butthen I just took off the dough from theparchment paper and placed it in theDutch oven which I don’t know why I didthat because it would have been easierto just place the parchment paper in theDutch oven so next time I’m gonna keepthe parchment paper on leave it in theDutch oven I might leave the lid on alittle bit longer for the next batch Ithink I left it on for thirteen minutesand for the next batch I’ll leave it onmaybe 15 to 20 minutes and then I leftthe bread in quite a bit longer than myfriend does I don’t I mean our ovens aredifferently and we have differentaltitudes in different temperaturesright now so I think that probably playsa lot of effect into that so I think mytotal cook time ended up being around 35or 40 minutes another thing I might dois add a baking sheet underneath theDutch oven because I saw a video andsome guy said that that might help withburning so I’m gonna try that we’ll seethe next one I’m also going to usedifferent flour I only used white flourfor this one and my friend uses 75%white flour and 25% wheat flour so Ithink for the next one I thought weordered wheat flour apparently weordered rye flour so I don’t even knowif that’s going to work we’re gonna tryit with rye flour next we’re gonna do 75percent white and 25 percent rye flourno not to clean the kitchen I’m gonnaend today’s video there I hope youenjoyed this bake with me I’m gonna tryto have videos up every Wednesday andFriday right now I’m thinking of doingday in the lives for Wednesday’s videosand thenhaving a video every Friday that hassome footage from when we were travelingI went through my computer last nightand we have some footage from China andfrom Germany and just a few other placesso I was thinking of making some videosfrom that footage that we have layingaround and uploading those so I wouldhave two videos up a week if that’ssomething you’re interested in seeingplease leave it down in the comments ifthere’s anything else that you want tosee I’ve had a few different suggestionsand a few different ideas so if you haveanything that you want to see pleaseleave it in a comment down below andthank you for being here and watchingtoday’s video if you enjoyed today’svideo please give it a thumbs up andplease subscribe down to my channel Iwould really appreciate it[Music]so the first thing that we’re going todo this is so dirty but just ignore themAlexa how many degrees in Celsius is 500degrees Fahrenheit No[Music]recordingyou