Banana Bread
by Master Chef Rei the Mukbang Baby. .
We have way too many bananas from grandpa. Rei can only eat 1 a day (max), and some has gotten too ripe and we are kinda bored of having banana oat pancake. Thankfully, there are some flour lying around at home and voila… Banana Bread comes to mind.
While most think that Rei is always so focused in his cooking, its actually because he is a big fan of food, you can either call him a glutton, or a food maniac. His brain is always filled with food and food and food (mommy’s not complaining because its adorable to see him eat so well, though sometimes he needs to be reminded that his stomach is FULL).
So today’s project is banana bread, which he diligently whisk and whisk, while taking his chance to eat some bananas. Mommy only use 25gr of sugar instead of the original recipe of 150gr because banana is sweet enough. He loves it so much he keep asking for more even after gobbling up 2 slices of banana bread.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription