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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
yeah so the right thing I got abrand-new it oh yeah my dad taught me mydad got me this what looks like to doonline school see I’ve all this stuffhere I am just to use[Music]what’s up guys good morning welcome tothe vlog today we’re gonna start offwith something interesting that I’venever did and that is unboxing haul so Itry my best to get lighting good like Ishut my window and I you know putshooter like what I don’t know it’sgonna be I’m very excited so I got apackage so I got a couple of things sothe first thing I got is yes so thefirst thing I got a brand new iPad casewhich I’ll show you guys when I open itbut I just really want a new iPad casewe’ve got a new iPad cases like this andI show you when I open it down I got anda camera from newer I got it for mycamera my main camera I’ll show youeverything I can when it works like itlike attaches on twit so we got that didyou hear that a socialist oh yeah my dadgot me my dad got new screen protectorso we got a pack of tree so that’s inthere we got a nice one time and thenthe neck treating her my mom’s birthdayso we actually got her a new bit there’sour birthday so I got be really quietabout it I got her a new screenprotector for her phone with her and isreally messed up along with a new phonecase so the Airacobra things I orderedfor her but I ready to go check out mystuff so that’s what I’m going to do andI’m gonna get my iPad I’m gonna see whatit looks like on the iPad yeah I’mpretty sure you’ve seen these iPad casessummer before they’re just just theseones here WowI see nothing special it’s just this onehere and I’m sure you’ve seen thembefore they just they just don’t stopflip around they look really cool it’snot much of really happy couple of themand I’m really excited for this sobasically this thing here when I open itlike this here I’m just I’m so excitedany gonna be so good basically I got mycameraI need to pull the battery in it put thebattery in don’t die so I totally forgothow this works I swear I’ve watched somany tutorials on that and now I’m justlike hmm there’s so much noise I reallyshould have used this c’mere the camerato get to good audio you why aren’t yougoing to put my put it up in here likethat in a way then like this and now Ihave my own look at these guys look atit look at a happy okay so you look atthe cameraoh I have an iPod up here the whole timeso please have the stupid case on nowit’s a police Jeep but this the iPod sohappy with it oMG I’m so excited for itbecause I think it’s cause this thinghere I have this thing again to watchmovies and stuff so this what looks liketo do online school it basically showsan alcohol school working here just allmy subjects and then all I have to do issave I’m probably on do you likesomething maybe like my maths now I cango to Matt’s not tell me why exactlyhave to do so today is well beingWednesday so I’m party just click ontoday’s what got into here and that’sbasically my welding Wednesday I shouldyou just cross word so I’ll probably trydo that now actually today videosactually exciting for me because it’sactually my well-being Wednesday EnglishRick also so it’s like I’m doing YouTubebut I’m also doing my English Rick atthe same time so watching you know sothe way I put over I basically justdon’t have English and I was gonna vlogtoday for the vlog channel so yeah Ireally I actually top on to do the halland was wearing like normal sportsshorts or actually I’m thinking aboutjust changing into like jeans orsomething to stay home fit but I’ll dothat in a while so I’m gonna go do thiscrossword now and hopefully I can do itbecause I’m usually terrible at thistype of stuff so[Music][Applause][Music]this is like a little dusty so I’llfigure it out laterI’m in my mom and dad’s bedroom becauseI don’t have a mirror in my bedroom youcan’t even see me here cuz I don’t evenhave a bedroom no idea have a bedroom Idon’t have a what okay so I think tingting ting think what was him I don’thave a mirror in my bedroom which isgonna be annoying because then I can’treally block so I’m gonna come in to momand dad’s bedroom to tell you becausethat’s what we’re doing and it’scurrently court – it’s been a whileI lost my microphone I took it off thetri-d and come to me come to my dearflash on it and it yeah works like but Ilost I couldn’t find it so I found andnow I can vlog vlog again because wehave some good audio but and yeah Ithink we’re gonna start baking soon andI want to be I want to make banana breadand blah blah blah so that’s what we’regoing to do I also got changed I put onjeans because the sports shorts and thistop weren’t not going and then I did myhair but my hair’s been so badly look atthatI’m not even bothered to do it now butand yes that’s what we’ve did and we’regonna go hon do bit baking there solet’s go do thatsomething I’ve noticed is that ourheating system is very loud my mom madelike chicken for the kids and she hadsome left over so I said I definitelygonna take them because the hungry I’mdown yeah so I just beat this it’s likesomething so small but I’m almost eat itbecause I mean I’m hungry and then we’regonna make banana bread as I said I gotsome new iPad case and it’s alreadyamazing cuz I can just you know leave myiPad standing up where the other onebroke off in a week like it’s the othercase is very I’m not great and I turn onthis and I think I think you’re gonnause this recipe I thought this lookslike a good recipe brilliant banana lovethe hangers or my mom said to me so yeahwhat do we need butter tea here – he andI’m sure you canI need butter castor sugar 2 large eggsself raising flour baking powder veryripe bananas mashed and 48 grams oficing sugar and a handful of driedbanana chips for decoration I don’t knowcondo chip because I don’t know we havethem but if we do of course we’ll putthem inand he should often I actually don’tknow heard a lot I really need to youknow get on to my home a kitchen gotlike here tell me what do I dobut and my mom parties do that for meand then butter a two-pound lifted Idon’t even know what that means I’m suremy mom does and cream for so you knowwhat we’re gonna get my mom to help mebecause I honestly feel so sweet but Ijust I just don’t know what I’m meant todo here so and we’ll do that and thenI’ll just show you then we start to bakeI swear to heat until going but it’sfine so we have DM ingredients thereguys and the kind of method is that whatthey call it and then I have myingredients here which was African soweird after ii have it’s it’s too brightsee i’ve all the stuff here i am just touse so we’re gonna go get start bakingmy mom helped me she did the oven solet’s just get startedso if says the first thing it’s a heatthe oven move did that for her a tubehandle of tin and line the base andsides of baking parchment so we have topan love saying I’m ready I’m reallytrying here and then says butcher a 2pound loaf tin so I have my book forlike a video can you watch a video ofsomeone doing it oh yes right so we havea half a video so let’s see what shedoes so just us[Music]- okay I did that and then cream ofcreamy budget and ground softened butterand 100 in consciousness oh so 180 gramsto eat we don’t even have a wave[Music]so so when I was watching Managua theflirt got all of my top so I’m not sureif you can see it it’s not like a goodbanana or something[Music]so we have the banana bread in here thisprobably isn’t the right way to do itlet’s just go and push you in there andwell hope for the best but if you’reaccurate so what I’m doing I’ll bedefinitely cleaning up this messso that’s what I’m doing yeah we kind ofburnt it a little bit I mean it doesn’tmake sense because it’s so like 12minutes to go and it burns so I don’tknow I’ll see what I can do it I don’tthink I can do absolutely anything withit but it was a fail did a bit ofediting got better got the rough cutdone I need to dowhy do something I just need to finishediting graphics and music and we shouldbe good to go hopefully I’ll get uptonight Amaka depression stuff though sowe got this part off bit early to seewhat it looked like but there it isthere I think with icing sugar on thetop if you can see it there it looksgood but like honestly the way I thinkabout it I’m not even sure if it is afail because it’s like it’s it’s notit’s a bit dissipative a dip it thereand step not burnt there but the burntis like sweet so I’m really confusedso just had some there it’s very nicelike it doesn’t taste burnt at all itjust haze is very crispy yeah I mean Ilike it[Music]so guys it’s a bit later at I don’t theyuse it so it’s now half seven and I amwe got back from the walk a bit we haddinner we asked it a bit more onlineshopping for clothes because summer islike kind of coming up even though wemight be able to go anywhere it’s comingup so I got some stuff for that Daphnewe’ll do an unboxing haul or just maybea hull when I’m come there’s only fouritems nothing crazy but I definitelythat for us it’s really exciting I hopeI got enough footage for today’s vlogbecause obviously if I don’t then Ireally have to rush and panic aboutgetting school working because thisisn’t meant to be my skill work so I’m Ihope I do get enough vlog and then maybeadded it like it’s due tomorrow morningand it’s like I’ve so little time to getdoing this is usual anything looks likeI really have only added this part ofthe video I put that part down and yeahso it’s it’s gone take errors party gobeautifly tree am something editing itbecause and it is due tomorrow so it’sactually a habits video just about goodhabits that can change your life and soDaphne subscribe to my main channel forthat but honestly it’s so weird cuz Iknow it’s like some people who like myvlogs are there subscribe to my vlogchannels for me but like my main channeland they subscribe to that and so peopleare even subscribe to boat which if youare you know subscribe to boat wellyou’re you’re just you’re you’re a greatperson but yeah I’m editing the vlogthat way I’m not editing I blog I’mediting this video and it’s turning outvery well it’s I really like it and soyeah technical check it out once up ifit’s up today I think it’s gone upthey’ll be up by this when this vlog isapplauded leave the linked indescription box but you shoulddefinitely go check it out[Music]