Baking Bread in a smoker, up in the allotment.
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Pancakes Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello and welcome tomother’s day in about me from my gardenbecausemy 2012so we prepared the dough and uh withsome yeast and some farinahmm yeah it’s a half lightuh bread i don’t know it’s no sourdoughit’s just with ordinary yeast so here’sthe doughand this is the pot we’re going to do itinand this over there is the smoker now aseverybody can see we’vechanged the flag it’s uh still canadabut this time it’s a vallisbasketball valleyperformanceback to the barbecue we are umyeah we’re heating up the barbecue thesmoker that’s how we do itfirst we need some kindling and uhtimber just to to light it upsmall wood yeahcardboard timberthat’s about it and later on we put thisone there temperatureneeds to be 250 degreesi don’t know celsius i don’t know whathow much fahrenheit this is butprobably even more okay there we go andthenvery important while you’re lighting upthe smokeryou also have to put the potthis is a here it’s made of metalit’s a metal pot um you have to put thepot into the ovenand preheat the pot to 240 degreescelsius which i still don’t know howmuch fahrenheit it isa lot more okay oh smoker smokesit’s not easy to get to 240 degreeslet’s add some all this on fireso and now we take the doughout of the bowland joan is filming you want to say hihello and before we put it on the tablewe need some flourflourflour so the dough doesn’t stick to thetableout of theonto bone tableumit’s notoh okay awesomei will slice it one twothree and onewe have the breadthe pot is all black smokedinsidein the meanwhilethis is highly interesting thetemperature has fallen to200 degrees 200 and i was afraid it’stoo low but actually four minutes lefttoopen the lid and open the top lid aswell and have thebread baked for another 15 minutesat uh 180 degreesand also the eggplant will be get intothe cactus checkwe have reached 180 degreesremove the top lid off the potlook at bread take a short lookanother 15 minutes and we’ll be ready togotime’s upthe breath is readyso put the very nice in the meanwhileput theeggplant150 degrees more woodyeah and sadly you cannot see thefinished breadanymore because it’s already eaten upand we had avery nice baba ghanoush eggplant umwith a tannin and olive oil salt andgarlicand the asparagus as well and somecarrots and dips and it was really nicebut i can’t show you the clip becausethereis no clip and we had guests over soyeah next time i hopei can present you a better video but uhit has a push me up to try to bakeanother breadup in the oven in the smoker and i willdo thatas soon as the weather is better becausetoday is the ice heideggenit’s like the 11th of may and it’sgetting cold again so thank you forwatchingand i hope you enjoyed it and subscribeto the channelsee you soon bye