Hi Everyone! Please stay home and bake with me, to keep yourself and others safe! Wear cloth masks when yo have to go to grocery shopping! We began flattening the COVID-19 curve in Washington State! Science works. Keep following the CDC recommendations.
This bread is one of our favorite. I promise you will love it too. Walnuts can be replaced by other nuts. If you do not have dried figs in your pantry, you can use other dried fruits such as cranberries, raisins, currants, apricots, prunes, dates…..Enjoy!
180 ml water 水180ml
1 tsp dry yeast ドライイースト小さじ1
1tsp salt 塩小さじ1
2tbs sugar 砂糖大さじ2
1tbs dry milk solids 脱脂粉乳大さじ1
1 tbs olive oil オリーブオイル大さじ1
1tsp cinnamon シナモン小さじ1
250g all purpose flour 小麦粉250グラム
1/2 cup chopped dry figs 粗く刻んだ干しイチジク 半カップ強
1/2 cup chopped walnuts 粗く刻んだクルミ 半カップ強
Please watch my other easy delicious bread recipes below! 他の美味しい簡単パンレシピは下のビデオをご覧ください!
No Knead Easy Baguette 練らない極上バゲット
Fougasse パリパリの凄いフーガス
Easy old fashioned loaf “Pain a l’ancienne” in Dutch Oven フランス田舎パン、ラ・クルーゼ焼き
Easiest Bread in the World (It’s buried in the video) 世界一簡単なパンレシピ、ビデオの途中に。
Katchapuri, Cheese Filled Flat Bread カチャプリ、チーズの詰め物たっぷりフラットブレッド
Tricolor Anpan (soft buns with sweet filling) 3色アンパン!
Japanese Toast Bread Shokupan ふわふわもっちり食パン
Hello, I’m a full time physician living in Seattle with my family. I love Spanish flamenco dancing, cooking, gardening, plants, animals, and figs. My kitchen is my laboratory. I will post healthy lifestyle ideas and family recipes. Stay tuned!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription