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பிரட் வடை செய்வது எப்படி? || Bread Vadai in tamil
If u like this video plz share it to ur family and friends.In this video wee see how to cook tasty பிரட் வடை in easy method.
சின்ன வெங்காயம்
பச்சை மிளகாய்
அரிசி மாவு
For Business queries and collaboration /PR contact me through Email,so Email me: uthraskitchen2018@gmail.com
Equipments used:
Mini tripod: https://amzn.to/2BUZi09
Microphone: https://amzn.to/2RthDuQ
Connect with me on my instagram:
In this channel i m going to share my cooking, beauty and much more experiences. Information i provided for my channel are my own creative and experiences.Hope u all enjoyed and helpful through my channel.
Disclaimer :
The information provided for this channel and its videos are general purpose only.It should not be considered as a professional advice.The content published in this channel is My own creative experience under copyright law.
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes