சில்லி Bread
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Video Transcription
[Music]bread knowledge life is equal to pastevery high free serum courtesymuncha to garam masala tool that curryPerryman gaya touch America curriculacarrot head even higher end spice packetpredicted a card it ended medium sizesliced at a definitive are those look inthe so depending as the Kenai Rivertoday I am I sliced and update that isnever eaten toast funny editor / postI’ve seen pants ruled upon it a la rentatablespoon I like panic over Curtishusband arenacut it’ll cut in there but any see itoff that put it in[Music]company to Tony and I put it in themorning I love are in greeting no yeah Idon’t like editing phenomena in thecoral is pedicure Manchuria banana garammasala to Latonya varaha perilla abananalet me turn a better day Tapani grantdr. Lila after you put there be a littlebit I’m pretty common but Cardinal arerunning with it since mama slice doctorprogressed character a tornado one youknow that onion starts in – it worksgood n dimension in the character amannequin Abinadi mama blood slicervinod panini Oh Nami pin depressiveillness at finally on the bridge AmandaNalanda masala mix soda vinegar nobodyfor the moment I’m fine enough I’m a bitchilly coriander listen garnish vanillaI’m not of red chili ready milk in thevideo fetcher Elena like bananasubscribe banana sharpener