On my search for interesting mushrooms I came across the Candy Cap Mushroom! Now the Candy Cap mushroom supposedly tastes like candy, so I bought some because I HAD to find out!
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Video Transcription
I’ve been tasting a lot of differentmushrooms and one of the common themesis that they usually taste like somesort of meat but today we’re going to betesting something just a little bitdifferent we’re gonna be testing a sweetmushroom this mushroom goes by the nameBIC candy cat mushroom now supposedlythe candy cat mushroom tastes just likecandy I want to give this little guy atastes and see what happens I also wantto try to add it to a dessert to add itto a sweet and see how it comes out nowI’m not exactly sure what sweet we’regonna add it to first I want to give ita tasteI want to give it a try and see what thecandy Camp mushroom actually tastes likeI will say I got this little bag here ofthe candy cat mushroom this is a driedcandy cat mushroom and as soon as Iopened up the bag it was a very easilydistinguishable smell these things smelljust like maple syrup it’s wild doesthis thing actually taste like candy ordoes it just have that smell Wow thecandy camp mushroom is also known as thelactarius rubber dust I don’t know ifI’m pronouncing that right I’ll leavethe name right here katie-cat mushroomsare specifically known for their verysweet mapley smell when they’re driedthat mapley smell and taste that thecandy Cap mushroom is known for doesn’texist when the mushrooms fresh itactually happens when different chemicalcompounds and amino acids break down andcombine together to create that veryspecific smell there’s not one acid orchemical compound that is responsiblefor it it’s a combination of a bunchcandy cat mushrooms are native to thePacific Northwest you’ll find themgrowing along the west coast of theUnited States they’re available freshfrom mid to late winter but honestly youcan find them dried pretty muchyear-round I bought my dried from aseller on Etsy fresh the candy canemushrooms are prepared a lot of timeswith some savory dishes they are addedas a sweet and shockingly added to a lotof desserts there’s even some breweriesthat brew them into their beer that’spretty neat the candy kept mushroom alsohas a pretty nice nutritional value andthey do contain a lot of B vitamins suchas thiamine riboflavin and folate nowI’ve been describing this melon taste aslike a maple syrup type of smell maplesyrup type of flavor but people havealso said that it tastes like like abutterscotch orbrown sugar pretty cool it’s a wave thecandy cat mushrooms I think one of thevery first things I want to do is try torehydrate them I’m gonna rehydrate abouthalf of these and see what they tastelike see how they come out rehydratednow the easiest way to rehydrate theseis of course with some water so I’m justgonna add them to a tea strainer andthen I’m just gonna add some tap waterto them not scalding hot but pretty warmvery warm to the touch and I’m justgonna let these guys sit in this likewarm water bath for about 15 minutesokay these look perfect perfectlyhydrated really nice and soft they cameback to life so the next step before wetaste test these guys is I’m gonnasoften soften them up with some butterjust gonna throw them into a largeskillet now this is Earth Balance veganbutter you can use whatever vegan butteryou want margarine whatever you got nowI will say frying these guys up withsome butter definitely releases adifferent smell it still has that sweetsmell honestly almost a bit chocolatybut there’s some mushroom smell is kindof popping out now so there’s this sweetand savory thing that’s happening andthese are all pretty small so we’re onlygonna saute them for just a few momentsokay so let’s see if these guys areactually sweet or if they just smellsweet so they definitely have a richnessto them they kind of have a little bitof a mushroom taste to them but for themost part they still have a little bitof the sweetness not much but it’s stillthere I think I’m gonna add them thechocolate chip cookies now just fromdoing a little bit of research it doesseem like people do make some candy cabcookies I’m not gonna follow any ofthose recipes I’m just gonna make abasic vegan chocolate chip cookie nowI’m gonna rehydrate and saute up anotherbatch of these I’m gonna fill upprobably about a cup of these but thenI’m also gonna use some of thedehydrated portion left for someflavoring that’s really gonna make a bigdifference okay let’s do that so whilewe’re waiting for this other batch torehydrate I’m gonna take about twotablespoons worth and use my old coffeegrinder which has been turned into myspice grinder and we’re gonna going togrind up very fine some of thesedehydrated ones these dehydrated onesreally really have that super sweetsmell so I’m really thinking it’s gonnaadd to the flavor so at this point I’mjust gonna chop these guys up just toabout chip size like chocolate chip sizemaybe a little bit smaller just littlebits of themthat’s what we’re gonna load our cookieswith the smell off of these things ispretty crazy okay let’s get startedmaking our plant-based cookies usingthese mushrooms first thing we’re gonnado is make an egg replacer so in a smallbowl I’m just using this egg replacerhere now you can use Bob’s Red Mill eggreplacer any egg replacer that you likeyou could use flaxseed whatever you wantnow I’m gonna use a stand mixer with apaddle attachment you don’t have to dothat that’s just what I’m using so I’mgonna do about a half cup of the EarthBalance vegan butter just whip this on alow speed until it’s soft shouldn’t takethat long it’s already at roomtemperature that didn’t take that longnow we’re gonna add one cup of brownsugar and the dehydrated mushroom powdernow hopefully I got about twotablespoons it’s close enough it’s gonnaclose this up and whip this togetheruntil it’s pretty creamy should gotogether fairly fast I think thatmushroom powder is really gonna soak itin that butter it’s gonna be really coolokay once you have that super creamyconsistency we’re gonna quickly mix inthe egg now the egg now this egg getsvery sticky I’m just gonna mix that on aslow speed until it’s mixed in reallyquick shouldn’t take that long and whilewe’re mixing that in I’m just gonna puttogether one and a half cups of flourI’m gonna do two and a half teaspoons oftapioca starch the tapioca starch isreally gonna give these like a chew it’sgonna add some density to them which isgonna be really nice what about oneteaspoon of baking soda I know we’regonna do is just mix this togetherreally low until it’s all combined juston a low speed it should start to kindof crumble together and then form ourcookie dough okaythis came out perfect this looks awesomeGod that really smells like that maplesyrup amazing so I have my mushroomshere and I have some these are veganchocolate chips you could get thesepretty much at most grocery stores justcheck the back this one’s from TollHouse what I’m gonna do because I wantto make half of these chocolate chipsmushroom and then another half of themwhere they’re just mushroom so I’mcutting the dough in half so and I wantabout I want a lot I like a lot ofchocolate chip so I’m gonna do aboutcup of chocolate chips do a little lesslet’s do about a half of a cup so we’regonna take half this in here half a cupof chocolate chips and do about atablespoon of the mushroom fold theseguys together weird combination and forthe other one all of the mushrooms therest of these mushrooms so I’ve gotthese guys in two kind of little logpackages that should be easy to cut upand turn into cookies we’re gonna throwthese in the freezer for about 15 20minutes to firm up and then we’re gonnamove forward okay so these guys havefirmed up I’m gonna preheat my oven to350 degrees so this is my mushroom onlycookie we’re gonna cut these into aboutfive cookies this is a one-inch log hereand then I’m just gonna roll these guysinto a ball and set them on my parchmentlined baking sheetokay ovens ready to go let’s cook thesefor about 1215 minutes okay these guysare done there’s an incredibly oddmushroom and sweet smell that’shappening right now okay so I did drop abit of kosher salt on these things Imean look at these cookies look at themlet’s see does the mushroom cookie standup is the candy cat mushroom sweet thatis wild that is wildly good so there’sstill like a sweetness to them they’rewarm they have a really delicious flavorlike that’s very hard to describedefinitely not mushroom like I’m a fanof the Kennedy got mushroom cookingthese are really goodthat’s a cool okay okay well I’m gonnatake these over to my buddy’s house forpoker night it’s cookie night at pokernight I want to see what these guysthink okay good what do you think it ismushrooms what if I told you it wasmushroomsis this really a mushroom okay then whatdo you think it is thickest maple syrupreally sir what if I told you it wasmushroomI love it even more cuz I love mushroomswould you have guessed I really wouldnot if you haven’t yet please make sureyou click the subscribe button and clickthis video right here it’s gonna beanother one of my mushroom videos