Pancakes Recipes

Trying to make Japanese pancakes (HARD)

Hello everyone

Please excuse the disgusting state of my nails, this was a very impromptu video!
I realised that pancake day was coming in a few days and I wanted to try and make some Japanese pancakes, which as you can see, I clearly failed it so made some normal traditional pancakes which were absolutely delicious!

This video is inspired by the YouTuber
but her pancakes came out SO much better than mine!

Here is the recipe for Japanese Souffle Pancakes:
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp milk
33g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla extract
23g sugar

As I failed so hard at this, I will be making another video in the future dedicated to perfecting this!! So if anybody has any tips, let me know.

Here is the recipe for traditional pancakes:
100g plain flour
2 eggs
300ml milk
Then whatever you want as a topping (my favourite is lemon and syrup)

I really hope you guys enjoy this video, don’t forget to like and subscribe if you do and if you have any suggestions of things you would like me to bake then let me know in the comments.

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi everybody and welcome back to mychannel today I’m gonna be makingJapanese pancakes and traditionalEnglish pancakes so we’re gonna start byxx whisking our egg yolksthere’s just two of eggs in there andwe’re gonna add a tablespoon of milkI’m Tony whisk again the tiny whisk iscourtesy of my dad so thanks and we’regoing to add a teaspoon of vanillaextract and then we’re gonna do 33 gramsof plain flour[Music]and half a teaspoon of baking powderthen in a separate Bowl we’re going toadd two egg whites and we’re gonna whiskwe’ve got 23 grams of sugar and we’rejust gonna partially out that lawsuitwhisking[Applause]now once that’s done we’re just going toadd a dollop to this mixture we’re goingto try them whisk quickly and hopefullytry and get it out of this and thenwe’re just going to continue to add dotsfrom this we fold it all in togetherso the yoke hasn’t really combined withthe wine company probably about to makea mistake that I’m gonna give this a guyI’m just gonna whisk it with a biggerwhisk I’m gonna try not to over whisk I[Music]don’t know how well this is gonna turnout but we’re gonna give it a go anywayI’m just gonna dollop some[Music][Music][Music]how I got a comma for this pan but I’mjust going to use a bacon truck justgoing to cover it up for like one andsee how that turns outthen I’m going to try and add anotherdollop on top and hope it stacks uprather than splitting aliensNo add some water and cover again for acouple of minutes they’re not bad butthey’re not as tall as I wanted them tobe so let’s try and flip this disastrouslet’s leave it another minute maybe whatwas it just that I them up Jamesthey’re not flipping try again oh thisis a disaster[Music]it’s leave about a minute[Music]and you just cover for another premixsee you coming on tada they lookyeah I might cook them[Music][Music][Music]so then that was an instagramer ball asother Japanese pancakes I’ve seen let’ssee how they taste it still looks a bitwe’re all on the inside a bit stickyit’s disgusting if it’s not it tastesvery eggythey’re quite dead and it’s been a bitraw inside isn’t it they’re right theyare nearly off but eggy not very nice inmy opinion it has to be fluffier yeah Ithink I up okay now we’re justgonna make some traditional Englishpancakes which fingers crossed at theend of it better ah normally I would usea hundred grams of flour but there’sonly two of us and we’ve just had lunchand we’re not really that hungry so I’mgonna have the mixture 50 grams of flournormally it would be 2x but we’re justgonna use one[Music]and usually it would be 300 millilitersof milk but we’re just going to use 150and we’re just gonna whisk it togetherwe’ve got a lovely little pancake pannice and thin so I’m gonna put that onthe heat and just add a teeny bit of oilnow we’re just gonna spoon vanilla[Music][Music]Ohdidn’t think that one was gonna be savedthis is how I prefer my pancakes I likethem my crepes and I like them a littlebit be not underdone now I don’t likecake very much so I didn’t expect tolike those Japanese pancakes but I’mgonna give them another shot and I’mgonna put a bit more time into them dosome research to see how other peoplemakenow I really wanted to do this with ariffle but they didn’t have anotherpiece in the shop we went into so I’mgoing to use the 12 I’m just going towrap the twirl in the pancake and waitfor it to meltI might actually put it back in the panfor a few seconds[Music]it’s going right to the middle mmmCalgary is nice so good[Music][Music][Music]really good I love get very very niceyeah okay number two me the right ring[Music]hey now this one we’re just gonna dotraditional and lemon and syrup so Ilike to put a little bit of lemon on theinside more than a little bit and then Ilike to fold it all up and then squatsyrup on it this is my favorite type ofpancake okay pancakes aren’t my forte soJames is gonna take over and he’s gonnahave the last bland cake he’s gonna putthe teller in it which I don’t like sooh that Jamesright mess in my opinion paying thingsaren’t supposed to look good no soyou’re saying that my Japanese are notactually perfect thanks artistic nothat’s nice the shape looks all right[Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music]perfectwhat was your favorite one um I reallydon’t need a role this time the JapaneseI feel like it could have been good ifyou go the coexistence here I’m gonnamake another video because I don’t thinkI combined all of the ingredientsproperly at the start so I’m going tomake another one because these can be alittle bit boring sometimes please do socool in neutral I feel like if you gotthe first one right every really goodthey’re really nicemy favorite was the syrup and lemon butI did really like the twirl one and Idon’t want to tell if I’m applying thesenames cool no right thank you so muchfor watching this video if you enjoyedit don’t forget to give me a like anddon’t forget to subscribe to my channelif you want to see more content likethis I’ll link all the recipes down inthe description thank you for watching[Music]

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