This is a video for my hypothetical class that I teach, so they can follow along and bake some cookies for thier families.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
bacon cookies with mr. dan hey guys mr.Dan here we’re gonna do a quick reviewvideo of the baking lesson we didearlier using the assistive technologyand other materials we need to getthrough the procedure of making cookiesand this time you can do it for yourfriends and family using your Victorreader to list your ingredients findyour ingredients remember to use theback of your hand when you orientyourself around the kitchen we don’twant any zombies walking aroundyoumake sure to use texture and smell toensure that you’ve acquired the rightingredientsyouif it looks like sugar and it tasteslike sugar it’s probably sugaryoumake sure to have a clear counter spaceto place the ingredients onremember to sirlightly when you’re searching throughthe fridge so you don’t knock anythingoveruse the barcode scanner if necessaryyouif you come across an item and areunsure if it’s the correct one use thebarcode scanner like we learned how toin class remember to hold the barcodescanner away from the item that you’rescanning and use slow wave-like motionsall the way across the item until youhear it beepyounot all barcodes are recognized so makesure to use taste texture and smell tomake sure that you acquire the rightitemthat sure smells like vanillamake sure you have everythingWow check out all those ingredientsfollow the directionsagain make sure to use the back of yourhands when you’re searching for youringredients and materials so you don’tknock anything overyoucarefully plug in the hand mixer makesure that the outlet and the plug arefacing the same direction carefully mixthe buttermake sure to keep your fingers out ofthe bowl and move from small to widecircles next step Roger that use theappropriate measuring tools if you don’thave Braille on your cupsremember the bump dots for dots is afourth cup three dots is a third twodots is a half cup and one dot is a fulluse the straight edge of a butter knifeto level off the dry ingredients to makesure that you have the rightmeasurementsthe victor reader says to pack down thebrown sugar so forget the butter knifeand just pack it in with your handsyouwhen you’re cracking your eggs use theside of the bowl to crack themmake sure to discard your eggshells sothey don’t end up in your cookiesdon’t forget to grab an extra bowl tomeasure wet ingredients over to avoidover pouringkeep the measuring spoon level over thebowl alongside the vanilladon’t forget to use your finger to checkand make sure it’s fullyouand you following the bakinginstructionsyouuse the back of your hand to locate thebowl and check inside to make sureyou’ve got the right onethere goes the floweryouby by baking sodamake sure you’ve got that extra bowl topour the salt over so we don’t end upwith salt cookiesthere are plenty of different saltcontainers the one I have I have to findthe opening and then find where thepouring nozzle is orient it over myspoon which is over the bowl and then Ibegin pouring until I have enough saltpeace-out saltuse a whisk or a fork to stir your dryingredientsback to the victor readercheck your bowls and take out anyleftover utensils before combining youringredientsyougood job pouring let’s see what we haveto do nextsounds sweetyoucheck out all those chocolate chipswhen stirring don’t forget to scrape theside of the bowl so you combine all ofyour ingredientsuse bump dots to find the correct oventemperaturethe bump dot on the dial is at 350degrees so move it slightly past it toreach 375 degreesgrease the sheet if needed when usingPam make sure the nozzle is pointed atthe pan and use small wave-like motionsroll the doughuse a spoon to help keep the cookie sizeconsistentkeep following directions using yourhands to roll the dough into ballsuse three fingers to mind space betweencookies and edgesremember we’re not making a mega cookieso don’t worry about Jam packing thatpanyouduring this time the oven is beingpreheated and it should be ready by thetime you’re done filling the trayyoucontinue to use those techniques whenyou start a new rowyoualmost there keep going championyouremember to use your proper non-visualoven techniqueswith your hip leaning against thecounter open the oven completely andpull out the tray until it stops youfind your cookie sheet where you safelyplaced it and safely place it on therack remember to use your of gloves andnot towels like mr. Dannow we push in the rack completely andthen close the oven completelyset an accessible timer and wait nowthat it’s time to take those bad boysout of the ovenlet’s use our proper oven techniques hipagainst the counter open up the oven allof the way pull the tray out until itstops you use your oven mitts to safelypick up the baking sheet and put it in anice open safe areaI forget to close the oven and savethose shinsthanks for watching this video guys Ihope those cookies turned out great foryour friends and family tune in nextweek and we’ll learn how to clean somedishes thanks for watching mr. dan actorextraordinaire and director miss dandirector and non-visual expert mr. mikelighting genius audience and moralsupport