Pancakes Recipes


Hello loves. Today woke up craving pancakes and decided to share this simple recipe with you.
Hope you find it informative.
Flour courtesy of Ajab
Cooking oil courtesy of Fresh fri😍

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[Music]hello guys this is about Sara it’s beena minute and today I just want to I justwant to share a simple recipe ofpreparing pancakes because they’reworking up craving pancakesso may I have a little bit of bakingflourit’s a odd-job fortified all-purposefrom baking flour and I’ve got true eggsyes and of course oil then now me andJack for me I don’t always prepare mypancakes with the milk when I don’t havemilk so you can also use water so I’lltake you step by steps back a time–aspancakes is tough as me but lucky meI’m gonna keep talking so expect someliquor of the pancakes so when you’vegot your jug here you will place thatyou will place the flat inside then thedrug that is Bellaafter blessing it’s here and now you seethe wait is well that’s what I’m tellingyou expects few pancakes so after I’vedone that I pursue are my eggs[Laughter]now you tree am Jacques sorry Thomaswait wait before I forget you wanna makesure how she gets ooh don’t push toomuch sugar because not so many peoplelove sugar and so I just take a spoonfulof true one true and they can had alittle one so let let me make them to bethree so after you added sugar you’lljust meet you try rather you’ll starveacacia pnina now so after starring mehow about this yeah when you start youjust care you’re to get on ballot soafter Mecca she gets us and now we canscrum and pursue our eggs so that is thefirst egg and nowthe second egg is done so after I’vedone these you laugh mix I’m trying tomake them the egg is already inside ifyou can see so after many weeks we willnow use some water because we don’t havemilk so after mr. umaña only massage youcan enough you miss you can an imagekaranawhat’s my ie it’s a car let me show youit’s a car somehow I don’t know how toexplain but when a Vinita I’ll take apicture of that so after my calves ohyou know you you can add your water thenafter adding your water you’ll you’llkeep stirring but not don’t add too muchwater they the dough should be thick atleast do you little punk it’s like lightknow that autonomous Evaso Allah take a picture of this kindlyso this is the door now after you’vemixed flash sugar and eggs L in AK IV sothe only thing remaining to add here iswater and some oil so I’m going to addor no water and oil come here once againI’ve added water to my dough and it’skinda thick so I stay with her when youtried stirringa logical amount even weekly mechanicalpika that is sometimes una FATA islittle pasta achieve and a chili up orso before you started cooking you’repreparing your recipe ransom only anhour so I also use my hands to at leastmake this dough a fine one is equal nowto particles particles and now that I’mstarving now that I’m studying on eitherparticles at least as equal that muchlet me taste this oh nice so you can’thave a tests whether you you Juliacashew game mob among less and if youfeel like adding you can add it’s a it’sit’s not like Lumina Caucasia apparentlyI use sugar Union a Java a minute OSHAso after I’ve done this now the dough ishere if you can see I just wash my handsand now the remaining part is adding oildon’t put too much oil on from the doorthat is because Jeep and gigabyte Atokahad to put too much oil but for me Ijust want to add a little bit oilbecause when I’m cooking it I don’talways use oil so after I’ve added wellyou guys you will see how my dough lookslike then we will start cooking you cansee the particles of the door now andocular visual utilize or oil particlesso after we mix Sasha we are ready tostart cooking so this dough will give meat least three pancakesI’m Abby Lee and my craving will be doneby the end of eating only one or evencooking so let’s get to cooking tipshere’s a pan I’m going to use for inpancake I always use pans to preparepancakes but you can also use a Sofia ifyou don’t have this pan you can use aSephora and I’m sure the pancakes willjust look awesomeso let’s get it so I’ll I’ll wash ahthey’re gas then you take a pan if shecame macho then after you shake up onour motto I just put in some very littleoil in the at least panty quinaoil then after that we will startokay so let’s go this is the oil so whenyou’re preparing pancakes it doesn’tmatter whether you can add oil in it ornot but vicuna often you know make up adog Yoshi you can still adapt some someoil so it may I have a plate where Iwill place my my pancakes after thatright then this spoon helps me Misha thesize of my pancakes so if I scoop oneone spoon from the dough and place it inthe pan which means the pancakes won’tbe awkward I need a vodka banging andAugust at rashannaand now we have they do here ready to becooked and not a thing you’ve got a panso let’s start so when you’re cookingpancakes the secret is don’t you seewashable to me that they llamo Tina forminimum Luisito me pancakes is Rocco soafter we’ve placed the pan I’ll just puton some little arrow then it attaches onupon miyako at least your oily Shikialmost everywhere so after which is sucha sauna you can see at least my oilystrike to is trying to cushy couple isyour taya pan so after ma juliek Yahtzeenow you can put in your towel so let’sjust wait a little back i aj rip okuu ifi ama futa then now we start cooking soguys I’ve already placed enough aspoonful of my doubt and as you can seeAlima fatima zahra boku wa sharafan okayso what actually are to each other tothe Nile is Lucia haha who fill openyour money by and you can give upso this process is repeatable as much asyou still have your doubtso what I put up make the same processin making the other pancakes until nowyou finish cooking so I’ll just use thisone as an example so after you rememberyour doubt should be your pancakesshould be always good and brown so afterOmega endure after me gives a dough andyou know nicer for golden brown you canwhatever gives ievo so the other sidewill also cook a little bit like a quickgolden brown if you can see my pancakeit’s a golden brownish and I know it I’mnot perfect in shipping that but I justwanted to share with you my simplerecipe of preparing fun kicks so whenthis is done you just repeat the sameprocedure with the other down PacoMelissa Melissa you know you’re changingup on Jack so minimum the exam wasnegative at least two or three so let’swait and see if they will be three oreven more and this the final productsthe metro carne and I just want to takethem with strong tea because I’m a fanover of black tea so after making themyou can take them with anything you cantake them with them Toyama Zivaor anything you can just reject themwith whatever you feel like you wannatake them webut for me I’m going to use a black teathat is a strong tea and I hope thisrecipe is simple enough that a woman ora lady honey sorry either a man or alady can use this recipe and preparesome very sweet pancakes so finally thepancakes are ready and yeah ready to beeaten with strong tea that is I hopethis recipe is simple enough for you touse at home it’s a do-it-yourself teambecause even I don’t know say you knowopinion could be key masu yeah if thisrecipe is simple enough for you just tryit out and let me know the feedbackcome on little makeover a Kwanza I meanthat was me for the first time but yesSimon’s Deepika Bella Jamaica oranythingand let’s wave out of focus into eachOmega refine our beaches in Guinea butyes this was the idea I had for you todate guys and don’t forget to Like sharesubscribe and yes view as many times aspossible and share with your friends thelink as many times as possible because Imade you guys we all need each other tohelp each other grow endure yeahI go by sir I go by the name Sarah amongall social media platforms so we canlink up and you can share ideas onwhatever i watch me to talk about andwill sure look at it and talk about itit has been nice preparing the pancakestime to get enough let me have a tastemmm that’s a seat anyway guys bye bye

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