This bread makes great sandwiches, toast, French toast and grilled cheese too. Recipe makes 2 loaves using standard loaf pans.
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Video Transcription
hey good afternoon everybody today I’mgoing to show you how to make bread forsandwiches you could just use this as aregular loaf of bread the reason I callit this because it comes out just nicewhen you slice it and it makes excellentsound watches it’s a pretty basic breadrecipe here’s the list of ingredientsdepending on what day it is and howhumid it is and all kinds of things theamount of flowers approximate I startwith a little over four cups okay andI’ll just ditch that right into my mixerand as with any bread product you canjust put this in a regular Bowl andknead it by handin which case you’d make a well on thebottom and put your liquid ingredientsand just work in the flour until youturn it out on the counter I’m justdoing this in here because I’ve got ityou just put the salt in the flourdirectly and just mix a little while youget your yeast ready as I said anotherdough recipes I do not measure the watertemperature with a thermometer I simplyput my finger under the town when I getit as hot as possible that I don’t gowow when I stick my fingers at the topand that seems to be just the righttemperature because the cup is gonnaabsorb some heat the ball is gonna bugsmeand cool it down a bit and if you startat the correct temperature over yourmonitor and then let it cool down yourbreads gonna take a lot longer to riseokay so I’ve got my water I don’t quitthe sugar firstlike what both tablespoons right in thewaterthat accelerates the yeast at thebeginning now I’m putting in fiveteaspoons of yeast which is theequivalent I always use bulk that’s theequivalent of two packets of the stuffyou go to the store so I’m just gonnamix that up while you’re stirring theyeast into the warm water it’ll startfrothing up as long as you get most ofit stirred in that’s fine then you canlook at heating up your milk now I don’tdo this on the stove I just about a halfa minute in the microwave doesn’t youjust want to warm it up well that’s allbeen a few minutes as you can see theyeast is live which is good to see soI’m being sarcastic that’s amazing easeokay so the milk the milk is just warm Iput my pinky in to feel it it’s greatnow this seems self-evident if forwhatever reason you put a finger in tothe yeast is to scrape off the spoonwith a clean finger never never lickyour finger cuz that stuff will keepgrowing inside your gut and give you theworst kind of gas you’ve ever had inyour life trust me Lana okay cuz I thinkevery Baker who’s started out hasfoolishly done that at some point so Idon’t do that it’s kind of like puttingyour hand on the stove bread you knowokay so toss that on and see how niceand fluffy that is they’re even stuck tothe stove Oh perfectso I cracked the egg in the ball just incase there’s any eggshell because ifyou’re gonna have to pick out eggshellyou want to do it in a little containerlike this you don’t want to be gettin inthere okay so toss out indon’t start it on there there’s enoughliquid in there you could turn it up anotch right awaywhat you want to do is make sure it’snot picking up swallow up the side likethat yeah turn it down a bit you know sothis is where you want to check it yeahthat’s looking pretty wet and that stuffat the bottom is pretty dry so at somepoint you’re gonna have to put it on thecounter you know you can always let itfall back like that and try it again tosee if you’ll pick up all the dry bitsfirst cuz the less flour you will haveto incorporate like this point thelighter fluffier your breath will bespit things out of the ball so that’s myside so I got another I’d say aboutquarter to half a cup I’ll just put someon the counter you never want to turnout Brad dough on a dry counter cuzit’ll stick and if you flour up yourhands first before you get it out makesit a lot easier to see all that came outthat’s good now we’re gonna be puttingit back in here with some parchment soI’ll just leave that alone for now whatyou wanted to is very lightly pick it upturn it over and you’re gonna need it onthe counter just for a couple of minuteswhile you do this you can feel thatthere’s some very wet pieces and somedry hard pieces you’re doing two thingswith the kneading you’re distributingthe moisture in the dome and you’re alsodeveloping the gluten which you need forgood bread okay so I’ve got it feelingpretty good but it is sticking to myhands that’s what I was telling you theamount is and it’s picked up everythingoff the counter so I will put a bit morebecause I want to go out for a few moreminutesand if you’re not sure how to kneadbread dough do what I’m doing pick it uppush it down turn it around and againnow if you’re in a really bad mood yeahyou can pick it up and throw it butthat’s more for theater than actualbread making though it is fun once in awhile if you had a really bad day atwork you can like punch it too you knowand in your kneading give it a squeezeand if you’re feeling any hard lumpsfrom the mixer make sure those are allrubbed out or squeezed out okay so theend point for this is when it’s barelysticking to your hands but if you juststop for a minute and you rub it it doesfeel smooth if you put too much flour init it’s going to interfere with the riceand you’re gonna end up with a tough dryoff some recipes will call for you tooil below or use plastic wrap and seehow plastic wrap seems handy but a lotof the dough will stick to itparchment paper in lava has magicalpropertieskill the go right off a doctor so make alittle mess with the parchment paper andthen just kind of try not to touch thepan so just drop it straight in thereokay and I’ve got plates that flip thebowl just right if you’re going to use acloth use a damp cloth and just leave itto rise for at least an hour probably anhour and a quarter hour and a halfbecause this is a one rise Brad you’rejust going to punch it down and makeyour lone self it’s been a little overan hour and I’d say that’s ready it’slifted right off you can see it’s veryfluffy and everything what we’re gonnado first of all is take this and justput a bit of flour on your hands so youdon’t get stuck to it and just punch itdown see let’s do the parchment look atthat isn’t that nice just peels rightoffnone of the dough sticks nothing is lostnow you’re not going to need too muchflour into this but what you definitelywant to do is you want to knead all thebig bubbles up if you’ve ever bought aloaf of bread at the store and you had ahuge hole in the middle that’s whybecause this will form quite a fewbubbles while it’s rising oops there wasone and you want to just make sure thatyou’ve got all those you can actuallyjust squeeze it with your fingers outhere goes another oneas long as it’s not sticking to thecounter and it’s pretty smooth right nowit’s nice you can actually hear thosebreaking little whistles coming out ofthe bread so once you’ve gotten all thebubbles out the big bubbles there’salways going to be so amazed acrosspre-heat your oven to 375 Fahrenheitget your bread pants now for these Iknow some recipes say butter them andflour them and all that good stuffpersonally I just get a little bit offlour and manually rub it around theinside because I am using nonsticksofter off if you have old bread pantsby all means butter them before youflour them and even this is not reallynecessary with good non sticks whatyou’re going to do is you’re going torise these again in the past get thesharpest knife that you want for methat’s a boning knife now you can weighthese if you want and I’m gonna be verycareful to not cut into my countertopand use a very light pressure here sowhat you do is just count cut it in halfnow I used to subscribe to that notionthat you have to roll them up and makeloaves and all that and all I ended updoing is getting really dry bread okayso that’s what the crumb looks like onthe inside which is great so you justtake your loaf grab a pan flop it in andpress it down into the corners again Iused to avoid things like this figuringwith disfigure the loaf with guess whatyour rising in your pans again so I knowit doesn’t if you push it down into thecorners and kind of stretch it out it’llrise a lot better in the pan that if youroll it off or stuff like that becausethen you’ll get like empty corners atthe sides and it just comes out funnythis is how you get that nice even shapethat you can use to make sandwiches outof you so if I’ve done this right afterit rises and bakes not only should it bethis really nice rectangle that justlooks like the store it will also fit insandwich bags to make sure it stays softand doesn’t dry outso there’s the crumb on the other one ifyou want you before you can kind of pullit into a square flop that in nice andeven and I do not use any type of washon these because you actually want thecrusts to get dark so you can slice itbetter after about my pants ready that’sgonna cover it very lightly with a pieceof parchment and wait for the oven toheat up and wait for them to rise up inthe pants probably for about a half anhour then half an hour ovens hotthis is lifted up look at that nice andeven it’s pretty good so you’re going injust like back there try not to bangaround you don’t want to lose your eyesand I’ll just pop them in the oven andset it for 45 minutesI just pop these out of the oven they’relooking pretty good I’m just gonna bringthem over to the cooling rack quicksampling is just grab the logs butyou’ll burn yourself just remember touse your gloves they’re really hotturn that right-side up so it doesn’tget dented but well I’ve got one in myhand so you can see how nice that looksthat looks just like this stuff from thestore okay so just let it sit there andcool off because no matter how good itsmells are tempting it is to cut itright now until it cools down enoughthat the chrome inside sets no matterhow sharp your knife is it’s just gonnawreck the bread and it’s just gonna kindof shrink down and compress so let’s letthose cool off for a while they’re allcooled off and if you notice I did putone in the paper bag the reason for thisis it will help I’ll put in a plasticbag overnight it will help to soften upthe crust which will dry out if you justleave it open to the air this one isgoing to be looking good with toast andjam tonight this one is gonna besandwiches tomorrow all right so I’mgonna cut this one open just so you cansee I’ll just cut the end offyeah even now it’s a little too soft itshould dry out more but I’m gonna wantto eat some of this right yeah when itdries out enough it does not do thisragged cut thing which I was explainingearlier this is what happens if you cutit when it’s too wet but that’s stilllooking pretty fine you know try onemore sliceryeah that’s got a really good crumb it’sgot a nice look to it and it cuts wellso that’s how I make sandwich bread andI do hope you give this a shot it’s anice easy recipe and thanks for watchingand hope to see you again