Pancakes Recipes

Making a Stack of Pancakes Cake for Pancake Day!

Hey Cake Chums and welcome back to my channel! As we will be celebrating Pancake Day next week, I thought I would have a go at making the stack of pancakes cake that I think pretty much EVERYONE has already attempted.

Jane’s Patisserie’s Lemon & Blueberry Cake –

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okay Tom’s and welcome back to anothervideo now as I’m sure you already knowon Tuesday next week it will be ShroveTuesday also known in the UK as pancakeday now I’ve never really understood onewe have to wait for a specific day everyyear to be able to enjoy pancakes if youlike pancakes just have a pancake butI’m never one to miss out on a bandwagonso I thought this week we would have ago at creating the eponymous good wordeponymous pancake cake that I thinkpretty much everybody has had to go outby this point I know that Yolanda at howto cake has done it case by Linds hasdone it pretty sure my buddy Ben thebaking has done it everybody’s done itbut you know who hasn’t done it this guyso this week we are going to be making astack of pancakes cake let’s get to thevideo of course your middle head flipand when it comes to deciding how todecorate ones speck of pancakes cake itseems to be the popular thing is to usepassive butter and blueberries and somesort of kind of recreation of maplesyrup that these are all really Americanin the UK we we don’t eat our pancakeswith maple syrup and butter we eat ourpancakes with what to eat our pancakeswith we eat our pancakes with sugar andlemon juice now I’m prepared to addblueberries because lemon andblueberries are amazing together but Ifeel like we need to give this thisstack of pancakes design a bit of areimagining to reclaim it for pancakeday so I’m going to be doing mine withlemon and blueberry with that in mindthe cake inside is going to be one of myabsolute favorite recipes and that’sJane patisserie x’ is a patisserie orpatisserie Jane patisserie or patisserieanyway it’s going to be James lemon andblueberry cake which I absolutely lovemaking if you haven’t come across itbefore I will put the link to the recipein the description box down belowseriously make this cake is so so nicenow where you bake the cake and I’vealready filled it with lemon buttercreamand blueberry jam and is currentlychilling in the fridge ready for a finalcoat of buttercream owl which I will bedoing in just a secondand then we will get to the decorating Iguess we better change our angles sobefore the video started today I havebaked my cake obviously and then I havefilled it with a combination of lemonbuttercream and blueberry jam then I’vegiven it a crumb coat of buttercream andthen a final top coat of buttercreamwhich is now chilling in the fridge butdon’t worry I do have a playlist thecake basics playlist which I will linkup in that corner there which will takeyou through all the steps you need frombaking your cake right through tototting filling andI’m coating your cake now when it comesto the actual decoration we’ve got twochoices we can either cover the cakewhether they are off sugar piece firstand then start to build up the pancakesaround it well we can do it straight onto the buttercream I’m leaning towardsdoing it straight onto the buttercreamsimply because whether whether it isstill quite cool the buttercream shouldstay fairly crusted while we’re workingwith it if I was doing this cake in thesummer probably would cover it withsugar paste fast just to be on the safeside but yeah I think today will gostraight on to the buttercream with thesugar paste when it comes to the sugarpaste I’m going to be starting withplain white and then mixing a little bitof rainbow dust Pro gel in cream whichgonna do you know I have a bit of a badhabit when I’m coloring sugar paste ofbeing a bit heavy-handed with the colorso the best way I find to deal with thatis to start by coloring just a smallamount of the paste and then if I do gotoo dark I can mix it in with more ofthe white to lighten the color of courseif I go too pale I can always put a bitmore of the colouring and so once you’veworked your pro gel into the place youshould be left with this kind of creamycolor so definitely not white but alsonot wiping away too Brown just yet it’salmost kind of like a yellowy Irishcream and total I’m working with about akilo and a half worth of sugar pastetoday I can’t won’t need this much butI’m not the always of the opinion I’drather have too much than not enough I’mgonna pop these into some sandwich bagsput them away from the air and thenwe’ll go and get the cake out of thefridge so here is the cake as it is atthe moment I have baked three layers oflemon and blueberry cake those arefilled with lemon buttercream andblueberry jam and I’ve chrome coated itand given it a top coat with that lemonbuttercreamthat’s firm enough to chill in thefridge for about 20 minutes and I’vecurrently got it sitting on one of mytools direct plastic cake boards nowyou’ve got a few options when it comesto serving your pancake cake you couldof course prepare a cake board to looklike a plate you could just place it ona normal cake board or you could put itdirectly onto a plate or cake standpersonally I’m going to be building mycake straight onto the cake stand todaywhich means that I need to lift thisonto the sand itself now there’s a fewdifferent ways you can do this if you’vebuilt your cake on a cake card whichwould be super helpful then you shouldjust be able to slide a palette knifeunderneath lift it up slightly and pickit up with your fingers unfortunatelyI’ve run out of cake cards in the rightslice slice size so instead it mighthave to build mine straight onto thiswork board but because the cake isnicely chilled I should be able to slidea cake lifter underneath and hopefullylift it onto my cake stand with ourproblemslike so now you should hopefully findthat you’re able to do that without kindof causing too much damage to thebuttercream but you can always run awarm edge scraper around the edge if youneed to don’t forget though that we aregoing to be covering this wall up withour pancakes so it doesn’t matter toomuch if there’s the odd little mark andfor once I’m not going to be using aturntable simply because these twotogether the cake would be up heresomewhere so I’m going to switch thisfor a bog-standard lazy susan which Ipicked up in Ikea and I’ve just put alittle bit of non-slip matting on thetop so that I can move my cake aroundwithout any problems like so and when itcomes to creating the pancakes it’sactually super super simple we need tostart off by taking just a chunk of yourcolor ivory sugar paste and we areliterally just going to roll it out intoa big long sausage now normally whenwe’re rolling things into sausages wewant these to be really neat and evenbut for a pancake we don’t because ofcourse they don’t bake nice and neat andeven so if you end up with kind ofthinner bits and thick of it that reallydoesn’t matter once you put it to athickness of somewhere in between oneand one and a half centimeters thengoing to push it down just using thekind of the soft part of your palm to athickness of around about half acentimeter again when you see thesecakes make sometimes on the internetthey do tend to go a little bit thickerwith these but again American pancakesare thicker than British pancakes so I’mgoing for some acquainted between thetwo in the hope that we’ll have at leasta slight semblance of British pain okayyeah we’re really not going to are wethere pretty much crepes enough lookridiculous but I’m gonna go spin ouranyway then going to take a kitchenknife and I’m going to run that rightdown the center of my flattened sausageagain it doesn’t matter if it’s notentirely evenyou’ll see why in a moment once you’vegot it to this stage it’s time to brusha little water onto the cakeand that’s that’s a ha sugar paste stickto this buttercream which is alreadysoftening in the studio lights and thenI’m going to lift my sugar paste placeit against the cakeand run it all the way around where youget to the side where they overlap takeyour kitchen knife and gently cutthrough both of themremoving the overlap and blending thetwo together you can use a cake tool tohelp you if you want and that is assimple as it is to apply it the firstlayer now we go on to the next layerwhich we can use the other half of thesame sausage for we’re going to brush alittle bit of color onto the top of thesugar paste there I’m not going to giveit the effect that it’s been cooked in ain a frying pan or skillet if you’reAmerican keep things nice and simpletoday we’re going to go back to thatsame ivory progettoand I’m just going to squeeze some intothis convenient plastic lid and then I’mgoing to mix perhaps with some dippingsolution which you saw me using in lastweek’s video to water down my airbrushcolor and I just think it’s a betterpiece of paste and just brush that witha color to check that I’m happy when Iam it’s as simple as taking some of thatcolor on my brush and I’m just going toliterally run it around the side of thecake again don’t panic if it’s notentirely even because it wouldn’t be onreal pancakeseither and then we’re just going to takethe next piece of sugar paste put theflat edge towards the cake then oncewe’ve added that second layer we’regoing to roll out another sausageand do exactly the same thing again[Music]two thousand years later okay so acognate a quest a far that takes foreverliterally foreverI felt like I’ve been doing this sincethe dawn of time secondly my box creamhas gone pretty soft because it hastaken so long so I think if I was to dothis again I probably would cover thecake with sugar paste first they nevermindwe are almost at finish line hopefullythis next one or the one after it shouldbe the final shred the other takeaway isit uses a lot of sugar paste or on doseof the kilo and a half that we startedwith that’s pretty much what I’ve gotleft and I still have to cover the topso yeah so when you get to this stageit’s time to cover the top and to dothat we’re going to make one actualwhole pancake that we can just lay onthe top to look like the top of thispile now I get off there between the twologs here maybe 500 rounds at moist I’mhoping that’s going to be enough tocover the top of my 8-inch cake which Idon’t think I’ve actually mentioned I’mgoing to roll this out and exactly thesame way that I always do so I’m goingto start by dusting the worktop with mycorn flour and then just like always isabout keeping that paste moving now wewant to keep this fairly thick but ofcourse we also have to make sure it’sbig enough the top of our cake don’t beafraid to kind of manipulate it withyour fingers if you need to but rememberto smooth out those finger marksbefore you put it on the cake and thenwe can add that to the top of our pilelike so and then using more of that verysame mixture of cream Pro gel anddipping solution we are going to paintthe top of the cake to look like thewhole thing has been in the frying panand then last but not least before weset that aside to dry we can just godown and kind of add some marks andimperfections to the side which would dotwo jobs number one they’ll kind of helpblend in some of these scenes and wherewe’ve got some cracks from the pastestretching and also it will have theeffect of like bubbles to where the ofthe batter has kind of expanded whilethe pancakes were cooking[Music]yes I’m I’m sitting now this is this isa sitting thing now when it comes todecorating mice type of pancakes um as Isaid earlier that does seem to be atendency to go with kind of parts ofbutter and maple syrup but we don’treally serve pancakes like that here inthe UK I did actually do a an Instagramquestion earlier on so let’s see how howthat’s gone so Annie says that she keepsit cuts it with lemon juice and a bit ofsugarTereza and she’s a bit extra she likestrawberries cream and chocolate sauceCarrie glittered alternates betweensugar and lemon and ice cream and sauceor ice cream would look really cool butno and then Zoe of Zoe’s fancy cakes hasput lemon and sugar so generally that’sit by the way of all the people whofollow me on Instagram five peopleresponded to my question say thank youto those five people but of those fivethree have gone classic with lemon juiceand sugar which is is kind of what Iwould have on hand cake that’s like thepancake day staple is it not so I’mthinking that is what we need to put onour pancake a pancake pancakes pancakescake this is very complicated to make mylemon wedge what I have done is takensome white sugar paste and roll this outto about half a centimeter thick andthen using a medium circle cutter I’llcut out a circle you can then cut thatin half and set those aside in themeantime I’ve also cut out a circle ofyellow sugar paste at this time using asmaller circle cutter and this one I’mgoing to start using my modeling toolandadding some texture radiating out fromthe center it doesn’t need to beparticularly nice so don’t worry toomuch about thatvery similar a technique to the one weused last week to create the woodeffects take a board so if you haven’tchecked that out I’ll put a link up inthe corner and then using a kitchenknife I’m just going to cut backs intoeight pieces so cut it in half and cutit into quarters and then cut those inhalf again to give you paint doesn’tmatter if they’re not absolutely perfectand then the next thing we’re going todo is just gently round off thosecorners using our fingers being carefulnot to damage the texture that we havejust been ages building up you canalways add some more and they say it’snot the end of the world if they get abit squash just want those corners niceand rounded off so they start to look abit more like cross-section of lemonsegments these are very much obviously acartoony take on a lemon okay and thengoing back to our whites I’m going tojust brush it with a little bit of waterand then gently place those lemonsegments on likeuse your modeling tool just go in andjust kind of move them around a littlebit make those spaces a bit more seminarand it will say if you need to to justadd in a little bit more texture then Ijust took my modeling tool pushed itsoftly into the center and then withanother long thin piece of the yellowwe’re just going to wrap it around theedge to create the skinand then if you want to you can’t justtake a modeling tool and just go in andadd some texture to that skin as welland we’ve started simple with the lemonsso we’re going to carry on simple withthe blueberries as well and so for themI’ve just started with a little bit ofwhite sugar paste and I’m adding in somenavy blue and some purple gel color bothof which again our rainbow does proGiles you can see them on the wallbehind me you know what they are and I’mjust going to work that through thepaste now I’ll be honest with you it’snot often that I would color somethingdarkstarting from whites I do prefer to usecolored paste when possible but the kidswere literally just going to be rollinglittle balls I figured I could probablycope you can see already I’ve got quitea nice dark color going on here but it’snot quite dark enough for my liking soI’m gonna add a little bit more of theNavy and a little bit more of the purplethat’s a bit tiny touch of black as welland you’ll notice I have put my glovesback on top tip whenever you’re coloringsugar paste wear gloves that color willget absolutely everywhere otherwiseokay so we’ve kind of got to a colorthat I’m happy with I’m gonna let thatpaste sit there for a minute or twobecause when you walk a lot of colorinto a paste straight away it can startto affect its consistency and make itreally quite soft too difficult to workwithso while that sitting there I’m gonnahave a quick tidy up and then we’llcarry on okay so I’m going to take someof my purpley blue a pace and I’m justgonna start rolling them into balls andthen just squash them a little bit flatjust before I put them into a spongeformerto dry ish mix up the sizes do somebigger some smaller because of courseblue briefs don’t have the uniform sizeand if you find that the pace is stillquite sticky you can always just dustyour hand with a little bit of cornflourand when it comes to adding in the kindof the recognisable stem and the theother side of the blueberry to keepthings really really simple I’m justgoing to take a piping tip and I’ve gota whole selection that you could use tojust pick one that you like the effectit makes and then I’m just going to popit in twist it backwards and forwardsand then take a ball tool in the centerto create that sort of effect on theother side I’m going to take this toolwhich I don’t know the proper name of itsorry PMA and I’m just going to pop thatin that side and you’ll see you’ve gotone side the other side I’m just goingto do that on every single one and thenlast but not least it is time to put itall together now unfortunately I do nothave any piping gel so I can’t do kindof the effect of a bit of lemon juicesqueezed over it so I do apologize forthat but if you wanted to all I would dois thin it down very slightly perhapswith some more dipping solution orperhaps just warm it up slightly andthen just allow a little puddle to formaround where you’re going to place thelemon and then it’s time to actually putour decorations on so I’m going to startjust with one of my lemon wedges facingaway so that you can see the effect ofthe skip the skin so one lemon wedge andthen okay other lemon wedge now don’tforget the lemon wedges are very muchdesigned to be seen from one angle so dolook at the decide you’re going to showthe cake from and make sure that you arehappy with the playof your lemon wedges and then aroundthose I’m just going to adopt my bluebreeze in a very seemingly haphazardmannertry not to think too much about whereyou’re putting them now just like havingan odd number of blueberries also do tryand arrange them in in small odd groupsas well so maybe do one group of to onegroup of three a few on their own thatthey’ve rolled away some up on theirside leaning against another one someonewith the same showing some with theother bit showing and you can also putsome down on the right base as wellparticularly if you have anything thatyou are trying to hide and there you goladies and gents there is my lemon andblueberry stack of pancakes cake just intime for pancake daynow if you decide to have a got one ofthese yourself learn from my mistakesyou will need more sugar paste than youthink make sure you’ve got piping gel instock and be aware it takes awhile soyou allow yourself plenty of time nowI’m going to say a couple of beautyshots and then I think we should have aslice of this cake I mean it I spenthours on that I think my deserve a sliceand I’m sure you guys want to see whatit looks like inside okay guys that wasme doing my first ever stack of pancakescake just in time for pancake day haveyou enjoyed this video and would like tosee more videos of me having a go atvarious cake trends then make sure togive this video a thumbs up and ofcourse subscribe to my channel butbefore I let you go I really ought tolet you see inside this beautiful cakebecause James recipes art stunning andit lends itself perfectly to a cake likethis so cut down here and cut Tony yeahthat is a rather enormous slice of cakepiece painting for a moment I’m going toeat this whole slice of cake but can youjust look at that so you’ve gotblueberries actually in the cake it’s soand then you’ve got blue Breeze in theblue bridge I’m feeling absolutelydelicious so props to Jane for afantastic recipe props to me for areasonable first attempt at one of thesecakes obviously the most important partis the eating sothanks so much for watching guys I’llsee you next week[Music]

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