What better person to find out how to make the best pancakes in the world, than by asking Tim Pancake! Watch and learn!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys as many of you know we’ve got abig holiday coming up of course I’mreferring to February the 25th alsoknown as National Pancake Day it doesn’tget any more manly than that well howwould how many of you would love to takeyour pancake-makingto the next level well that’s the caseyou’re going to want to stick aroundbecause that’s exactly what we’re gonnacover next and this week’s bonus episodeof manly moments well if I’m honest mypancake-making skills could use a littlehelpthat’s why I’m so excited today to havemy good friend and hot kick expert Timpancake join us how’s it going to himit’s more good Robby glad to be here Iguess there’s no better person to ask onthis topic that mr. pancake himselfpancakes are part of your heritagearen’t they that’s right Robby believeit or not there have been pancakes inthe United States and some RevolutionaryWar that is a long time some of you mayremember we featured Tim on a previousmanly moment episode on how to put upChristmas lights so I guess you couldsay you’re kind of the flapjack of alltradesokay well it’s my hope today you’ll goahead and share some of your pancakemaking tips with us are you willing todo thatabsolutely well what are we waiting forlet’s do it batter up all right whenyou’re gonna make great pancakes firstquestion you’re gonna want to answer ishow many do I need do I need to make abunch or do I need to make just a fewbecause your approach would be differentif you’re going to be making a punchyou’re gonna want to use something likethis a large griddle nonstick surfaceworks great and you can crank out a lotof pancakes on a short amount of timebut to make really good pancakes whatI’m gonna do is I’m gonna do themindividually on the stove and astainless steel skillet nothing specialjust the standard skillet on the gas andthat’s how we’re gonna make our pancakeshere I don’t use anything really out ofthe ordinarypick your favorite boxed pancake mixthey’re all basically the sameit’s not the pancake mix that makes theflavor for the pancake it’s the oil whatwe want to do to create really goodpancakes get a nice crispy edge and sowe settle in on canola oil it’s avegetable oil a little bit healthier butany kind of corn oil vegetable oil anyof those by weight olive oils don’t needan Italian pancakes what you see here isI got a couple of cups of pancake mixready to go again just follow theinstructions on the box I’m going to addthe water now surprisingly this is a keystep if you’re a pancake connoisseurwhich I’m gonna admit that I’m not butif you talk to people that are reallyinto pancakes they say mix as little aspossible you want that to be chunky andthat’s gonna give you a big fluffypancake that’s actually not what I’mlooking for I’m going to I’m going tostir this up whisk it until it’s morelike cake batter with most of the clumpsgone now again you should stop here ifyou’re wanting that big thick fluffypancake because you don’t want to beatup the gluten and that’s a whole notherscientific story but I’m gonna mix it upand I want it to be more like cakebatter so that’s a little thick rightthereadd a little bit more water get thatsmooth out to be a medium thicknessagain I think a great analogyit’s cake batter I’m gonna get most ofthose clumps gone but make sure thatit’s mixed thoroughly so now I have anydry mix still in the mixing panall right and there we go we actuallywon that best set for three or fourminutes the temperature were wanting toachieve it is barely hot enough to frythe pancake we don’t let that Bankcooking super hot because it’ll burn thepancake it will cook it too fast and youdon’t want it so low that you don’t getthese crispy edges from the frying eachso I’m going to add the vegetable oilI’m gonna put in about a tablespoon andwe wanna get that to coat the entirebottom because you don’t want thepancake stick like I said everyone abouta medium heat on that I would say thatjust barely frying that’s why I like itbecause I want to slow cook my pancakesa little bit the reason being is thatgives me a nice almost done Center it’skind of like a cookie tastes a littlebit better when it’s just almost doneI’m doing the same thing with mypancakes now this is the time that youwould want to put something in thepancake if you like to add things toyour pancake I do have some blueberrieshere I’m gonna drop them in on arandomly chocolate chips are anotherpopular item to put the pancakes thatyou can see those edges are getting niceand crispy getting that nice bubblingalong the edges again my humble opinionPlus what makes a great pantry all rightwe’re gonna go ahead and flip this overlook at that golden brown dad deliciousand I always like to melt some butterover the hot pancake before adding thesyrup pick whatever syrup you like clickwarm it up before you put it on thepancake nothing’s worse than puttingcold syrup on a hot pan cake it’s apancake cold it’s just not as great ofan experience not surprised right thereWow Tim they look fantastic but the realquestion is how do they taste just oneway to find out I thought you’d neverask[Music]you know what though they’re not thebest pancakes in the worldwhat they’re out of this world hey ifyou liked this video go ahead andsubscribe to this channel by clickingthe subscribe button and thenotification belt so you don’t miss asingle episode and be sure to check outsome of our other videos and we will seeyou around[Music]