Pies Recipes


KOOL-AID PIE VINTAGE RECIPE. There are only 4 ingredients in this very easy, cool and refreshing Kool-Aid pie. No baking involved. Make this Kool-Aid pie with your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid. Perfect for any occasion, holiday, or just to make anytime. Make sure to SHARE with family and friends this video so they can make it also.

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I have you one and welcome back toCatherine’s plates where it’s alwayssimple easy and delicious in my kitchentoday four ingredients no baked kool-aidpie what is your favorite flavor ofkool-aid mine is gonna be black cherrynow I do remember a tropical punchorange grape and pink lemonade is beingmy favorites when I was growing up foursimple ingredients y’all that’s it so ifyou’re ready I’m gonna start by puttinga can of sweetened condensed milk into abowl here oh good one you alright I haveto get with my mom on this one um I waslooking for some kind of old vintagerecipes that maybe she grew up with andshe was telling me about this one herelike a milionaire pie that I madeearlier she also told me about thekool-aid pie so I was like okay let’smake it and we’re gonna start off with a14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milkand we’re just gonna put this in a bowlsweetened condensed milk it belongseverywhereokay the next ingredient is going to beour kool-aid packet I’m using the blackcherry y’all it’s limitless what you cando so this is an unsweetened pack and itis 0.3 nounce pack there just so youknow we’re gonna go ahead and add thisoh that smells so delicious now this isthe first time that I’m making one okayso I got this recipe from my mommmm I can definitely smell the cherry inthere I’m gonna love this cuz I lovecherries alright we’re gonna mix thisuntil we get it all combined y’all withthe holidays coming picnics occasions ohmy gosh birthdays can you imagine thedifferent colors you can do talk aboutgreen from st. Patrick’s Day you knowlemonade but did the lemonade one and dothe lime one or the orange one you knowfor Easter oh my goshyeah I’ve been talking to my mom latelyand I’m just trying to get some you knowgood old-fashioned plastic vintageanything like that recipes that peoplewould still understand today and thiswas one that came up and look at howamazing that looks there oh my gosh okaywhat we’re gonna do now is add our CoolWhip the whole package this is eightounces[Music]now I’m just going to kind of fold thisall in until it’s all one solid colorokay y’all you know what I like yourcomments a lot when you all tell me howyou love the recipes or how you wouldfix a recipe you know you have differenttypes of recipes let me know down belowwhat you would like so I can make it I’malways looking for new ideas new recipesthat I haven’t tried before alright soI’m just turning the bowl and justscrape it along the side and kind offolding it into itself a little bit sowe can make sure that we get it allI love these know baked desserts wholoves the no baked desserts you justbuild it and put it in the refrigeratorfirst hours to set up and then you havean amazing amazing dessert that lookslike you’ve spent all day making andbaking it right I mean you can make thisthe night before an occasion or aspecial holiday or anything like thatand then pull it out the next day andit’s gonna firm up and just be a solidpie okay look at that so I’m gonna bringmy pie crust over here and let’s talkabout thatokay so this is a graham cracker crustbut we’re going to be using today I’mgonna just unpeel now I picked this upfrom the baking aisle and my localgrocery store ditz pre-made grahamcracker crust you know you can even makeyour own pie crust by just using somegraham crackers some melted butter andprobably a little bit of sugar and justmelt it together form it into a piecrust and then set it in yourrefrigerator until it firms up so thisis just an easy way very simple easy pieto put together okay just open it up soI can get this little plastic piece outthis is the top so it’s going to sit ontop of the pie when you putrefrigerators to keep it nice and safeokay so there is my pie crust alrightwhat I’m gonna do now is take my coolegg mixture here and pour it into thepie crust well actually maybe put itinto the pie crust there we go a betterword for it don’t expect it to pour lookhow pretty it is oh my goshI need something to happen in the nextweek or so so I can make another one ofthese we got some birthday’s coming upwe got some holidays coming up Easterst. Patrick’s Day can you imagine thegreen one oh my gosh okay so what I’mdoing now is just smoothing it aroundnow I want to show you here’s the edgeof the graham crackers and what I wantto do is make sure that the pine mixturehere doesn’t overlap that all right okaylet me know if you’ve heard of kool-aidpie let me know if you want to make akoolaid pie you saw how simple that waswhoa YUM Ede okay this stuff’s I couldcome off very easily only if you likehave a snack while you’re waiting forhours for this pie to chill in therefrigerator we gotta come back oh mygosh it’s so creamy and it tastes likecherry so imagine your favorite kool-aidflavor in this pie here now what I’mgonna do we get my lid for it put it onand just seal it up and yep there put itin the refrigerator and it’s not gonnasit in there more than four hours let metell you that right nowwe’re not waiting but you can clear itinto four hours all the way up throughover night there we go okay guys I’mgonna put this from my refrigerator I’mgoing to be back we’re gonna cut intoI’m going to try it for you nice andcold okay it’s been four hours exactlyno one in this house is waiting anylonger so we’re gonna cut into this andtry it for you I’m gonna take the lidoff here that looks amazingokay let me cut a piece[Music]okay so I just put some cool whip into apiping bag and then I just snipped offthe end there and I’m just going to pipesome right in the center and then I’mgonna put a cherry because that is theflavor of my kool-aid hi[Music]okay here’s my flavor black cherrykool-aid pipe what’s your flavor I’llcomment down below and let me know I’mgoing in mmm you know it’s a very subtleflavor it’s very creamy mmm oh that isso good that crust graham crackers mmmall right would you do some dessertideas right here make sure you check mydescription box down below becausethere’s always plenty more down theremake sure you comment and give me athumbs up if you’re new to my channelmake sure you subscribe alright guys Iwill see you on the next episode

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