How to Make OATS PANCAKE without pancake batter
This recipe is a healthiest breakfast recipe for both kids and old people.
if you have any suggestions write in your comment box.
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
a clerical friend Wilson – telephoneservice meaning this channel to put asaunaMuraki more festive and subscribe pninasubscribe panetta pocketableiphone u-kiss paneer annette after theNapoleon sipping Salam and then with thenotification ah under zero in a kingdomof Papa’s recipe Monday good healthy andI young me another breakfast recipeNanaimo pocket borough alumina bootspanties what’s pancake fungus from ahealthy anatomical shape from a shillingI will go from yummy taste an exampleairpo I’m the healthy Underwood’spancake every wonder than you found I’ma videothe Pokemon pancake when this isimplemented as a kata Yanukovych inMyrtle a pataga what’s one this onesupport said bluegrass three tablespoonssugar editor care powerful jet programrent a movie a cinnamon powder butterunsalted butter if that I thinkMelisandre pinch of salt and cinnamondigit Ariana incidentally if I wonderwhat seven and I Triple E and I powderfine powder olive of buddha vajradharafine for wrap over panettonehe put on this holster now I’ll justfine and all about opening for mixingbowl a store churches if I want is itAmy analysis making Quran makingphenomenal 1/2 a teaspoon baking for acordon off cinnamon powder but I’d sharea photo more salt just a pinch them fora phone number okay pinch of soundprotection or to pit after on theiroverall of endless making Sweden slamand then mix for a more even all : muchthe night before Okinawa McSpadden brojust funny and sure you come on this fitinto insula in the radiator if on thisdry ingredients are you 18 victimsholiday but I am aporia a lot even thisI’m gonna mix funny muchacha much to endthis na manja more about mixing alreadybut in the mixing bowl about this peopleunder Harvick leading 3-1 on thisfor the first 200 and move towardsmalice of the piranha sign a given thisfor ancient words entertaining and inthe woods beneath the glass and Ilearned it beat fun evening are gonna befun are similar it’s gonna wait – you’regonna meet come on hold on whiplash itfell under the 3 tbsp honey sugar for mysugar add furniture Alejandra functionand the milk content there and I lovemilk put back on Georgie look at anoverall mix another couple at risk andpass the ball just a little bit funnypartying with them and I just wannasugar cannot have this all white peopleand then I’m on the water but I declarebutter one day first one this onetablespoon butter room temperature Delta1 tablespoon of the butter for raw youdon’t wanna make funny hot funny200 other wood clever what’s gonna mixbut beat Putney is upon a monster inthere so just to respond of it overall Itouch it conjures it and then I’m gonnamake a rock is a robotic in Ramallah andme and replies it is the batter[Music][Music]one sign elevated on you put a monthlyto open funny tacoso far no one saying I love in thishippo in the middle on this next pagewhen this clip money for a more abeautiful mess of Parameshwara I’mobviously on would helpAloha and decided super on this this iswhy it should taper up so many remediesaretoday Marie now you know the pancakewhen this when you put the caldroneverywhere in supporting on this – howmuch Sarah this say mother conjuncta presentable man okayafter the radiator and the chair is justopen it I love Sofia on this off tunnelwoods pancake on this dipper idh youknow what’s past it is bloom 11 this myfather serving commended the chocolatethroughout the Cabaret chocolatesPhillip Busey every funder than one souleat it already air can even then my lordour child on this aquaponics can checkfunny pastor for mythis chocolate the knick knack orillegal photocurrent olive and thischocolates Brittany a singie penny younglambda and this honey is funicula itequipment that honey you spawn a la mapis for a particular other you spawnAllah is again on use per nucleonaccording to the Quran Allah when thisconjugal Ubisoft Obama bin toka haven’tthis man the chocolate syrup on it thereokay you need a butter for the chocolatechip for a technically huhHosanna super honest young IANA healthyAnna O’s pancake when the videos inEnglish maybe even in the recipes in qu+they are played with written solely in acomment backflip and if I order than Fin the recipe over look approachableGina like burning a sharpener anAmericana subtype an inner bye[Music]