Ok so it’s a bit early, but this video should give you PLENTY of time to practice your Christmas wreaths for the big day. This bread is a savoury dough with a little sweetness from dried cranberries which for me is just perfect for a cheeseboard or a GIANT turkey and stuffing sandwich for everybody to share 🙂
Find the recipe in full here: https://www.bakewithjack.co.uk/blog-1/christmas-wreath-bread
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Video Transcription
hi I’m a kiss jack here back with Jackdoc Cogdill UK bringing you your weeklybread making tip every single third holeright yeah I forgot roll it hello thenwelcome back to fake wheat Jack YouTubechannel where i share with you a littlebit my bread making expertise everysingle Thursday apart from last weeklong story short my wife went away for abit which was all gonna be okaydaddy Jack hence no video last weekapologies now before I cut to the tableand show you exactly how to shape aChristmas wreath bread hazel it wassomething you might be interested itchristmas is coming the goose is gettingfat and guess what’s brand-new this yearand the baker Jack online shop that’sright is these rather lovely giftbundles ready to ship to your homemaking loved ones all over the world andif that person’s you hey it’s time tolet father Christmas know find them atbanquet Jacko UK forward slash shop cutto the table okay here we are the tablein here’s my lovely though I’ve got mylittle flower pot heads help me out andas always the baked with Jack doughscraper this is a straight white yeastydough I put the full spec in the recipethat you’ll find a link for underneathbut for now it’s just been kneaded restit up for a good hour it’s nice andpuffy now and it’s ready to divide firstthing I’m gonna do is release this fromthe saberwolf flip it upside downdough’s always got a sticky side and adusty side I want the busty sideunderneath because in a way stick to thetable sticky side oh now you may noticemy dough doesn’t have any cranberries orRosemary’s in which the original recipedoes I’ve just made it though here socan show you exactly for shapingpurposes essentially what we’re creatinghere is a four strand plat so the firstthing I’ll do after having turned upsidedown is cut it into four equal sizedpieces if you want to get them bang onyou can weigh them out that’s absolutelyfine you can wage peace make sure thatexactly the same but I’m not going toI’m just gonna freestyle it and do it bynow it shouldn’t stick underneath thisremember we flipped it upside down itshouldn’t be sticky under there but ifit is we can have a little bit of thuslike a tiny bit just just underneath wemaintain control the dust leaving thisside nice and sticky and the undersidenice and dusty I’m gonna line them allup here the top of the table actuallyyou know what I’m going to line them upout of the way of the camera because Ineed loads of space I always make amistake putting it right in my way soyou can see okay and now I’m gonna havedust underneath like this and give it alittle push just at the gaseous slightlywhat I like to do is roll it into asausage starting from the top the pointyend down to the flattened okay a littlesausage like that and we’ll pop it outthe way like this I’m gonna do them allexactly the same when we’re folding inthat sticky area like this into a loosesausage okay with the gas in it slightlyrolling up nice this is step one okaywe’re building the foundation of ourstrands of our plant if you get a stickysee the skin is sticky here okay have alittle dust the minimum minimum you canget away with that’s it and stick itfrom your table and continue on likethis okay the minimum you can get awaywith then just brush it all to one sideout of the way what you want to avoidit’s just having dust all over the placeI see it so many times they’ve got dusteverywhere we need some grip for thetable now start with the first one I didI’m gonna roll it nice and long nowwe’ve got a seam here what I can do ispush it like this and just tighten up alittle bit giving it one more fold andthen we can roll it I’m gonna go quitelong okay about 50 centimeters longwhich is quite longand the way to get it long is to pushdown into the table push down start atthe middle do big rolls up and down thetable and end at the ends with a littlepoint like that okaynow when it’s rolled I’m gonna dust itreally nicelyroll it around in the dusk because whileit’s sitting on the table it’s gonna endup sticking to the table but don’t doanything about that okay while I do theothers no clear all the bus back awayagain like this and go with the next oneupside downgive it one extra fold just to tightenup a little bit more and then we canroll it out really long make sure you goright up and down the table with thisokay it might make sense that’sstretching it out sideways make it golonger like this yeah but it doesn’tpeople sketch out like this and it justjumps right back again cuz theelasticity okay a way to get it longnice rolls up and down a table and apressure into the table like this golonger than you think cause it’ll goback and it’ll be again when you stopdust it up nicewell wheel it around in the dust put upthe top out away next to the other oneI’ll do the other two superfast andwe’ll come back for the next bitthere we go okay we’re all done let mejust show you for a minute I want toshow you what I’m talking about by toomuch flow okay if you dust every flowerwe love this and then you try and rollit along it just skids up and down thetable and a flower and you end up in aflats that are nice and round it alongso try not to dust for too much flourevery time you do one just remove theflour from the table before you startthe next one and you’re all good okayI’ve got all four strands done hereone two three four if they’re the samesize it’s lovely obviously if they’renot quite don’t stress out about it okaygive me a little bit dust all over justso it doesn’t stick trying to thinkwhile it’s sitting here on the table nowthe next thing I want to do which isreally quite nice it’s we’ve got away isget my J cross from last time we’regonna do that Jake off trick cuz I wantto get seeds on two of these strands sowe’re gonna do exactly the Jake lofttrick like we did in the last videoentitled how to stick seeds to yourdough I think it was without I’m fallingoff so I’m gonna make that all wet hereI’ve got two different scenes okay gotpoppy seeds in this bowl I got sesameseeds in this bowl and we’re gonna coatone strand in sesame one strand in poppyand leave two strands empty which wouldbe lovely is can I give it a nice lookto the bread at the end so I’m gonna getthis on here give it a little roll likethat move it a little bit get nice andwet all over bring my bowl over and I’mjust gonna pop it in on this okay it’swet and sticky give it toss by this andthat’s all nicely coated now and seedsone done let’s do the other oneOh see what I mean by again sticky iteven happens to me look outrageous notacceptable all right this one onto heregive a little roll like thatlook move along a bit make sure it’s allnice and wet all over and that will pickup the lovely poppy seedsget rid of that like bad yeah wickedokay it’s time to do a four strand pipehold on a bit that’s a bit wait isn’t itit’s time to do a four strand Plattnerokay I’m gonna line these up like thisokay I’m gonna make like this teepeeshape out of it I’m gonna alternate theseeds that probably doesn’t reallymatter but just makes it nice to startwith probably doesn’t matter in the endof the day anyway and what I wouldnormally do is stand here and do it thisway in a triangle well I’m gonna do thisbecause it will fit on to the camerabetter isn’t gonna stand this side ofthe table and do it this way okay so Inever think about this like four strandsthat’s too complicatedsome people number the strands I can’tget my head around that stuff so what Ido instead is I think about it like twopairs we’ve got a pair here and a pairhere this is the first pair and this isthe second pair I’m just gonna pop theseends together at the end I’m not gonnasqueeze them up now we’ll deal with thatafterwards and what I’m gonna do istreat this like two pairs and do exactlythe same with both pairs the first biton one pair I go right over left simpleas that it’s crossed over there on thesecond pair I go right over left likethis now we got a pair in the middleokay the middle two we go left overright and we’re gonna cross this all upup here we’re not gonna do it tightwe’re just gonna do them together upthere where they cross together we don’tneed to make it tight because in theseroom to expand so then we’re back to thebeginninghey number one right over left panenumber two right over left and themiddle ones left over right you’refollowing and then we repeat right overleft right over left left over right inthe middlewhyever left left left right over leftleft over right in the middle I thinkyou get the ideas right over left rightover left was it left I was right in themiddle I can almost hear you tell meover there over there this okay once youget to the end it’s gonna start gettingtricky the point is you just go as faras what you can go and then at somepoint where it gets too small you justcall it they squeeze everything uptogether like that okay and there is afour strand plan now we can address thisend so let’s go to this end to figureout where we left off now it’s exactlythe same it’s not the opposite the firsttime I did it I thought it’s probablythe opposite but actually it’s not soright over left rival it let’s go leftover right in the middle whatever leftright left left or right in the middleand the same deal it’s gonna get spawnit’s gonna get tricky oh oh it’s gonnaget sticky there we gogo as much as you can squeeze it up notso bad now the end base I’m gonna takecare of a little bit of pressure and alittle roll like that to make thempointy it just helps us out in the nextbit well there we goand now we can bring the ends togetherinto our reef see how we’re lookingalright now our reef is complete we needa tray with some parchment paper on itand this our ramekin now what I want todo what I like to do with this is putcheese in the middle just like on thepicture but in order to keep their wholethe right size I’m gonna butter thislovely ramekin like this just with abutter paper that I say okay and I’mgonna put it in the middle if I traylike that and then I’m gonna take thisand wrap it around like this and thatshould keep that whole firstly nice andround and secondly the right size to putyour cheese in so make sure that ramekinwhatever using in the middle is heatproof is go in the oven and B is thesame size of their house of your cheesebecause this is gonna expand and it’sgonna puff up you don’t want that holeto close out your never room for yourcheese that way and there it is that’show to shape a Christmas wreath bread Ireally like this way it’s quiteeffective I like the two timesif you want to go three tone C’s you getthird tone see like a linseed orsomething you can make it really lovelybut I think that’s quite nice it’s goingto rest up now about 45 minutes and thenI’ll bake it in the other[Music]and there it is that’s how to shake aChristmas wreath bread a realshowstopper for your Christmas spreadthis year perfect for your cheese boardperfect for your cold cut selection Ihope you enjoy it there’s a link to arecipe for you on the baked wheat Jackblog underneath this video as always Ihope this video has been helpful for youthis week we are back on with a weeklybread maker tip I look forward to seeingyou next Thursday for another one see yathanks for watching this week’sChristmas bread making tip nice andearly to give you plenty of time topractice before the big dayand don’t forget wherever you are in theworld you can treat your home bakingloved ones to a vape with Jack bundlethis Christmas visit Baker Jack doc coatUK forward slash shop and haveyourselves a very Merry Christmas