how to make great pancakes using Lean shake!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi i’m ian kershaw several of my eisah
friends have asked how I make my
pancakes so I take my shaker with four
ice cubes and four ounces of water add
one whole egg and then two scoops of the
isalean shake you want to blend this up
and it should be about the consistency
of a normal pancake batter
now we want to repeat your steal it I
use medium heat you don’t want it too
high and just spray it with some
nonstick spray
an older avocado lawyer whatever you
prefer the key to making the pancakes
and not like the burn is to have them be
very thin and to have small circles so
want to scoop them out and then what I
try to do is with the spatula I just
spread them out so that they are about
as thin as possible that will allow them
to cook quicker without burning so just
like with a normal pancake batter what
you’re looking for is to have bubbles in
the pancakes before you actually turn
them over so we’ll be back in a second
one of the bubbles are forming and we’re
back and the bubbles have started to
form so now we can flip the pancakes
and they were nice golden-brown and
remember to respray the pan after each
batch that you put in because they do
tend to stick so now we’re going to just
let them cook for you know like half a
minute or a minute you just want them to
get brown on the other side sometimes
what I’ll do is I’ll make a double batch
and I’m able to freeze them or put them
in the fridge for another breakfast
another morning turn them on to our
plate and one batch makes about 6 to 7
pancakes and what I like to do is serve
them with some fresh berries and I find
that you don’t need any sweetener on
them but they are just delicious as they
are so thanks a lot for watching and
hope to see you again soon