Hi and welcome back to another video today.
This time I made some chocolate WAFFLES at home. OMG these were soo delicious and loved by my neice.
They were soo quick and easy to make that I will be using my waffles maker for other foods too.
If you liked this video please give it a bug thumbs up, SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t and hit the BELL icon for notifications of whenever I post.
LIDL Waffle Maker https://www.onbuy.com/gb/global-gourmet-square-waffle-maker-iron-machine-1000w-non-stick-coating-global-gourmet-waffle-maker~c9381~p9646776/?exta=bingsh&lid=13095957&stat=eyJpcCI6IjI0Ljk1IiwiZHAiOjAsImxpZCI6IjEzMDk1OTU3IiwicyI6IjI5IiwidCI6MTYwNjYzOTg3MiwiYm1jIjoiNi41In0=&exta=bingsh&msclkid=1b23bd7a03931b18b344e2b01ea1a365&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=(GB:%20SAD)%20Home,%20Garden%20&%20Pets&utm_term=4574861730068515&utm_content=(GB:%20SAD)%20Home,%20Garden%20&%20Pets%20-%2012
Thank you for the love and support shown ❤
#food #Waffles #Chocolate #strawberries #doublecream #whippingcream #cream #nutella #meltedchocolate #whippedcream #wafflemaker
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes