Zoe & Kori Make Rainbow Pancakes
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Video Transcription
hey what you guys say your name andwho’s that Lexi you hey Cory what are wedoing today[Music]three colors alright first we do whatwhat’s thisThanks[Music]put it here okay should we put somesprinkles in it too okay so muchthank you how about blueberries[Music][Music]blueberries blueberries for Corey yeahand very exclusive yeah all right nowgonna add some water in Dixie let me askmy daddy yes ma’am the last blueberryyou snuck muffins Barry crazy girl[Music][Music][Music]read me open it for you absolutelywhat’s the mixer we’re gonna leave thatfor it you got a show on what color isthat blue anymore ribbon[Music][Music]all right and now we have to cook quorumsee no more eat it okay hey know whatyou don’t have to cook it okay now wehave taste test them out you got a dosorry you got it girlokay first things first of it all I meanthe stove and we go put it to eight[Music]okay you’ll put a little oil in the panbecause we like our pancakes crispyright that’s enough good job hey Corywheeze our handy dandy spatula to movethe oil around good job we have to bevery careful is what you are for now how[Music]should we get support and you know isn’tthe letter don’t do this because thiswhat it is dangerousoh sorry sorry should we mix that’s coollet’s show what the[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]whoa that is looking very good girlsthey dueling like a family familypancake and was Brooklyn you got to tellthem a booklet is Ricky Bricklin she’schillin out right now right bring mix[Music]I’m sorry to you we just paste themright now according to taste the blueoneis it yummy did you bite it already Coryis it yummy what do we do before we eatIgor you can’t drink that baby you got adip your pancakes in it crazy look asissyyeah and that’s how you do it alreadygirls[Music][Music][Music]you[Music]