Cookies Recipes

WJ Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sup, Nerdmigos it’s Wife Time…

So, today Wife is going to teach us how to make one of my favorite treats, Chocolate Chip Cookies. This quick batch of cookies is both delicious and only uses a single egg. Not only are these delicious but they hold a little secret, Chipotle Powder, you heard right, Chipotle. Wife adds this ingredient to put a little zest and warmth back into these sweet cookies, plus it gives it a sort of “Mexican Hot Chocolate” vibe that I really enjoy. So, so join wife and my disembodied voice as we cook up a batch of scrumptious Chocolate Chip Cookies that will delight and surprise.

If there is something you want us to cook or review, then let us know and we’ll see what we can do…

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Subterra Miko’s I’m the disembodiedvoice of the jive-talking our Johnmonger we’ve known wife here centerstage and today she’s gonna teach us howto make chocolate chip cookies because Iwant to put your cookies and we figuredwhy not and I make them in a veryspecific way so I figured it would begreat to share it with all of you so tostart off a lot of people think thatmaking cookies can be a lot of work youknow some people make cookies only likeonce a year and it’s at Christmas timeand they do it for like 12 hours at atime they just get so tired of makingcookies that it just feels like a hugedeal to make cookies but I challenge youto do one egg cookies or one egg bakingstuff 1/8 worth of cookies so here wehave one egg and the reason that I sayone egg is it doesn’t take a lot ofingredients it takes a lot less time andthen you get your cookies pretty quicklyand it’s hard you know do a half an eggwhat about like an ostrich eggs we’renot gonna do an ostrich eggs worth ofchocolate couch I don’t even know howmuch that is I feel like an ostrich eggis like this big roughly comparable likefive regular eggs oh yeah so this isjust a regular egg from our chickens wehave chickens at Lake green eggs thereis no difference between it this is alarge egg you could use extra large itkind of doesn’t matter on being superexact I know I know there are some crazyBaker’s out there that don’t like thatbut I am pretty willy-nilly with a wholebunch of this stuff and just kind of letthings go so if you’re one of thosepeople it’s best maybe that you eithergrab a pillow to scream into now ormaybe just stop watching this video yeahoh yeah we’re not gonna be all likeprecise about cuz that’s lame soyeah I’m an ostrich egg I looked it upbecause I care this much about thingsit’s important an ostrich egg is roughlythe equivalent of 24 chicken eggs oh mygod no ostrich eggs that’s all you needa day but monstersa good day like don’t believe becausethat would be for most most of themdon’t and the chickens can hear us nowas you can maybe hear in the backgroundso I also like so not only do I do oneegg recipes but I also do I also try todo recipes in One Bowl because we don’thave a dishwasher we live in a hundredand fifteen year old cabin and uhthere’s no space for a dishwasher oneegg recipe is that were you where youbasically reduce down whatever yourstandard recipe is to one egg and thatthat for a cookie recipe is usuallysimilar between like half of what therecipe calls for to a quarter so you’relooking at less cookies but also lesstime so that’s good so we’re gonna goahead and start by getting our egg intothe thing our oven here is preheated to375 yes so she’s gonna put that egg inthere and then she’s just yeah so I’mjust kind of mixing there around it’snot gonna be fully whisk you know fullywhisk or anything like that from herewhat I do is then I add my salt andbaking soda so this is one half teaspoonsalt and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda andthen I’m gonna mix that in and next I amgonna take some of this beautifulhomemade vanilla extract thanks dad andum you know a lot of people measure thisstuff out like a few drips it’s a littlebook technically the recipe calls for3/4 of a taste of a teaspoon of vanillaextract but just put however much youlike in there because that’s how I rollin fact I haven’t measured how much ofan extract goes into a thing forprobably ten years I just oh no no I’musing an extract it’s just like a glughow much is a glug you don’t know andthen you’re gonna go ahead and mix thattogether[Laughter][Music]like any poisons so next we’re gonna goahead and add sugar so you’re looking atadding a full cup of sugar to thisrecipe but the way that I break it downis a little different than the recipecalls for so the technical recipes formost of these call for a pretty evensplit 50/50 of white sugar and brownsugar however I prefer these cookies tobe a little more in the brown sugar sidethey’re a little bit more roasty-toastytasting a little bit more dark sweet asopposed to like just sweet in general soI have 2/3 cup brown sugar I love thatand I have 1/3 cup white sugar not asmuch fun and then we’re gonna go aheadand we’re gonna mix that together sowe’ve got those measuring utensils sothis is really gonna kind of make like anice sugary paste here and then at thispoint is when I add our butter so youwould go with one stick of butter whichis 1/4 of a pound but we buy those Amishrolls of butter which are fantastic allthe true butter if you want to sponsorme that would be great yes your butteris literally the only butter I can eatit’s the best butter yeah for those ofyou that know me I am allergic to soybean oil and for outfits that makebutter specifically who feed theirlivestock a large amount of soy I’mallergic to that so rather than payingfor incredibly expensive butter becauseI’m not made of money I buy the Amishroll butter because it tastes fantasticand I’ve never had a an allergicreaction problem to it so now is whenwe’re gonna cream the buttermost of these recipes you do this firstand I’m lazy and I don’t want to have towatch little bunch of bowls so I’m gonnado it my way gonna cream the butter sowhat are you doing here you just likesugars like if you see it’s like mixingit up and also this isyour ass butter yeah you want to alwaysadd butter to a cookie recipe at roomtemperature just let your butter sit outdon’t microwave your butter yeah no mygranite that never was it’s gonna befine you don’t need to worry that muchyeah and you want to keep going untilyou don’t see any streaks of butter inhere because just eat that becausethat’s your butter and brown sugar andwhat else you gonna do basically that’sit so actually that leads me to the nextpoint which is fantastic so thesecookies that I make have an extraingredient and that’s to pull a powderbecause I like everything to be sweetand spicy and I can’t open this jar Ishould have pre opened it so I getchipotle peppers from Mexican spicessection at the grocery store in thoselike little plastic bags and then Iactually they’re they’re not they’re notdry enough to really put into somethinglike this or to grind in a coffeegrinder so I take those chipotle peppersI roast them really low really slow inan oven until they are dry enough to beground in a coffee grinder and thengrind them and use them so it gives likethis like the spicy kind of scent to itbut it’s also very smoke warm and smokynot I love it not like barbeque smokyjust like gently hints of smokiness yeahit’s really good in really anythinginvolving chocolate right it’s theMexican chocolate to a chocolate is likethe sauce yeah now for those of you whodon’t really eat spicy food you reallygonna want to add this to your level ofspice we are spicy food people and thisis a half a teaspoon and that’s abouthow much I asked to it so it is spicyyeah you’ve just got like a little bitof a kick to these but if you don’treally eat spicy food you know if ifTaco Bell hot sauce is hot for you thenreduce that you can maybe just add apinch really what you’re looking for isnot just the spice and the heat but alsoa littlea bit of that dark smoky flavor and thenI’m gonna go ahead and mix that alltogether now now is a good time once Ihave this Chipotle in here to taste tosee what I want it to taste like Ihaven’t gotten to the flour part yetand the adding the flour doesn’t reallychange the taste of your batter verymuchso now is it time to taste it and see ifit tastes the way you want to this is agood time to correct for salt sugarimbalances any sort of change in the waythat you have any extracts any spicesthat you’re putting in if you wanted toput in like cinnamon or you want a largebowl a you can go ahead and do that herebut that is fantasticoh man I’m so excited yeah it’s justbutter I don’t even care so next we’regonna add our flour and I keep my flourin one of these little things what I dobefore I add flour to literally anybaking recipe is to educate the flourand that’s because I don’t sift my flourbecause I’m lazy and because I alsodon’t want to wash it a flour sifter whodoes that who does thatso when you have your flour in one ofthese things you want to make sure thatyou’ve got hands on both sides and youput it up and down and then when it whenit does that you can feel the flour fallyou can feel funk lumps and you want tokind of do this until you feel that it’sshifting inside but not any clumps thatare falling down and this really justkind of aerates the flour and makes itmore more like it has been sifted it’sreally you don’t need to sift flouranymore because there aren’t just likegross bugs and flour holes inside youknow like little wheat holes inside ofthings so we are gonna use a rounded cupa heaping cup of flour this is about onecup and this is like one in 1/8 cup offlour to 1 and 1/4 cup of flour orsomething along those linesand now we’re gonna fully mix thistogethermaking sure to scrape the sides and thebottom so you can get all of thatdelicious delicious goodness miss thatbig chunk on the side you can see it’salmost come together now so question fortoday’s episodewhat is your favorite there we go focusyou alright what’s your favoritetype of cooking this is actually not myfavorite cookie yeah this is yourfavorite cookie it’s not even my faceit’s just that I don’t it’s really hardfor me to choose like a favorite cookiecookies I really like oh man this is sotough I really like I really really likeoatmeal cookies but with chocolate chipschocolate chips chocolate chip oatmealcookie and craisins and walnuts JesusChrist but I also look peanut buttercookies with like with like chunks ofpeanuts this is what I’m gonna say ifyou like chunks of pee a lot in yourpeanut butter cookies you’re the sameperson who likes chunks of corn in yourcornbread and both of those because Idon’t like chunks of corn my cornbreadthose are food anyway now that we’ve gotthis all mixed up together and reallyyou know that it’s been mixed when youdon’t see any like traces of flour inyour dough so you don’t want it to belumpy go on now we’re just gonna add ourchocolate chips and this is another funone because I don’t measure this stuff Ido about a handful do more than thatof chocolate chipswe’re going with a handful and a half ofchocolate chips we’re getting chocolateytoday and then we’re just going to goahead and mix this together again I feellike that’s a weird weather systemthere’s a high of chocolate coming infrom the south now that’s not gonna I’mnot gonna do that you know he said andthat was a good time to kind of decidehow much chocolate you know how manychocolate chips how much of this do youwant in here I’m gonna go with morechocolate chips yeah that’s so that’stwo handfuls that’s probablythree-quarters of a cup of chocolatechips if you’re measuring if you’re oneof those measure yeah otherwise you justdo it to however much you wantso now we’ve got this all mixed togetherwe’ve got our chocolate chips in therewhere our oven is a temperature and wehave our cookie sheets so I use siliconeliners on my cookie sheets they’re justslightly too big for my cookie sheetswhich is hilarious chocolate chipcookies are a drop cookie so what thatmeans is when you birthday to the groundno you don’t have your birthday to theground throw it to 50 feet thedrop cookie essentially means thatyou’re going to drop it on to the thecooking surface but I like to use myhands so no I don’t do that this makesit so that I can lick all the deliciouscookie batter she’s also one of thosecookie batter eater people so we’ve gotthis nice little chunks clumps globs ifyou look here you just apply the globdirectly to the silicone yep also realtalk get you some siliconeverything we are this is fastyou’re a silicone like bread pan nowit’s good ass yeah the camerasjust freaking out with your hands warmyeah the camera has no idea what to do[Laughter]there you goobviously if you’re doing this with yourhands you should probably wash yourhands before hand I already did thatno illicit or nice and if you did notwhat are you doing handling food withoutwashing your hands first come onin reality what are you doing doinganything not washing your hands firstand I’m not talking about likeapocalypse times things I’m just talkinglike who’s these well herown dirty hands hands all the time Idon’t know man like dude I wash my handsa lot when I see that I don’t like likelike gunk underneath my fingernails Ican’t handle it I have to like oh dude Idon’t have them super clean all the timedrives me crazy times okay like prettymuch every time I change this surfacethat I’m touching oh okay all right I’mgonna run my hands under some water in[Laughter]so we’ve got all of our cookies out asyou can see this is about 16 cookies 14cookies 16 cookies I just had to lookand make sure that was really 16 so youcan do this in two ways traditionallywith drop cookies you just plop them onand then they expand and bake but Ialways like to kind of give them alittle bit of a pat on top or you couldjust use your hands it’s finea-and this is really just to even outthe height between them that way youhave some that are not like tinymountains and others that are like bigflat desert yeah so I guess I mean themountain cookie is mountain chocolatechip cookies are pretty good I guess sonow we’re gonna go ahead and set thesebabies into our hot oven and they’regonna sit for about eight minutes oruntil you can see that the cookies arecooked all the way through and what doesthat look like that means that it lookslike it’s that the center is wet but notliquidwell show you well show you yeah andwhile you’re doing that you basicallyget to lick your fingers clean and thebowl and the spatula because who doesn’twant chocolate chip cookie dough regularadult humans withyou’re thinking minds that’s untrue it’snot yeah so we will see you what it’sready to take these cookies out of themcome on you baking these for eightminutes okay we’ll see you in eightminutes I guess all right guys we’reback it’s been 45 minutes okaythat’s happened a few times so we’re togo ahead and pull these babies out ofthe oven so we can see that these guysare not liquid in the center but arestill soft so you can see that that’sstill kind of wet there in the centeryou can also cook your cookies a littlebit longer and this to me is perfectI like these cookies to be exactly likethis so please don’t tell me better waysto do it this is how I like them sowe’re gonna let these cookies cool forabout 10 or 15 minutes and then oncewe’re done letting them cool we willscrape them off put them onto a rack andthen attempt to eat them molten-hot yeahyou know what there’s a bunch ofdifferent ways to do chocolate chipcookies as a generality I prefer them abit meteor and less thin but this is howI like themyeah there aren’t crackery they’recrispy and they’re great for dippinginto like hot tea or coffeeno dip things I know um I dip you dip wedip but we don’t cuz I don’t but I dipyou dip we dip no this was some sort ofchocolate chip cookies and some sort ofbaking wife was the one who taught youhow to do this and yeah so don’t forgetto like this video comment below sharesubscribe if you have other bakingthings if you make chocolate chipcookies in a different way let us knowwhat different way do you make themeverybody has a different way I meansome people love those chewyones like it’s all over the board rightyep and if there’s like another kind ofcookie that you want us to bake orsomething like that let us know and thenwe’ll have mostly we’ll have Julie dothat so it’s less work for me except forthe editing yeah so like comment sharesubscribe make some cookies add somechipotleand we’ll see you next time the flipsideright

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