Pies Recipes

Making homemade No bake Peanut butter pie.




P.O. Box 92583
Rochester, New York

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hi there everyone well guess what thisis the official real cook with me Iactually have a tripod now that works Ithink unless it’s gonna fall in the bowlso we have some ingredients here I’m notgonna move the head of the tripodbecause when I was testing it it tippedover so we’re gonna leave it like thatbut we have peanut butter we have thatwe have Hershey’s syrupwe have 10x sugar or confectionery sugaricing sugar whatever you call it we havethat that and we have that also let mesee now I mixed up with the thing goingthis way and the best part we havechoices we have graham cracker crustwhere can you see it a lot of glare takemy word for it I hope tin still in hereoh and we have shortbread let’s theshortbread there we have Oreo pie crustand we have chocolate that could do thislive I could ask you to make a choice Ihaven’t quite decided which one I’mdoing these are Christmas time they’reusually marked down and I get some and Ihave it through the year and luckily Idid I don’t always get more than youknow few but I’m glad I did becausebaking supplies are very scarce andstill looking for angel cake mix can’tfind it anywhere at all but I’m glad Ihave these be saying I mean making somepies so we’re gonna I’m going to make ano-bake peanut butter pie and I used tomake one that was so complicated oh mygoodness years ago the work I put intoit I can’t even believe it but it wasone that we had at a restaurant this wasback in my first marriage I think we’reon our way to Florida we we went on acouple vacations and we stopped at arestaurant and I looked it up and oh mygosh it was really good but it’s so muchworkso I figured out another one that’s mucheasier and probably just as good nevermade it before so good and make it withyou guys okay I’d like to be able todownload it upload it wherever so youcan have it tonight but who knows gonnaturn out longer than I thoughtso this is the recipe okay well if youcan screenshot it because I don’t daremove this thing until I’ve worked morewith the tripod so there’s that you wantto screenshot that a little more herethere we gohope you got it I got so excited I tookthe recipe away Sonny how it calls foran immediate in a medium bowl mixedtogether peanut butter and cream cheesenow the peanut butter it’s 16 point Ithink three ounces you do you guysmeasure out peanut butter I don’tbecause by time to measure it put in ameasuring cup get it out again it’s it’sjust way too much you know you lose alot so I eyeball it I think even anovice know an amateur Baker could dothat so I just took what I thought washalf put it in here rather than in ameasuring cup and then in here I know itseems like it doesn’t make sense but itdoes because when you put from there tothe measuring cup to there this was justeasier said I measured I just guessed soI’m going to take this and I usuallydon’t buy Peter Pan but there hasn’tbeen peanut butter in the store there’sbeen 10x sugar cake mixes chocolatechips yeast is impossible to find floursugar you name it but I don’t know why Iguess everyone’s baking but people areall complaining about the yeast becausethey must oh well they’re making breadright because there’s a shortage ofbread do you have shortages on yourbaking things let me know okay sothere’s the peanut butter sorry aboutthe noise what did I say was nextso it’s peanut butter and cream cheeseand it’s eight ounces of cream cheesenow could forget to bring set it out wesay have to be softer I did a dumb thingI turn down the stove to try to softenit because I’d put down here wouldsoften my house was nice and cold but itheated up and the whole stoves hot inthe kitchen is hotter bit oh well youlive and learn so what did I just saypeanut butter and cream cheese so what Idid with the cream cheese is I mean thebest way to do it take your cream cheesecut it up in pieces and then it willdefrostsoft and better I put it in themicrowave for 30 seconds I’ve never putin a microwave because I always have itsoftened but I thought you know I wantto do this before it’s 2 a.m. I’d liketo get this loaded so you guys can seeit today but you know how my internet isand I used to go to the grocery storebut you got to go inside at thebeginning I could just sit in theparking lot but the internet doesn’treach out there anymore so I got a dealwith my internet those have beenfollowing me I’m sorrynice I know it sucks so next thing is Ihave no plug here I don’t know why so Igot to go over there and beat up it youcan imagine I’m going to use a mixer andbeat it be right backand to show you that I am gonna beat ithere’s the beater so I’ll be back okayso I use the spoon to pull down the sideso it would be all mixed so therewouldn’t be you know you know what Imean next thing is the 10x sugar as Icall it you have to do a little at atime so I’ll just show you thelusciousness one and a quarter cups andI’ll be back this will take a little bitfor you it’ll be just like a splitsecond does this look luscious or doesit look luscious oh it looks so good sonext we take the core and the actualKolok Brandt was 30 cents cheaper thanthe store brand which you probablyprobably probably probably most likelymade by the same people but you knowit’s kind of a a psychological thing youthink oh yeah I’m gonna get the brandnamehow much did I say eight ounce of CoolWhip so we do this get the whole thingin there and when I was doing that 10xsugar I said I said you put it in slowlyyou started on low and then we combineda little you can get to a higher speedand then keep doing I did it threedifferent times so then you put this alittle with a spoon just ten incorporateit first and then I’m gonna go over tothe mixing so tell me if you you don’tmind that I’m mixing somewhere elseactually then you don’t have to hear itif not I’ll try to fix so I can do itover there where the plug is so I willbe backlook at that it’s nice and creamydelicious since I couldn’t have yourinput I chose the chocolate pie crust Igot a feeling this could make two piesbut I don’t want to do it because I’mgonna make making some more pies so I’mgonna fit it in there leftover I’m gonnaprobably put a container he’s like adick with cookies or stuff for Pauly youcan’t also make this with heavy whippingcream but I thought with that you’d haveto eat it quicker and I don’t really eata lot of sweet stuff so this way canlast longer and Pauly doesn’t need alast sweet stuff I figure start goodhabits early so I’m going to put it intothe crust so I took the lid off almostleft it on and we’re gonna put it intothe crust and hold on because I’m afraidthis is gonna fall up the tripod so ifyou want you could do the spoon you canmake like little waves or ripples butI’m gonna do an ad to touch I’m gonnaput some Hershey’s syrup on top of itjust to add some more calories and I waswrong it fit in one so so much foreyeballing it just looked more from theangle I was at so okay so I’m gonna putsome of this just kind of make a littledesign should have thought out my designbut it’s just you know kind of freehandmaybe I’ll go this way to this way youknow this would be good if you couldfreeze it and eat it frozen you could dothat I bet you can cuz I didn’t freezethe Cool Whip yet that would bedelicious but this one’s going in thefridge but I bet you could freeze thisthis would bevery very good frozen so it doesn’t thatlook good wait where’s the area rightthere there no there there’s a littlebit more herbs come to pass so much forthe nice decoration who cares it’s gonnataste good so then you just put the topon it comes with it make sure there’s nosticky stuff in there so you put it onand you do up the sides all the wayaround put in the fridge for I thinkthree to four hours or whatever therecipe said and don’t touch it nowbecause I won’t be able to cut it sowait it’s good to wait I think it’s inthe fridge now I’m wondering is it inthe freezer now I’m sure it’s the fridgeso the hard part and I was waiting Ihope you enjoyed this is the first in aseries so let me know if you’d like tohave some more cook with me so don’tforget to subscribe like if you likethis if the notifications I’ll sharesharing is caring share my video ok somales wanted to make this should I saysharing is caring don’t forget to payfor Appeals get in my heart probablytired and everyone’s hard and don’tforget to help someone out even if it’sjust a phone call on these awful timesyou’re going through so why not startbaking you know you can and you can alsomake this if you have like diabetesyou’re on a diet this is already overten minutes could probably Mac and lowtonight but anyhow you could use thewhip the sugar free Cool Whip you coulduse a sugar-free peanut butterI wouldn’t put the chocolate initiallyit’s sugar-free cream cheese with not asmuch fat and of course you know you knowyou’re on diet but I’m just saying ifyou want to make it less caloric and Idon’t know about the powdered sugar butI’m sure this substitute but I’m justgonna just do it the way I did so fornow bye everyoneand I’ll probably put up a picture on myInstagram to let you know how it workedout so bye for now

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