Pies Recipes

Second part of no bake pie.



P.O Box 92583
Rochester, New York

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Video Transcription

his head show you this deliciousness soI’m going to open it upI just can’t I’m probably gonna stillput a picture on my Instagram but whywould you see it hopefully I could loadit I got the other one loaded so it’llbe well it’s after midnight so it’s thenext day but still it’s you know youknow what I mean look at that oh my goshuh how many calories is there in there Idon’t care at this pointVictor touched my GI doctor to say I’lldo a video on that no he says why don’tyou make something that you can eat thisgot a lot of calories because I told himhow much weight he lost I said he wantedto recognize me so that’s productorsorders now let’s see is it gonna cutgood or notyou can’t eat the crust part not kiddingand see where cut it but um I don’t havethe tripod this time should have and Icould see what I’m doing and I forgot toget a fork so I’m just so prepared holdon

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