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Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey welcome to my channel today my nameis dr. Cheechoo cappellawe’re going to make pancakes withoutbaking soda in my salad master electricskillet how do you subscribe to mychannel do that right now before westart guess what I have in this waterbottle Ohfor busting my belly fat I met somebodyon my walk and she loved my very goodfriend I told her that I said I shouldbring that on empty stomach in themorning to help make insulin and also tohelp me lose weight I don’t knowI’m doing it I know oh Christ healthyokaylet’s start making our pancakes I’llstart with 1 cup of flour all-purposeflouryeah this bag is almost empty dump itinto my bowl and three tablespoons ofsugar[Music]now so it should be a pinch of sohbatyou know salty tastes that’s about it[Music]now we’re going to mix everythingtogether all the dry ingredients willmix them together have you I just wannalet you know I’ve never made this beforethis is my first Red Tent so I crackedmy egg and separate the white from theyolk I’ll throw the yolk into the drymix and then beat the white into afrothy consistency yeahtwo eggs hey yeah that’s me separated Ipour in my 1 cup of milk I’m beating theegg I heard that if any part of you getsin the white it’s not gonna I don’tknow mine was looking yellow but now Idon’t really careI’ll try my best to do it as much as Ican I’ll whisk it yeah after that youdon’t pick in the Nexus I’ll be it let’sgo to the skillet[Music]we’re supposed to get like a wet processa runny consistency okay but make it toowatery just something thicker than waterokay so yeah we’ve come to the skilletI’ll set the temperature to 375Fahrenheit that’s what I’m doing rightnow 375 degrees Fahrenheit so that’s thetime I don’t really need a timer buddyif I was supposed to pick somethingprobably like rice I would set a timerso that it turns off when it’s don’tcook againI’ve had this killer for maybe fouryears now three four years three yearsit could be 2016 yeah for you yeah soI’m put in a little bit of olive oil nowI don’t have the pan spray time spray soI’m going to spread the other boy withmy brush you can also use a buttermaybe it’s lice of all time yeah so whenit eats up you know when it’s plasticbubble and you think it’s hot enoughthen I begin to pour through this bufferyou know sometimes people save up thebad and later use let’s say you want tomake pancakes in the morning you canjust use like an oatmeal jog to pour thebatter into it so that in the morningyou just hit up on heat on your skilletand just you know right although itdoesn’t take a long time to make thebatterI’m just saying I know this selberalready mixed one in the stores yeah sodo you know want to flip your pancakethe bubbles will begin to form on thepancakes and then when they start toburst then you know it’s time to flipthe pancake the reason I like using theskillet my skeleton unit fry pancakes isthat it heats evenly unlike a regularyou know using a skillet on the stovesometimes some parts are hotter thanothers and then the skillet on the stovemay not keep evenly so I like using justelectric skillet[Music]also salad master products one of thehighest quality cookware as you can everhave because they are made from titaniumdioxide and titanium is the not so thatis usually used for hip replacements orknee replacement meaning that they arenot toxic to the body they are the veryhealthy to cook with because unlikeother coated parts or nonstick pots likeTeflon this one wouldn’t make you sickyep and then you can cook with minimalwater a minimal oil when using the saladmaster product I cherish my electricskillet a lot so in history we want toknow how to get one let me know it’s notcheap though okay I think we’re donewith this pancake I think I’ll make theother nice coming bigger I will preparelike you know wider one so that I canmake wraps with them[Music]this is really flat this tactic isreally flat it’s not fluffy after thisI’m going to make fluffy pancakes I havethis I have frozen peaches that I’vebeen looking for what to do with them Idid not put them in the refrigerator sofast enough so everybody just be lockedinto one whole mass I wanted to makesome smoothies with them but I couldn’tyou know separate the bitches I thinkthat would just defroster and blend thenand use them to make fluffy pancakesright after this I hope you enjoyed thisvideo I actually have fun making ityeah don’t forget to subscribe ok I loveyou all bye bye[Music]