Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everybody today I’m going to bemaking some pancakes and fresh this this[Music][Music]you’ll be needing any kind of that youcan find that gives you how much youneedso I’m gonna use this and then oh we’regonna useyeahwell just a small one[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]and you can meet how ever much if youwant like 14 pancakes just use hiccupsof their original this quick mix and onecup of milk and two eggs[Music][Music]1/4 of a cup I got 1/2 1/2this is 1/2okay so you’ll be needing 1/2nope so pour it into your mix into youryour measurementsnow pour it into your and get your eggand then wait – can you teach me okay soI’m gonna do like this there okay how doI like that okayokay some crap turn in Fulton and thenstart mixing your mixture around and