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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]today we’re gonna make anotherinstallment of cooking with Michaels thepreheat the waffle iron and some Tweakerabout renewable energy we have itsolar-powered first ingredient is localorganicpastured grass-fed this we’re gonnaextract some salt from the sweat of mydad’s gym socksyou get oil from a vegetable[Music]my mom doesn’t dairy so instead of milkwe use almond milk[Music][Music]I mean baking powder we’re gonna makeour own by using all the strengthantacid which will also aid in digestionwhen we’re making the waffleswe have no now abused but fortunatelysynthetic vanillacomes from secretions from an otterscastor glands conveniently locatedastley or adding local organic shadeground Fairtrade gluten-freehypoallergenic frozen berries now thatwe’re done add a lot of the waffle mixand pour itthen you close it and wait and wait andwait and wait when it’s done take offtheir open the waffle iron and stab itwith some extraction device and put iton its own plate a perfect waffle andthe rain[Music]we turned our on fire from a family of[Music]make our own powder by using all thestrength and we’re gonna use it byoldest drink and