Bread Recipes

HOW TO: cook bread uttapam!!! (Very easy and only 3 mins)!!!

Watch this if you don’t know what to do with the bread leat at your home!!😀😃

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[Music]hi I’m chef Nick and today we’ll becooking very very easy and yummy and mebread uttapam so when you taste ityou’ll ask for another one so stay readyyou need six bread pieces for this oneand now you can tear the bread piecesinto small small pieces because theywill need to mix with the batter so ifthey don’t mix your bread uttapam willcome up and down and it won’t come goodso you have to tear them into smallpieces so now I am done tearing theminto small piecesso you have to add an other ingredientso the ingredient is Basin and we’llcome on to that later so 120 grams ofBasin powder and you can keep the breadand baking powder aside so add thebaking powder to the bread and now keepit aside after this you will need thoseare better and add 120 grams of this abetter – and mix it well liked thisvideo don’t forget to share and alsosubscribe now let’s come on to theingredients we got green chilli gingerI chopped them all into small piecesI got coriander mint and curry leaves soyeah I’ll just zoom in to show you thatI chopped them this is coriander and Ichopped them to small pieces this iscurry leaves I also chopped them intosmall pieces that is mint and there issmall small chopped green chilli piecesand last but not least ginger everythingis chopped into small pieces so yeahhere are the ingredients and you takethe batter which we mix earlier and addthe ingredients which we are now firstyou can add ginger and all the leavesgreen chilli and everything so now youadd the ingredients so now you can keepthem aside and you need some saltdon’t have too much you can add feltbased on your taste I’m adding onetablespoon of salt and now add waterand mix it well with the big spoon untilit comes like a liquid form like thisyou see now if it doesn’t come good adda little more water and take a pan andadd the batter and shape it however youwantI’m shaping it like a circle and add alittle bit of oil or ghee it’s your wishand adding ghee the more gave the betterself you can also add coconut oil orsomething else so the front side and nowlift againand you will see that it’s ready soafter it’s ready I’m tasting it with abirch arrow and there are many differentways to taste it it can be good withanything so let’s taste it three – wowit’s awesome I really like it very muchand I’m just in it with some barrels allthis time and it would be good withanything from chutneys to just nothingyou can eat it plain like you can eatthe whole lot of them without anythingit would be good bread and geekcombinations very good so kids will likethis but a pom recipe very much becauseit contains bread and anything made outof bread will be good thank you

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