Hey guys! Ive been struggling so much trying to come up with video ideas since every time I film one, I end up hating it:) Anyways enjoy the video!!
Instagram- isabellabuckleyyy
Snapchat- iz.buckley
Tik Tok- isabellabuckleyy
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up guysokay so you guys are probably wonderingwhy are you in your kitchen well that isbecause I am Bakley we’re gonna makesome cookies I started my period today[Music]which is really whack I don’t know whyI’m doing that but yeah so I’m gonna getall the ingredients we’re gonna bake andyou talk and just whatever yeah ourrecipe start there were two bowls onefor the so we’re gonna make the eggs dowe need one teaspoonVidela is my favorite mom do you knowthat they’re saying that you came likeOh vanilla Pearson you won’t buy vanillaanymore no but gum does well we have ourI have my mixture of butter egg sugar[Music]I think I’m a very impatient I’m one ofthe reasons I’m doing this is because Ivery bad so now you don’t know what thatmeans it means fear of missing out allmy friends are at the beach right now todo this to distract me because I don’tlike seeing their snapchat stories itmakes it sad wait how many cups I justput in here no if I put three or fourfor self-diagnose a so basically whathappened was I wrote down the wrongrecipe I don’t know why I don’t know howI literally could not tell you but Iwrote down the wrong recipe and then itmade scones us just like figuring outthe recipe it was wrong my measurementsis wrong and then getting the originalrecipe and then just making the skins sothat’s what’s about to happen the butteryeah I copied it the way shewait what if it means one and a half 1/2cups mom said one 1/2 cup size she saidthat’s what that that’s one and a halfcups so how much they put that would bethree that would be[Music][Music]they’ve been done maybe they’re notreadyokay wellscones another batch without thechocolate chips well I’m a big sconesthat’s what we’re gonna call them let’sget like this one so you’re not gonna beable to see it but I’ll describe it[Music]no I thought they were gonna turn outhorrible second set he’s ready you thinkthey’re ready so you know put them infor a few more minutescuz they’re fun to have another one ofthese its water I’m ending the videohere I hope you guys enjoyed it you guysso much for watching I hope you enjoyedme making scones not cookies[Music]