Hey y’all! I attempted to bake my first pie…in the new house. I tried this recipe ➡️https://pin.it/1BBojqh
Let me know in the comments if you try this!
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Music: Sugar Diabet
Musician: WATERCAT
URL: https://icons8.com/music
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I’m like y’all we in the south what youmean you ain’t never have mm okayyeahJ I’m attempting upbecause then really dying to startbaking again I used to bake a lotlike before when they we lived in anapartment before and I used to bake allthe fine but you know I haven’t reallybeen baking for one we had issues withlike our stay for a while we didcomplain and then because it happenedfor someone where you got rid of all ofhands but I finally have the impact andI’m feeling like that it’s probably thenesting aspect I don’t know it couldjust be they done it in so long I use ita lot growing up so maybe that’s itI don’t know I’m sorry if y’all hear allthe fans in the background we have a fanin our living room which is right therefor the dogs and then like our airconditioners really right behind thecamera so if you hear our fans I’m sorryyesterday was in the Royal day coming upto my sister’s house and she had madeall the food and she had made somedesserts and she made an apple pie andit was good but he reminded me about howmuch I wanted to make an apple pie andhad already been thinking about itbecause we have these applesI think we picked up at the store theother day and I like apples I eat thembut they’re not my favorite fruit and Iknow that worth going not gonna eat theschool bags I’m gonnaand we don’t have to weigh because Idon’t know that I’ve ever actually mademe apple pie hi my husband has faith inme that’s why I love them I love them sokeep currently smoking some ribs for thefirst time there’s just a lot of firstrest so I will insert some clips withthat because I got in a couple snippetshere in there[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]now we’re gonna add in the seasoningsand flavorings so we’re gonna use ateaspoon of it with vanillaa teaspoon of cinnamon1/4 teaspoon they are using net meg I’mgonna use allspice and I must knoweyeballing this so interesting Ipersonally love allspice compared withnutmeg a lot of times especially indesserts if they call for nutmeg I willsimplify some place of it I just likethe aroma and as long as later betterthis all it just helps to kind of cutthrough some of the meat now I need aquarter cup of sugarand then 1/4 cup of it full hours guys Iapologize I’m so sorryI was gonna talk to my wife but yeahwith in our video we get taken down yeahokay so you just mix all that togetherso we’re gonna actually refrigerate thisright now um actually I’m not gonnarefrigerate it we’re just gonna put alid over this and let it sit while wemix together our dead what we’re back sonow we’re gonna work on our club have norecipe ever here I’m trying this recipeoff of Pinterest this is not really oneof my recipes I will link the recipedown below though so that if you guyswant to try it can see how it goestwo and a quarter cups of flour when ifyou add 2 tbsp of sugar and I’m gonnaadd just a slight bit more sugar into mycrust because I like for my custody alittle bit sweeter especially becausethis is gonna make like a flaky crust soI want it to be not likefiscallyI know that’s probably a term thatif you’ve ever had a crush that you tryit in your slinky but then really takeslike a whole lot of anythingethnicity and then of – assaultokay so what’s gonna mix all thattogether baby bears in the foodprocessor I’m not have a food processorso I’m doing it the way that I remembermy mom taught us how to do best we’reusing two forks to cut in your butterwhich is what we’re about to assume it’salready pre cubed this is pretty coldbutter we’re gonna go in and start kindof cutting with themthis plate I’m just gonna get my kidsthere is nothing better than justgetting your hands dirty and making ithomemade because it just makes you feelgood about it you know knowing that youmade that you put in the work and theeffort and then it came out withsomething delicious and something youknow it’s nutritious you know what wentinto it there’s not a surprise when itcomes out it’s what I grew up on it’swhat I likegrowing up especially in my grandparentshouse you know they were all abouthomemade you made it yourself you didn’treally do sort out stuff you grow yourown vegetables cut your own foodI actually have my mouse markets likeright there or green thing anymorethis is my grandmother’s kitchen and Iremember it I love that thing growing upwine green is my favorite color and Iloved it but I loved that thing growingup every time I go in there I’m prettysure that’s like one of the first thingsI learned how to weed was that fine andwhen my grandfather started gettingreally sick he asked me one day he saidyou know is there anything in my housethat you would want he was like I’ve gota lot of kids and grandkids andeverybody he’s gonna want a lot of stuffso I want to make sure if there’ssomething specific that you want thatyou’re able to get it and I told him Isaid the only thing I really would wantwould be Mama’s plaque and he said okayhe literally gets up out of his chairwaltz in the kitchen takes off the wallhands a teeny I said no I don’t want toReno I said this is yoursthis was maman over you and you’relooking at it he said no I want you tohave it so I’ve had it ever since Ihelped I hung it up in my dorm room whenI was in college and it hangs up in mykitchen now just like in mygrandmother’s house mama used to alwayskeep it on her wall in the kitchensomehow until nutball in the kitchenthat says lord help me this day keep mybig mouth shut and if that ain’t thebest advice that I need on a daily basisI don’t know what is okay so it’s prettycrumbly now which is what I want it tobe so now I’m gonna add inice-cold water I literally just tookthis out of the freezer I’m just gonnaadd in a little bit out of time justincorporate it as you go it’ll help tokind mix this together and bring it intoa natural dough so you just kind of puta little bit at a timethere’s not really a set amounteveryone’s dough is gonna be a littlelittle different when it comes tomoisture just because at the type offlower you used two types of butter youuse how you mix it did you mix it byhand as you make supposition yes sireveryone’s would be a different amountno one will be the exact same so justkeep a little bowl with it and you addit in as needed but then II just a tinybit more some oysters they play with myfingers[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]okayagain it ishey it is in the pan get into prettiestthing angle a face this first time Imade a pie crust a very very long timeand honestly as long as it tastes goodnow I’ve got to put the mix in hereroll out the top crust put it on top andthen we’ll get to a bacon[Music]okay there’s a feelingyou’re gonna cramp them time shorterblade because I have one right now whenit hurts OhI feel like I need to start practicinglike everything but I know nothing aboutit there are supposed to be like classesthat you can take but it’s still likewait log down because of coronavirusstuff so there’s no classes no tours soI don’t even know what to expect when Igo in when I have the baby I have nofreaking clue really been the mostpleased with the entire situation likemy doctor I’m not a big fan of likewe’ve asked probably four times now ifwe can get the additional testinggenetic testing for the baby becauseCasa is adopted from Russia and we knownothing about his family history so wehave no idea if there’s any diseasesdisabilities no clue and I’ve mentionedit and when I mentioned it my doctorliterally laughed in my facemm-hmm and if you know me you know it’sreal hard for me to keep my cool whencrap like that happens so y’all shouldbe proud that I have not likegone off on her butt so there’s beenthat like it’s optional it even like aeven got paperwork that was like if youwant to get additional testing youroptional testing you know to see if yourchild may be prone or like have higherchances to have certain disabilities orgenetic disorders take genetic traitslike Down syndrome we offer those justlet us know well I’ve now mentioned itto my doctor so many times and everytime she’s like no you have anything toworry about like what I thing you haveto worry about with being adopted fromRussia is fetal alcohol syndrome and I’mlike no because he wasn’t adopted as ababy like he was adopted when he wasolder so like it’s not the samesituation and she literally just laughsand goes oh well you’re good then okayand then let me grab that dothenafter that she looks in the computer onmy chart that I’m pretty sure she shouldhave been looking yardten weeks ago when I had my firstappointment and the four times that wefilled out medical history paperwork butlooks at it she goes I want to know wecan treat you here because witheverything going on we don’t have acardiologist here at this location and Idon’t know that we can guarantee yoursafetywhat so there’s a possibility that whenI go from the next appointment they’regoing to told me that I have to transferto a different hospital that is an houraway an hour don’t get me wrong I wouldlove to be out from under her becauseshe’s a pain to deal with but I don’tnecessarily want to drive an hour forevery single daughter’s visit that I’mgonna happenand time for her to be here and if I gointo labor like that means I’m gonnahave to drive an hour to get to thehospital to have her an hour while inlabor like WTF guyswhat do you guys should I just stickwith my doctor and just stick it out andI just bein like ridiculous let me knowwhat you think I know what my familythinks and I know what people that arekind of close to ass think it’s allpretty minced honestly like some peopleare like oh that’s normal you’re notalways gonna let your doctor blah blahblah I get but I mean and I feel like ifI’m voicing concern about things or likeworried about things that should maybeget more than just you and the nurselaughing[Music]maybe that’s just melet me know what you thinkand if you have any linkcrazy birthing stories I really don’twant toand I feel like I don’t mind hearingthem cough for sure does not want to dothem like he is so worried about thewhole situationlike every time I tell them likeoh this could possibly happen or thiscould possibly happen like he gets sonervous and so worried so if you gotcrazy stories don’t tell melike even just I told him stories aboutlike my sister’s births andhe’s like I will with it on a doctoryou know it’s gonna be some time thenI’m household when it comes time forthis because we don’t know what’s gonnahappen[Music]if things hit the fanwell Jenny feel like random crackersbrother no put this in the fridgeWowincreasingyou guys my camera keeps fogging up butthis is what it looks like right now soI’m gonna put some foil around the topjust so that it won’t get too dark andI’m also gonna cut a few slips righthere just to add a little moreventilation and then pop it back in theoven for about another 20 minutes andthen we should be Johnny okay here isthe final product it has that in kind ofdark so like outside so the inside iswool sorryit’ll be on there so we’re looking atright now I’m about to cut it see howthis goes guys so looks goodsmells fantasticlet’s try a bite shall weoh my gosh this is like the best applepiein my opinion the crust is like soft andbuttery not too flaky but looks like youenough the fillings not a really sweet Idon’t really like a super sweet fillingso thumbs up for this one guyslet me know in the comments down belowif you try the recipe like I said I willlink that in the description box be sureto get this video a thumbs up and I willsee you next timethe longer the souls are longer thesmokeor the head of[Music][Music][Applause][Music]