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1 Tbsp Unsalted Melted Butter
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Granulated Sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Egg Yolk
5 Tbsp Flour
2 Tbsp Chocolate Chips
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
this week Ariel’s easy food recipespresents how to make the perfectmicrowave cookies first you’re going tomelt 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter nowyou’re going to add 1 tablespoon ofbrown sugar and 1 tablespoon ofgranulated sugar next you’re going toadd 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract andyou’re going to want to stir the mixtureuntil it’s smoothmine stalled exactly smooth but you getthe pointnext you’re gonna add an egg yolk andthen you’re gonna stir the mixture untilit’s smoothnext you’re going to add in fivetablespoons of flour one tablespoon at atime stirring in between each tablespoonyouthe cookie dough should look like thisnow you’re going to add two tablespoonsof chocolate chips stirring with yourhands or a spatulaonce you’re done this step you’re goingto roll them into balls and put them ona platenow you’re going to microwave them for45 seconds to a minute and you’re doneenjoy your cookies