If you love waffles this is for you. Ham and Cheese Waffles
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Video Transcription
[Music]over again welcome welcome welcome weare here for a recipe of the day and I’mjust pull up our our program here herewe go okay technology check how iseveryone happy what day is itI think it’s Tuesday so we are going tohave another recipe today of what to dowith your left over ham from Easterbecause I’m sure everyone besides me hasmore ham than three people are going toeat so today we are going to make hamand cheese waffles from scratch and so Ithought I would start and they havehands on and Jill oh thank you Jimchilly you’re the best my number oneloyal viewer hey Talan and Erika heygirlErin Seidler how are you welcome we aregonna make ham and cheese waffles todaybut I thought I would first start withshowing you guys we are a waffle familywe always have been waffles are ourthing we always have them on theweekends it was a special treat but Irealized I have quite a collection ofwaffle irons so I thought I would showyou guys besides the one that’s hot todo the demo here I have my newest onehere is this Hong Kong egg waffle waffleer I don’t know if you guys can see butit’s like ballsit makes balls and they’re called eggwaffles and they originated in Hong Kongand they’re usually made moreeggs like omelets in these but that ismy Hong Kong waffle maker and then I’mgonna do with these from Handy’s to myassistant to get them off my workspaceand then the next one I have here I gotwhen Brett’s was born and I thought whata quick thing because this one makessticks you guys can see but I thought ohmy gosh with a baby or toddler feedingthemselves this one I thought was reallycool because it makes these littlewaffle sticks so that I got that one andthen good rhythm so for those I knowworks better so with those and then thisone look at this oh my gosh lookremember these old plugs those guys thatare old enough to knowremember what plugs were all over thesame side on both sides this waffle ironI inherited from my mother-in-law whoused to make waffles for my husband onthis waffle maker and of course becauseit’s probably from the 50s it’s probablyfrom her wedding it still worksand it’s awesome and she has madewaffles for Gary on this waffle iron andfor reps of course on this waffle ironso this one makes little squares butwhen she passed away I was like oh mygosh I want the waffle maker and I’mkeeping it so that is my oldest one wehave in the collection and it worksgreat and then the one I’m going to usetoday is off camera here but it’s hotit’s plugged in my regular around whenI’ve had probably for at least 25 yearsmaybe more but nothing sticks so it’sthe best one and so because we’re goingto use cheese and these waffles today Ithought you know what I better go withmy time through and use my beat-up oldone that works great for the best chanceof these waffles not sticking so here wego we are gonna make these from scratchHey Brucehow are youdeniz Teresa there’s my sister bigwinner from yesterday how about that mysister won so we’re gonna get startedhere I’m gonna get started you guys cansee that I made room with all my waffleiron collection we’re going to start Ithink I’ll do the wet ingredients firstokay guess what I didn’t have for thisrecipe I did not have any buttermilk sowhat do you do when you don’t have anyyou make it so 1 cup of milk 2 1tablespoon of lemon juice lemon juice Ihave because I have tree grow my own soI’m good on lemons like you know whatwe’ll just make our own so 1 cup of milk2 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and voilayou have by Rilke where’s the butterthis is the butter not in this one so sothere we go we are I got sidetrackedhere ok gotta get going here one dudedoing here ok yolks butter andbuttermilkI have whip the egg whites before youguys came to join me so we have eggwhites in the bowl here Instagram youcan’t see but the mixers out this isthree egg yolks because I use the whiteson we’re already in the in the mixerthey’re whipped up to soft peaksactually probably stiff piece okay andbutter oh my gosh you know that’s not arecipe I normally make because look atthe butter in this would baby stick ofbutter the recipe actually called fortwo sticks I just couldn’t go there soI’m putting in one I’m sure with twosticks it might not stick to the waffleiron but that’s our yolks our buttermilkand the butter in thereblue la la and then the secret towaffles the secret weapon is soda waterthat is the secret when I make my ownnormally the side of you knowmake them like this from scratch secretso water and by the way do you know thedifference between Kloseand seltzer water does anyone know thatchance to answer what the difference iscan you put Pepsi in there Pepsi wouldgive you a different flavor with yourham and cheese so I’m going to put 3/4of a cupI’m actually not going to use that cupthan my flour will stir so I’m gonnawing it here about three-quarters of acup of soda I love my homemade butbuttermilk gets all frothy and frothingup hey destiny how are you I knowexactly I could not put two yeah thedifference between seltzer water andsoda wateranybody else have a guess no I’ll letyou guys guess for a second okay that’sour wet ingredients the gifts the meltedbutter buttermilk with soda always havetwo reaps I get talking and forget whatI’m up toso now we’ll do the dry move that heyMelissa how are you welcome we’re makinganother recipe today for our leftoverham and we’re making am and cheesewaffleshey I know more but yeah it has my buttmy butt my butter girl can never havetoo much and I’m going to put one in 3/4cup of flour measured very carefully asyou can see into my bowl here and thenI’m going to use here my handy dandymeasuring spoons we’re gonna put 2teaspoons of baking powder how’severyone today it’s gorgeous here forthose of you that are here in VenturaCounty it’s beautiful here today 2teaspoons of powder and then we’re gonnago 1 teaspoon of sodaput that in and one tablespoon of sugarwhere’s my sugar I like in the poorthing because it’s easier to use alittle more lower and then just makesure I get everything in there sugartime is enter saltOh salt teaspoon of salt measured verycarefully and then I think that’s itit’s have to check everything in thereblah blah egg whites okay okay we’regonna whisk these wet ingredients intoour dry here so here we goour homemade buttermilk butter egg yolksand soda watergo ahead so we’re making ham and cheesewafflestoday thank you guysI’m using up our leftover ham and I’msure more people that me have left overso we get those mixed and then I’m goingto incorporate here the egg whites thatwe sold closer so I can see one naturalwhat I don’t knowoh one natural one Oh the differencewe’re still the difference between sodawater and seltzer water[Music]let’s do the magic of livethey’re already whipped I’m gonna foldin the whipped egg whites here we goyummy way what tools I’ve got going ontoday hey Lindy we’re making ham andcheese waffles from scratch using up ourhand we have left from from Easter threeof us here Mikewe might be making leftover ham recipesall week so most bold B’s white Santathat I’ll pull the assistant you want tomove the mixer and all the waffle irontoward me please stage manager helpingme out here my magic hands getting inhere oh my goodness look how yummy thislooks awesomesee see my batter our bubbles in therelooks great I know my mixer is awesome Ilove it one of my favorite tools we seeif I can get the waffle iron into theInstagram shot syrup is a must but letme keep moving this over here so you cansee oh there we goyou see director you got it got it okaywe are in the shop take itoh my things off the counter here okayhere we go so we are going to give thisa whirl and see how it works out live sowe have our batter here already two togo ones last time you made waffles fromtotal scratch here we gookay I’ve got this really hot and we’regonna spray it and we’re gonna pray thatthe cheese doesn’t stick on the lotso here we go I’m going to pour thisyummy homemade batter here into our ironand Philip our squares here and then seewhat happens and they’re going to take alittle bit of our ham I know my sistercan’t believe I have this dish towelstill well because of what I’ve beendoing every day my dish towels areactually up in the wash and they areclean I just didn’t grab them to bringthem down okay I’m going to put thecheese on here and then we’re gonna prayeveryone pray that way it doesn’t stickso we’ve got extra sharp cheddar cheesehere and ham and then we’re gonna crossour fingers and down it goes have youmade this dish before I have not madethis dish before we are just doingrecipes I thought look good for ourleftover ham and we’ll see what happenshere if I thought maybe I would give youguys a little history of the wafflewhile this was baking because I thoughtit was interestingthe first waffle irons were found fromthe 1200s where they used two pieces ofiron in the fire and they would use thatto make like a pastry like a wafflebecause they didn’t start calling it awaffle until 1735but the Pilgrims have irons the Dutchbrought waffles on their voyage in 1620what else happened in 1620 and thenThomas Jefferson in 1789 he broughtwaffles back from France with him in awaffle iron that got enclosed like thisone like well the more modern ones andthen in 1911 which I think I have thisversion the first commercial electricwaffle iron was made by GE and 1911I mean imagine that’s over a hundredyears ago and then in nineteen and a1930s it became a staple in the Americankitchen that GE made the waffle irons sothen in 1953 the dorsum brothers fromSan Jose so shout out to all my SiliconValley peeps the dorsum brothersintroduced the frozen waffle and whatwere they called a goes that’s who arecalled that right away they they werecalled from holes and then they becamereferred to as egos due to their adtaste and in the 1970sKellogg’s purchased them look away theygoleggo my eggo and then that’s in 1953 iswhen when a goes were invented frozentoaster waffles and then in 1964 belgianwaffles as we know them today debuted atthe New York World’s Fairso there’s your history of waffles thatI thought was interesting because I wasstarted read reading that last night andI thought I wonder how old mymother-in-law’s waffle iron is becauseit’s gotta be probably from the 50s sothey became you know like that articlesaid part of the American kitchen in the1930s so and hey it still works great soyou know shout out to the old things Ialso had a coffee pot that was my mom’sthat the kind you know the percolatortop I had it for years it worked greatso the percolator top remember those howmany of you guys have the percolator topI’m sure lots of us so today you guysfor making ham and cheese waffles wejust made the batter from scratch I’musing up our ham that’s left from Easterso that’s what we are up to today thesoda water the difference between sodawater and seltzer water there is a clubsoda and seltzer water there is salt inclub soda that’s the difference so onehas sodium and one does not so I alwaystry and buy the seltzerI use it for my waffles but I usuallyuse that Pamela’s gluten-free baking mixwhen I make them but today we’re goingfull out stick of butter egg whiteswhipped the whole bit the whole nineyards and we are all still praying heresee I had to squeeze my lemon to make myown buttermilk that’s why that’s out andwhen it stops steaming is usually whenwe’re not quite there there yet but it’sstuck on the top for the cheese’s rut rooh yeah she still has a percolator topcoffee maker Theresa yeah it’s cookiehow long has it been cooking like threeminutes for no 30-30 no it is not thisis good a little bit darker here mostlycomes getting it off the top of thewaffle iron might not be good TV butwe’ll see I don’t know Mike it might getit up there actually in one piece okaygang it needs a second more hey Kelseyhow are you how is everything I’m makingham and cheese waffles today fromscratch using up our ham that’s leftfrom Easter yeah the purple a that Ihere’s they’re awesome those people thatare copy people like me we’ve triedeverything so you have to go back ifyou’re just joining it see at thebeginning when my waffle iron collectionso let’s see oh my goodness look at thisthing whoo yummythen of course I’m going to put a littlesyrup up on that I think we would haveseen the other side do you want to tastethat I want to see the other side no nono it’s good it’s got a PV side it’s gota TV side and this is the better side sothis is the side so I think we shouldtaste this just because I’ve never madeit and see hey hey Cathy how are you ohthank you we’re a work of art I thinkit’s too hotdirector would you like to be my tasterno way no wayall right well let’s see we do have abirthday shout out today so hold on letme get my birthday shout out Pat onbirthday shout-out to Leanna you knowit’s her birthday today it’s yourbirthday it’s your birthday so I got mybirthday shout-out to you Leanne hopeyou’re having a great day it’s agorgeous here I’m sure it’s gorgeousthere at Newport hope you’re having agreat day and then our giveaway fortoday if you have commented or liked onthese cooking videos your name is in thefall and today we are going to be givingout two sets of these really coolsilicone measuring cups they flatten outthey take up less room in your cupboardsso if your cupboards are all cleaned outlike mine are after being home all thistime they are really flat and then thelittle measuring spoons that go with someasuring cups and measuring spoons andwe will see we our lucky winner is todayI know it didn’t stick I’m pretty proudmy cheese did not stick I think that’sawesomehey Nikki how are you good to see youwe are making leftovers with our handright now I’m doing our drawings so seewho our winner is here and one is marcosrica winner ofmeasuring cups Thank You Marcos and dudusecond winner can’t buy him it may beactually got a bigger jar Sharon yeahSharon young you are the winner of themeasuring cup so Sharon and Marcos Ricoyou are my lucky winners today so thankyou guys all for joining for our leftover ham recipe of the day which was hamand cheese wow what will Simic take abite and see what they taste like ohyeah that’s goodtwo thumbs up on that recipe still nevermade that one before I’ve been puttingyummy I don’t think I’ve ever made asavory waffle about those are yummy heysandy how are you we just made ham andcheese waffles so thank you for joininggo back and watch it from the beginningif you just got here but thanks forvisiting and watching we’ll be hereeveryday at 3 o’clock with recipe of theday every day in April so if you haveany recipes you want to share I’m happyto make them send them my way and wereally appreciate it and we will see youtomorrow at 3 with another recipe andremember the only two things you cancontrol or your effort and your attitudeso pick a good attitude well we’re allgoing through this together and giveeverything give it your best effort andwe’ll see you back here tomorrow at 3thanks for watching