Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I got up on my Bergen it’s working shesays she a virgin sir she never showedme love with my pockets hard let’s justsee a nigga war she making some pancakesand I make yourself Acadian meatballsand yeah y’all I’m gonna be using thissauce Raghuso y’all guys free so it does not statebecause they change its butter so we gotyour mind well you know that’s my auntyso y’all you got on your mind but thisis my auntie that is not your ownJ you should have wiped up right hereyou should make banana pancakes Ohstrawberry pinklike none of those what I sayit says I know can I read the directionsJay makes it to 12 pinky when I read thedirection I just like reading let meread the directions everybody so y’allwe gonna pour the pink waiting are wevideotape real quick videotape me pour[Music]this how much I’m going I’m going forlike no you need more to make twopancakes anymore this is not enough tomake three pancakes unless you’re gonnamake the three little beanie pancakesokay let me read it right it says no youneed one cup first okay put it you needone cup and a half of a cup one cup anda half of a cupoh yeah that much and then uh pack upand then it says place water mixingbowls for dinner pinkies add more waterfor thicker pinkie here’s the batterguys this is what the batter is lookinglike it looks a little wateryI might pour a little bit more flourinto it because it looks kind of waterywe don’t that’s it how about that muchcuz we don’t want no water in pancakeswe don’t eat water we pancakes nopelet’s put this back in here because Idon’t want this to fallshe having another baby disbelieve thisboy was calling meyounot right this is my flower okay also wegonna catch our back in the ten minutesbecause we’re gonna put on the time linebut the ten minutes so we gonna catchall bit very it’s been ten minutes andwe put on the time and it’s stilllooking at how it looked so I’ll putthis back told it’s better in jquan wedid you J we need youJthat’s how big you want to look at thepancake the pancake look golden brownput down inside no that side over thereon the corner crew is not done yet[Music]because if the inside and cook it ain’tgonna be good yes things like it smellslike eat hurry before bun up okay lookit’s golden brown pinky this is not minelet me just be coolpink a corona you a spray over againdon’t you know I don’t I don’t know Ithink I’m gonna think it’s are youmaking three mmm that’s it just a littlething turn it downit does not need to be so highhmm hey really right let it simmer 90 wedo not need to count because we did notneed to count for that own deck you justgotta look at the size once they getbrowning this part start bubbling youknow it’s cooked all right y’all wegonna get back to you no yes cuz it’sgonna waste up time and I’m not watchinglong supposed y’all we gonna get back toyou B Shh we gonna get back to y’allonly on the third pancake pancakes aredone so do you want me to doyou’re not eating over there show mommyyour pancakes so yeah this is them drewvideo