Pancakes Recipes

I followed a youtube tutorial on “How to make extra Fluffy pancakes” | Cook with Me *in quarantine*|

Hey guys! I am so thankful that you are watching this video . This is a video of me trying to make pancakes for the first time . I actually followed a youtube tutorial by Recipes by Carina for this . The pancake turned out to REALLY REALLY tasty!

Carina’s video –

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Video Transcription

hey guys welcome back to my channeltoday you yes you are gonna cook with meas you people already know what we aregonna make so let me tell you once againwe are making extra extra extra fluffypack so the recipe which I’m gonna befollowing today is not mine I’ll befollowing a YouTube tutorial of a personso this video will be like me strugglingto make extra extra extra fluffypancakes so let’s get started and I’mgonna be linking that video which I’llbe following in descriptions I have thisvideo playing right in front of me andI’ll be following it won’t order to getextra extra extra fluffy pancakes solet’sthis recipe makes the softest but thesepancakes it monsters know all theingredients you should be able to findin your kitchenthey start by measuring one enough 1/2cup of all-purpose flour in a largemixing bowl I think this is large enoughand I got my club and I think this isall purpose flour this is like I’m usinglike ordinary manner so for 1 and halfcupbaking in the same bowl of the flourmeasure out how many spots fourteaspoons of baking powder for this 1/4teaspoon like isn’t it a lot more peoplewho should usually use like half or oneteaspoon of baking powderI think if you have to make extra extraextra fluffy pancakes you have to use in40 let’s just focusseeso the internship so you can okay solastly add a pinch of salt so how muchis a bitchbut this bench of songvision start if you want to what sugaryou got but she doesn’t like sugar in apacket she rather better at it in thetopic so do itsweetness in my pancake I don’t knowokay if she does I just it’s brothers atthe edge of a day he’s a loose pit forthe educating his look expensive intothe drink or you see a little the edgemind okay you also what it’s warm tocombine the dry ingredientsI have this box so I’m gonna use thisone to combine them in a small bowl mixtogether the wet ingredients first a onefree-range egg I don’t know what is themeaning of free-range egg but I’m gonnabe using regular red kale cakeegg to crack it okaythis is the part when it getsyeahyepthen add 1 and 1/4 cup of milk makethey’ll add 1/4 cup of cold meltedbutter my butter my mother started coldyes yes I don’t include cold butter willit be the end of my extra extra extrafluffy pancake tree should I wait Rogerthat’s that one and half not not 1 and1/2 is 1/4 cup Oh[Music]this is optional 1/2 teaspoon of purevanilla Tina she loves a hint of vanillaso I love a hint of vanilla- so half a teaspoonit’s kind of turning a little bit graybecause of this color this ishorses not crave it’s not very creativemay go well in the flour and pour in thewet entreated let’s make a weddingwhat my pageant is like solid it’s likesolid and whore patter is like like abatter this is like my daughter routineOhlet’s just add more meds I think thatwould qualify the batterokay becoming the right consistency soyou need a little bit more set in therecipe or I did something wrong that’swhy I have to add a little bit more soit’s time to fry some pancakes so let’sjust get started frying them my castiron pan is like it’s hot right now soshe said to add a little bit of butterfirst so I’ll be adding butter a littlebit okay so I’ve added the batter as shesaid not to like try to spread it let itspread on its own so that’s what it isdoing right now so let’s wait for 4 to 5minutes so that one side of it getcooked so let’s just add and now waitnow I think it is the time to flip thepancake she said that when bubbles willstart to from in the upper side you willknow that does the time to shred thepacket so let’s just flip it I think ohmy godokay oh it started okay okay oh my godthis is gonna be the most epic flipyou’ll be seeing in your whole lifewhoop just look at that[Music]so here’s my banquette it looks awesomeand I really didn’t like the way itlooks so this is the end of the video ifyou like this video please like shareand subscribe

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