Join Helen from The Vegan Recipe Club for a livestream cookery demonstration on how to make bread at home. Helen will show you how simple it is to make a cracking loaf of bread, yummy pizza dough and perfect pitta breads. These are so delicious, you’ll never want to eat shop-bought ever again!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello and welcome to vivas birds livecookery demonstration with me HelenWilson from the viva vegan recipe Clubgood evening tonight I’m going to bringbringing you live bread baking from mykitchenso I’ve done a lot of baking since we’vebeen in lockdown I really enjoy bakingbut I also find it really sort oftherapeutic and as we went into lockdownI found I wanted to make more bread thanusual and then of course there was a bitof a shortage with flour and yeast so Ihad a couple of weeks of a sort ofscrubbing around trying to find flourand yeast from different places and thenI found a wholesale bakery near where Ilive in Swansea and I was able to get amassive 16 kilogram bag of flour andsome fresh yeast so I’ve been doingnothing but baking so I wanted to sharesome of myself baking tips and secretswith you and show you just how easy itis to break bake delicious bread at homeso it’s going to be a bit of a BluePeter effort this evening becauseobviously bread requires and risingwe’re doing yeasted bread this eveningso I have got some in bowls that I’vemade earlier but I thought I’d startwith just my favorite tin loaf so if Ishow you we’ve got a 2 pound loaf tinhere or I should say before we startthat I’m only on this week I sent MaryAnn at the vegan recipe club the recipesfor tonight’s demonstration so if you goon vegan recipe club dog dodge UK andlook under new recipes you should seeHelens traditional white tin loaf thereto view and you can have a look at thatrecipe and as you’re watching now allhave a look at it later and then also onthere I’m going to be doing a doughwhich makes pitter grace and peace andthat recipe is on there those are thetwo things are going to beover the next hour so a traditional chinboth I haven’t always been a bakerprobably up until about eight years agoI thought I couldn’t make bread I can’treally remember but I know that I triedand it failed and then I just suddenlydecided to try and persevere with it andnow I love making bread and if anyonesays to me oh it’s just such a hassle Ijust said well it isn’t it’s one ofthese things if you get used to it I doit self and now I don’t even need arecipe I just sort of do it and work itaround us or family routine so I’ve gotthis 2 pound loaf tin this is sort oftraditional loaf tin and what I’ve gothere is a mixing bowl and in it I’vemeasured 500 grams of strong white flourokay sometimes I do half and half sohalf wholemeal half white sometimes Imight do sort of 3/4 white and 1/4wholemeal but this evening I justthought I’d do a hundred percent whitejust to keep things simple so that’s the500 grams of strong white flour measuredinto my mixing bowl now the other thingI’m gonna need is a measuring jug and Iwanted to talk to you about yeast soI’ve noticed in the last couple of weeksin the supermarkets yeast is sort ofbecoming more available again and theeasiest use to buy to make your breadwith it’s just an easy-bake yeast solots of the supermarket’s do their ownbrand this is an Alison this one andbasically this yeast doesn’t require anypreparation at all you basically itcomes in a granule 4minute in and youjust use a teaspoon of that yeast thisis my recipe here we’ve got 500 grams offlour and I use a teaspoon of yeast Iuse a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon ofsugar some recipes asked you to put moreor less sort of salt and sugar than thatthis is my standard recipe okay so I puta good teaspoon of yeast teaspoon ofsalt teaspoon ofI like to use brown sugar we drink a lotof coffee in this house always haveDemerara sugar and so I just often justuse a Denver air or a brown sugar if youhaven’t got that issues sort ofgranulated or castor sugar and then Ialso like to put oil in my bread so youcan use a vegetable oil or rapeseed oilbut when I’ve got it around I just liketo put a nice good quality olive oil inthis is an organic olive oil so I’ve gotthose things around me ready to go andthe liquid is important I think it’s 13fluid ounces but in mils we’re going touse 300 officials of warm water I’m justgoing to run get back from the topthey’re going 350 mils of warm waterwhat I’ve got here is my secretingredient I’ve been using ever sincewe’ve been in lockdown I managed to getsome fresh yeast and I’m going to usefresh yeast now because if you can gethold of it it’s fantastic the bread I’vebeen making has just been rising like adream so I’m going to use that but mostof you will just have this easy-bakeyeast so if you do have the pleasure ofhaving fresh yeast it’s 20 brands and ifyou’re using your own granules most ofthe Tim’s the time to say about sevengrams but it’s like a good generousteaspoon of yeast so if I was using thisat these East grindin so I just poppedthe yeast straight into the flourbecause I’m using my fresh yeast I’mgoing to put 20 grams into the warmwater and the really help to activateand sort of bring that yeast alive and Iknow because I’ve done this probablyevery day since we’ve been in lockdownthat a massive heaped tablespoon offresh yeastoh it just smells wonderful it is about20 grams so as I say we’re using thenormal one yours at this stage you’d puta teaspoon of granules into that rightrest of it so I’m going to put ateaspoon of salt into my flour thenwe’re going to put a good teaspoon ofsaltour sugar into the warm water with theyeast and then I’m going to put thisequivalent of about two tablespoons ofoil into the warm water now let’s sayyou don’t use olive oilso I’m mixing the yeast in therecombining in with a warm waterso without the ethereal use you just mixthe oil in with the water and thenyou’ve got this sugar which isdissolving nicely in the warmth of thewater I’m actually use a wooden spoonI’m going to just mix the salt in withthat flour then make a well in themiddle okay here we goso I’m gently stirring the warm waterwith the oil and the yeast and the sugarinto the dough and I’m graduallyincorporating the flour around the edgebut a bit of a mix if there’s any in thebottom that’s just really with thisfresh yeast right take that out movethis aside and I like to start my dayoff with a wooden spoonso as you can see I’m using the spoon tocombine the flour getting it into itlove here and the dough begins to look abit like thisand then I like to get a spatula what wedo is once you’ve worked it together asmuch as you can in the bowl I’ve gotsome flour here I’m gonna flour my worksurface hopefully you can see floweringyour surface in preparation and this isthe best people feels difficult it’skneading the bread business it’s notdifficult and it’s actually reallyenjoyable so I’m using the spatula toremove the excess dough from the spooncause I don’t want to waste any and it’sa bit of a nuisance to try and get offyour washing and then using my spatulaI’m gonna scrape around getting thedough off from around the bowl andgently pop the dough onto the surfacethere we are now keep this bowl handywe’re gonna need it in a minute there wego that’s the site now it’s time toknead the dough so I’m always quitegentle with this out start by justbringing it into the middle gentlymoving it up and down rolling aroundpressing it down rolling around pressingit down and then you can start moving itwith both handsI find that a warm water mean it doeshelp thee needs to start working quickerand this dough is really nice and softnow so you can see I’m rolling pushingfolding pushing folding rolling not thewhile you get into a little bit of theroutine so I like to incorporate theflour as I go along I am quite a tidycook so I like to sort of bring thatflour in for my surface as I go alongand I can feel that the consistency ofthe dough is changing in my hands it’sbecoming much more stretchy and easy towork with and if it starts to stick toyou out a little bit just add a littlebit more flour keep it moving you cansee the stretch coming in the dough nowso it’s becoming softer more relaxedicky and really you know it’s notdifficult and it’s something you justlearn with practice I’m not trained chefeverything I do is sort of just fromexperimentation and in the practice solook this dough you see how stretchy isand the text is this I think it’s calledlike a windowpane when you pull the darkpart and you see if you can sort ofstretch it so it pains so you can see alittle bit of light strip Bennifer sortof transparency and that’s when we knowit is it’s readyso it takes sort of five minutes reallywhen you’ll feel you’ll get a feel inyour hands that it’s coming together soI just like veganize zoom all right herewe go if I’m shaking mr. Brown dry anddry ah makes it a lightful Brown okayyeah you can use a clean one if you likebut this is what I like to do so then Iget my ball of dough I’m gonna put oilin my hands and I all the right and thisjust gonna just stop it sticking now[Music]so this don’t know I need surprise so ifyou’ve got a warm room somewhere thatcatches the Sun put it in a wall roomthat’s like deal and it’ll take about anhour till it doubles in size basicallyyou see the dough that you need to coverit so I’ll show you what I’ve gotbecause I’ve got one I made earlier hereso this is the dough but they’re sellingthis reusable food covers and so that’sready to rise now and you just put itsomewhere warm and covered in the winteror somewhere nice and sunny in thesummer time I’ve got a proving jaw soI’m gonna just pop that in there andthat does actually work a lot quickerthat’ll be ready in about half an hourthat one in the meantime this is onethat I did earlier and it’s risen quitenicely so it’s had its first rise sothat one I’ve just put in there youimagine now that I’ve just taken intothose and the second rise it’s generallyquite a lot quicker and we do it in thetin the thing you’re baking it so I liketo all my tin so I’m gonna just put adrop of olive oil into the tin you canuse some of that or your spray that’seasier for you and make sure that youget it around the edges because if youget a good rise what we don’t want isthe dough sticking to the edges and youcan also put a dusting of flour in andthen what I’m gonna do is using thespatula and you can see it sort of allthem it’s very sort of spongy nowgonna tip this out it’s very stickythere it goesnow flour my hands and I’m gonnatransfer this beautiful thing into itstin so just shape it againso we’ve knocked most of the air out ofit and I’m just gonna sit it delicatelyin it in like that and then you let ithave its second rise and I generally saythat that takes about half an hour ifit’s warm in the winter it might takelonger also if you’ve got some of thisyeast and it’s been sitting in thecupboard phages especially if it wouldhave been opened you might want to get anew team before you bake because it cansort of lose some of its on and sosometimes if you if you do a bake andthe yeast is old you won’t get therhymes that you want so here’s my loafI’m gonna pop that in the proving braand I’ve got another one I made earlierhere okay so that’s my traditional tinloaf and it’s having its second riseokay I’ve got the oven preheated to 180degrees that’s gas mark 4 when it comesto baking the bread it’s gonna go intothat oven for 30 minutes if your oven isparticularly fish you could set a timerfor 25 minutes and see how you get onyou can take it out and have a look andsee if it looks cooked if it tips outeasily at the bottom sounds hollow thenyou know that it’s cooked but generallyif they’re not quite done they stilllook quite sort of pale on the top andyou want a bit of a nice golden colorreally crisp on the top of their knifeso basically well that tin loaf ishaving its second rise I’m going to showyou how I make my magic pizza and Peterdough so the first part of the processis actually really similar to thewhat we’ve just done with the tin loafapart from the fact if you look on thevegan recipe club and have a look at therecipe you’ll see that I use half andhalf strong white flour and plain whiteflour these quantities are actuallyexactly the same so I’ve got it herethis is a bowl and this one has only theplain white flour 250 grams I’m gonnajust set my scales set them to not withanother 250 grams so you’ve got the twocombined strong white and just plainwhite and this is because we’re notdoing loaves out of this we’re going todo pizza breads and pizza base yeah allright so just a quick recap in thisfirst part of the process is verysimilar so if I just combined my flowerslet’s use this powder DS for thispurpose so I’ve got a good teaspoonthere 2 spoon of the yeast quite easyone of each you can do a night maybe doa heaped teaspoon of these because it’ssupposed to be about hunting groundsnext that round mix that round and againI’m just gonna go get some more water350again to two tablespoons of oil and ifyou were making if you wanted to makefracture for example which I just thinkit’s delicious you can be a bit moregenerous with the oil and you can usethe same recipe as we use for thetraditional loaf but the difference iswhen you set it into the tin for itssecond rise you put the lots of oil inand then you all the top and put sort ofrosemary and olives and things on thetop but actually you’re doing base soagain making it well and combining thewater and the oil in with the flour thisdough is going to make pizza pizza doughand Pitters and honestly once you’ve hadhomemade pizzas you just won’t know whyyou ever bother buying them from a shopever againobviously it’s easier but if you want tosort of have a treat making a specialmeal making homemade pizzas is really noit just has a WOW factorand I think so you see I’m combining theliquid with the flour to make my doughthere we go so I’m just using that tobring me the excess dough and this isall the same so far apart from the factthat you’ve got a mixture of plain andwhite flour sometimes I make this doughsay we want to have pizza for dinner andI think I might make burgers for lunch acup half this dough in half and I usehalf of it to mepizza dough and half of it to make breadrolls that’s another use for this or youcould just use the whole thing to maketwo pizzasfor instance or you could make a massivebatch of pizzas so it’s notinterchangeable really depending on whatyou want to what you want to cook forthe next day or twonow this is sticking to my board mitt soI’m going to use a spatula to get it offflour the top againso this kneading again back and forthrolling back and forth stretch pull awaystretch pull away now this is a littlebit more than the last onemaybe I put a slightly more liquid it’sokay you just add a little bit more oilbalance it out and I can feel theconsistency of the dough changing in myhands it’s getting softer more pliablemore stretchy yeah so the test is againI’m putting the dough and I can sort ofsee my fingers through it’s stretchy I’mgoing to take a bit more plain flourjust to ease the last bit there is alittle bit sticky so let’s make my roundjust get some of the excess dough offthe work surface go back in okayso I disinfect all right surfacesbeforehand but then I always wipe themover again with a clean cloth and waterjust to make sure that this nose of tendto the cleaning product there so onceagain reaping shaking or eeling yourhands and we’re going to have anabundance of dope products tomorrow I’llbe all right so look I’ve oiled thatround pop it back in there shower capthat is the piece that and pitted thoughready for a rally so I’m going to justset that aside because I have got somethat I made earlierquite funny washing your hands at speedlive on Facebookalright so voila I have thisdelicious-looking dough so this is arisen pizza and pitted over here so thisI made it started making these aroundsort of six o’clock this evening so I’vehad a nice rise that’s definitelydoubled in size so what I’m going to donow is I’m going to show you how i turnthis dough into pita breads and a pieceof base because when I take this doughit might be a little bit sticky so thisis why it’s nice a good idea to overlaybefore you pop it in because it makes itjust a lot easier to get it out somefloured surface again chewy righttipping the dough out a spot sure thatworks wonders and even this is stuck alittle bit I did wonder if I have enoughmixing bowls your homeboy is preparingall this hence I’ve used a wooden onewhich isn’t sort of ideal that it’s donethe job they done that wall now there wego that dough feels really light andsoft Wow so this dough has risen it’shad its rise but with the pizzas and thepitter we’re not going to set it asidefor a second rise oh it just feelslovely we’re going to use it as it isnow so you can see I’m sort of generallystretching the dough out into a bit of asore rectangle shape here and I’ve got apalette knife I’m going to cut the doughin halfand let’s put one part of that downaside by the fruit bowl so then here weare we have one half of dough so I’mgoing to take this incorporate it backinto a round I’m going to think aboutmaking listen to our piece of doughsorry I have been making homemade pizzasfor quite a while however I haven’t gotthe knack of that throwing and spinningthing that they do and pizzerias I’mafraid so you just have to make do withmy method of getting it into a roundso keeping Ferrari I’m just gentlystarting to flatten the round sometimesif I’m making a big piece that for us tohave I like to do a big square pizzabecause it just sort of I don’t have amassive pizza tray I’ve got like amedium-sized pizza tray but for thepurpose of this using half the doughI’ll show you the Train we’re going touse something here’s my tray here sothis dough this don’t we got here I’mgoing to stretch it so it fits thispizza Tim here is now I’m gonna juststart gently slapping it back and forthstretching the dough and as I say I’mnot very good at this there I’m going toput it down I don’t want the cross to betoo thick now so I’m patting out tryingto keep a nice round I do like my pizzaslooking quite rustic though so I’m notbut I’m not when you’re gonna worry ifit doesn’t look completely circular nowthis piece of dish here I’m going to puta little bit of oil on it just toprevent sticking even though it’snonstick you know what these things arelike and then just use my pastry brushjust spread it around someone’s askedthe question then never managed to get athin base right it’s very hard it’s hardAngelathis one is thin in the middle and ifyou spend a little bit of time workingaround the edges you can sort ofdistribute the dough to create it alittle thinner what we can do I use arolling pin earlier and I’m going tojust gently roll the dough I want tomake it too big for the ten but it’shelping it sort of get rid of thebuildup of dough around the edge so thatwe’ve got more of a of even base here Ithink making a thin dough it’s all aboutbeing able to move it properly in yourhands in order to stretch it which seemsto be a work of art really so here we gobut you see how stretchy is all rightlet’s pop it down into the base it’sactually actually a little bit biggerthan the base so I’m going to bring itdown over the edge and I’m going to trimit like that here we go and this reallyis a little thin in parts actuallyyou’re just encouraging the dough Idon’t want to press down too hard on thebase because I don’t want it to stick sousing my palette knife I’m going to justtrim trim around the edge of the pieceand then just tuck the edges in as Isaid I do I do quite like a bit of restand rustic sore feel to the pizzas whyit’s spilling everywhere a bit too muchI’m just going to trim it off or you cando a stuffed crust can you see it’shanging over the edge here you can getsome vegan cheese grated vegan cheeseand then tuck the edge over let’s dothat so a bit like a sort of pastyedging feelnow there’s a couple of areas where it’slooking a little bit thin so I’m goingto cheat a little bit and I’m going tojust place a little bit of spare downnow over the top of those thin areas andonce the filling is on you won’t seethem just sort of patch it up a littlebit perhaps around the edge a little bitit’s a bit thin here once we’ve got thefittings on you won’t be able to tell soyou can spend as much time as you wantmaking this base look neat or you canjust give it more of a sort of homemadeauthentic feel you see so the oven ispreheated as I said at 180 gas mark 4 soin a minute I’m going to shape thepitabreadand everything can go in together and myaim is that they’ll be ready by the timethe demos finished what I’m going to donow is see how that Tim loaf is doing inmy proving law oh it’s a bit like thebreak Great British Bake Off his nailsyes what do you think this is sort ofready to go in can you see it’s risenlovely so I’m going to put this into theoven now and I’m going to pop the alarmon check the timeyeah that’s perfect so that’s going totake half an hour so bite at the veryend of the demo this bread should beready so in the meantime let’s sort outthis pizza so you’ve got the base herenow I’ve got some tomato puree rightI’ve got some article right here now wequite often have what’s called a blondewe don’t necessarily do tomato as a baseI’ve sort of moved away from making sortof thick release of concentrated tomarcha sauce bases for pizzas especiallyat the moment when you have things likeasparagus in season I love just usingdifferent vegetables on the top andmessing around with how you decorate andtop the pizzayom-yom so here’s some water pure rightand then I had a lovely time cutting upsome vegetables yeah ready to go on thePico so I’ve got yellow pepper redpepper I’ve got some tiny bits ofbroccoli broccoli is really nice whenit’s small when they’re sort of crunchyisn’t it and some sliced mushrooms I’vegot a bowl of capers and black olivesand I’ve got some finalize creatively inteams all ready to goand I’m also actually which I alwayslike putting one at the end I’ve gotsome rocket I’ve been growing rocket inthe garden and I got flipping ton of itat the moment so that’s going to go onat the end this demo isn’t looking quiteas some tidy as the last two I’ve gotbits everywhereokay so spoon I’m going to just put sometomato puree on the base and as I sayI’m not trying to get an even thick sortof coating of tomato everywhere what Ioften do actually and I haven’t gotanything otherwise I would have done ittonight isI would have put something I quite oftenmix vegan pesto in with tomato puree andthen just use that as the base sometimesI don’t put any tomato at all and I justmake uh sort of like a heavy garlic sortof butter paste and and sort of paintthat over the bottom of the pizzainstead so there we go it’s just a thinsmothering of tomato pureeit’s getting better especially now thecheese is a sort of more coconut placesometimes they can be a bit dry on thetop so one thing I do recommend isdrizzling your Pisa with a nice qualityolive oil for instance before you put itin the oven because sometimes helloVeronica sometimes I I find that thepizza can be a bit drying so here’s thisgot the tomato puree smothered a butlet’s decorate it with some vegetablesso just putting the mushrooms on theedge you can use whatever vase you likecause that’s nice one I have this pizzaat when I was in Colville last summerand it had some had sort of bakedalmonds and walnuts and stuff on the topit’s actually delicious so I do quiteoften put a few sort of nuts on thepizza I think I’ll do four mushrooms andthen that’s spread around the peppersyou can chop the vegetables up smallerif you prefer red peppers I think I’mgoing to make another Pizza afters withthe dough that’s rising so I’ve gotenough topping for that few onions let’sput a few bits of broccoli now we’re notputting massive fat chunks of broccolijust a few little ones that will cookokay because this really isn’t going tobe in the oven very long you’ll besurprised there we go let’s set thisaside then and I just love olives andcapers so let’s put a few olives andcapers on these sort of quite fat capersdeliciousolives black olives you can use or anyolives you like maybe put a few gherkinsor pickles on there if I have it I quitelike to put like it maybe slice up avegan sort of treats or style sausagesomething like that if you want a littlebit of a mock meaty feel on your top ofyour pizza I think that will do can yousee right and then think and cheese andagain it’s only probably in the lastcouple of years that my husband Williamwho I dream with ten years it’s readingaccepted vegan pizza actually if I madepizza before without any sort of cheeseat all but now we’ve got into this firelife grated stuff I think the trick isis well less is more or I don’t like toput tons of cheese onto the pizza sothat the vegetables still have a nicepart to play an art sort of dragged andall the melted coconut cheese I thinkthat’ll do so here’s my pizzajust to recap it’s got tomato pureepaste on the bottom and a homemade doughbase mushrooms peppers broccoli blackolives and capers and some vile earthgrated cheese so I think that that’sthat’s ready to go in so this bread iscooking away nicely in here so what I’mgoing to do is I’m going to set thisaside what I’m making my pita breads andthen I’m going to put the pita breads onthe pizza in the oven at the same timeand I’ve got a couple of little surprisethings I’m going to show you how to makejust while we wait for the pizza breadand the pieces to make so next we’regoing to turn the other half of thedough into pizzas so againwhose flour the surface this dough is sosoft now I find it easier to divide thisup if you just make it into a sausageshape alright let’s do six pizzasshewing so if you want massive fat onesyou could divide it obviously into afewer number of balls I’m going to dosix so just cut it in half and then dothree and three if you want to be reallyneat and tidy about it you can weigheach piece of dough to make sure itweighs the same so that each pita breadis exactly the same size I don’t I don’ttend to mind very much but I know somepeople would disagree with me so you canyou see I’m using my hands now to rollit into a ball feels really nice andthen just gently pass it down put itdown onto the floured surface here andI’m working it into an oval shape andthen using my rolling pin I’m going togently roll about over latch like andthen roll it either side and I’m shapingit into pizzas and it’s that easylook can you see so I’m going to stretchit a little bit and that’s a bit ofbread there now what I’ve got here isI stir the oven trays so what I’m gonnado is I’m going to put the pizzas on theoven tray I’ve got a couple becauseyou’ve got to give them enough surfacearea for each pizza breast and again youdon’t want them to stick so I’m going tojust flour this train now these trainsare brand new and they’re quite goodquality so I have faith in them thatthey’re not going to stick if you are abit unsure you could put some bakingparchment downI wouldn’t recommending or oiling itthough because it’ll change the it’llchange the feel as if it if it cookswithout already Christ and because whatwe do is when they come out of the ovenwe wrap them straight into a warm into atea towel and it keeps trapped on theheat and keeps them lovely and soft andyou know the olive oil could jeopardizethat so can you see I’ve got a nice bitof shape there I’m gonna just put thaton my baking tray and then let’s do thesame to the others round and round andcan you see I’m making a ball round inmy hands and what this doing is helpingto track the air into the bread let’sencourage this into a shape and we couldcheat a little bit make it cover thebigger ones but these are just perfectoh and they just lend themselves into apit of size into shape so easily nice sowhile I’m faffing around with thiswhat’s actually happening is our doughis having its second rise can you seethe the rim of the piece of starting torise there we go all right let’s dolet’s do a bigger one so into a balland you team these up with some homemadehummus honestly it’s just the best thingthey’re just so delicious and they’vejust got these freshness about them thatyou just don’t get from a packet pitterright here we go rolling out let’s do anice big bit at this time the onlypitchers that compare I must sayactually if any of your watching inBristol as around ones that you can buyin the organic food trucks are betterthings and they’re made in a bakery inBristol pack them in their round andthey are sort of closest most deliciousthings or homemade pizza so we’ve got abig one now I’ve got another tray I’mgonna give that one a tray maybe put afriend next to it this is the only thingis you need to spread them out so if youhaven’t got a big oven you might want todo your peeps at first and bake it andthen do your pizzas afters and bake themthere we go little stretch the kapitzanow what I’m going to do actually isjust to finish it off with this bit ofbread let’s just keep these as breadrolls shall wethese really won’t take long to cook youknow ten minutes it’s about one in eachtime look a tiny bread roll there let’sgive it a bit more flour we don’t wantit sticking little bread roll and we canpop those in the tin next about biggerpizza so there we’ve got a pizza intobed rollsI’m in a flowery mess now okay so wehave made one two three four big Pittersand two little bread rolls and we’vemade one pizza and that’s all out of oneportion of dough using a 500 gram ratioof flour so I’m gonna have a look at mytimer the breads have got 18 minutesleft so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonnaput these in now for 10 minutes and showyou a couple of quick things hopefully Ican keep you interested long enough tosee what the loaf looks when it comesout the oven so let’s pop these in andthey’re gonna I’m gonna give them 10minutes there we go all right so I knewthat we’re going to have a little bit ofspare time towards the end of the demohere while we’re waiting for thesebyproducts to cook because that reallyis the nature of the live bread makingcookies whose treasure so I thought I’ddo is many of you probably already knowthis I thought I’d show you how to makea really quick mayonnaise like a garlicmayonnaise and also some promise becausethey’re nice things to have with thathomemade the homemade pita bread andalso the bread and pieces so the firstthing I’d like to show you is the quickfix for a garlic mayonnaise so the I itsort of thing I’m thinking about is likea pizza shop style like garlic my owndip that you’d have from some of thesort of chainpiecess tourism and honestly once I showyou this you haven’t done it beforeyou’ll just think I don’t know why Iever bothered nation vegan mayonnaise sohave a look at this so all you need isno plain unsweetened soya milkpreferably I are not convinced that thisworks as well with other than our notesit’s because of the protein content sothis has three point three grams ofprotein per hundred mils I know thatsome of the milk so if it’s as an almondmilk has a lot less than that andprotein is important in this sort ofelement of this recipe so I’ve got don’tshow you this bit on live televisiontoday but dough sticking to work therewe go so mayonnaise really quick oil nowdon’t you do not live oil because ittastes too strong playing bog-standardrapeseed oil sunflower oil unsweetenedsoy milk a jug and a measuring cup withcups on it also need apple cider vinegaror white wine vinegar a teaspoon and ahand blenderokay i watch the project so I’m going toneed a cup of oil 1 cup of all right 1cup of oil here we goI mention it in here cuz that job hasgot cup measurements on it they get 1cup of oil into the half a cup ofsweetened milk they get a half a cup ofsoya milk if you don’t have one of theselittle cup measurements just use a cupoh if you do it actually using a muglike a team-up you’re gonna get amassive amount of mayonnaise better todo it with like a tea cup like a smallerone so you get a measure of one cup ofoil 1/2 a cup of soya milk now oneteaspoon I’ve got apple cider vinegar Ithink this might work with lemon juicebut I’d have to double-check becauseI’ve been making it for years with applecider vinegar or white wine vinegarcombined that round okay a pinch of saltnow here’s where the magic happensfound the energy to keep watchingbecause it’s quite goodoh look what I’ve got a jug of delicioushomemade vegan mayonnaise now I reallylike a garlic mayo so I’m going to put aclove of garlic in you could use garlicgranules or if you don’t really likegarlic just don’t put any in you coulddo other things you could make asriracha mayo to put some sriracha in orsmoked paprika or any other flavors ofmayonnaise that you like cut the end offthe garlic and I’m not going to chop itup too fine cause I let the hand thatwill do that there we go garlic into themayonnaisenow for any reason if your mayonnaise istoo thin why not put a little just put alittle bit more oil in my mind maybecould be a bit gloopy a bit thicker alittle bit more vegetable oil there andhonestly it works out so cheap comparedto buying commercial vegan mayonnaiseI can see that people are talking andleaving wonder why I’m making mayonnaiseon a baking day is because I’ve gotpizza homemade pita breads and a tinloaf baking in the oven as I’m makingthis a couple of things which wouldaccompany those niceokay so just to show you this mayonnaiseis just simply delicious look it lookslike mayonnaise it tastes likemayonnaisebut it hasn’t got any gross sex in itlook that’s the pizza shop style garlicmayo so if you look on the vegan recipeclub back in the day we used to makevegan mayonnaise by the lending silkentofu and you can still do it like thatand actually it probably works withoutlower fat by that method but this isprobably a lot easier and actually mostof us always have plant milk and oil inour house so it’s something that you canmake without having to sort of have togo somewhere in order to buy silken tofuwhich is what we used to have to do sothat’s my mayonnaise ready now I thoughtwhy do is just show you a quick honestand hopefully by the time I’ve made thehummus the stuff will be ready to comeout of the oven and to show you so Ithink I’ve got two minutes left or thepizza breads are readyokay so if we don’t hum us a jug a tonof chickpeas tahini tahini paste lemonjuice now I can’t because I’ve only beengoing shopping once a weekI’ve been keeping some bottled lemonjuice because I don’t always buy freshlemons I find this is really handy tohave in the cupboard so if you fancymaking some last-minute commerce thinnerchickpeas and tahini lemon juiceslightly young grubby baklava little andtwo cloves of garlic here and that’swhat we’re going to use to make off ofus and I absolutely love having homemadepeace and foaming hummus and of coursewe’ve got these pita breads in the ovenwhich should just team up fantasticallywith homemade hummus so I’ve been allright lieutenantnow if you one of these things who likesplaying with the Aqua fire but you savethe chickpea juice okay I’m gonna putthree teaspoons of lemon juice in herenow hummus is one of these things makeit as lemony or if garlicky as you likeor not as might be the case so if I wantmore then than when I’ve blended it I’mgonna taste it and if I want to havemore lemon I can it’s the same with agarlic that’s Heaney I’m gonna put theequivalent of a good tablespoon in nowif you go on the vegan recipe club andtype in hummus there’s probably multiplevariations of different flavors ofhummus and this is just my sort of ideamy version of it and a good glug of oilagain if you want to measure it I put inone to two tablespoons of oil pinch ofsalt and just give that a little mixwell I’m some time to do actually tokeep some of the amplifier a site that’sthe chickpea water because when you’rehonest you never really know how it’sgoing to turn out sometimes whether it’sgoing to be too thick and too soft firmif you want to make it thinner and moresort of Dibble rather than a pate paceyou can add a little bit of the aquafiber into it so I’m doing two smallcloves of garlicmaybe I should have paired these beforeokay no mind right two pounds of garlicjust chop the ends off chop them intosmall dish pieces if you’ve got a foodprocessor this works well in one ofthese but you know for a long timeespecially I’ve lived in smaller placesare refined cooking out the boat orfestival some things a good old handblender always does the trick still[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music]and then in here we have the homemadegarlic mayonnaise shiny creamy let mejust clear the decks[Music]Wow Pizza breads little bread rollshomemade pizza mmm just smells amazingso I have a pizza oh now let’s show youthese bitter breads well they reallyhots have got to be a bit careful canyou see how they puffed up they areabsolutely delicious homemade pizzabreaks now as I said earlier the trickis with these I’m going to leave one outso I can try it with the rest of themI’ve got clean tea towel I’m gonna popthem straight into a clean tea towel andwrap it up and this will keep themreally lovely and soft and they bestenjoyed on the day you make them all theday after and then I’m going to put themaside there and they’re just wonderfulright let’s have a look at this one hereso we’ve got homemade pizza bread you’vegot this pizza showing off homemadepizzaso just to recap I made a dough a simpleJoe is available to view the recipe onvegan recipe club it’s made using plainflour and strong white flour and Ineeded it and I let it rise once thenafter that i splitting it half and idivided it into a pizza based dough anda pit of dough and I made two sort offive quite big generous pizzas here andthis pizza and the pizzas were in theoven just for 10 minutes and you can seehow quick and easy that was so what I’mgoing to do now I’m going to tip thepizza I think I need a knife and it easethe pizza off the bottom well this mightbe a Facebook moment think if they looka bit stuck that’s coming there is soyou just got to be careful with thesethings gentle easing the people thedough away and this is why it’s always agood idea to oilit’s a little bit stuff so I’m going tojust leave it cool and that’s a reallygood rule actually if you take somethingout of the oven and it’s a bit stuckdon’t force itthere’s let it cool down a little bit soI’m going to open up this piece rightnow show you the pocket I wish you couldsmell it and because I’ve used that homethat some fresh yeast well there’s thebreadthat’s just how cheeky taste showing sothis is homemade bit of bread andhomemade hummus mm-hmm and what Ishould’ve shown you actually which I dolike to do is make this top of the homeof sweat pudding you can just drizzlethe top of the hummus with a little bitof oil then I’ve got some dried herbshere but some parsley from my gardenjust put a little bit of a few herbs onthe top or mixi something like that orsprinkle some smoked paprika on the topthe same with the mayonnaise have alittle go on the garlic Allen what’s upin a Leo isn’t it garlic mayonnaise withthe homemade hummus mmm just a bitthat’s quite garlicky as well okay soit’s time to get the bread out Oh beforeyou do that what I like to do I’veshowed you this earlier the rocket Ilike to put fresh rocket on the top ofmy pizza like that right[Applause]and here we have it one homemade whitetin loaf now I’m going to check if it’slike burn myself pop it out of the tinand let’s have a tap at the bottom yeahit’s cooked and look at that it reallyis fantastic and that’s how simple it isto make bread at home smells Oh smellslovelythis loaf will probably last about halfa day in my house hotso there we have it everybody I havehomemade pita bread we have a white thinloaf homemade hummus homemade garlicmayonnaise and a delicious homemadepizza that brings me to the end of thecookery demonstration thank you forwatching especially those of you who’vebeen with me since the start of thedemonstration I’m going to just look atmy laptop now and I can have a look atcomments and if any of you’ve got anyquestions now if you type in thiscomments and I’ll see if I can respondto youlet’s refresh my page and hopefully Ishould appear on my own screenokay let’s have a look at some of thecomments 15 comments ah as a pleasuresomeone said they’ve been inspiredthat’s absolute pleasureAngie Smith looks brilliant looksamazing will definitely give all that gothanks Angie Sam I’ve got 15 commentsbut it’s not letting me see them allso thank you for watching everybody andas I say that brings me to the end ofthe demonstration so again if you wantto try this all at home huh look at theVives website vegan recipe club org youK Alex it looks like a new bacon spawnthat’s fantastic give it a go honestlybecause it’s not that difficult and as Isaid I used to think that I couldn’tbake and I can now I want to tell youthat next week I’ve got to remember thedate I think it’s next Thursday I’mgoing to be doing another live cuckoodemo here on the via Facebook and it’sgoing to be a tofu master class so I’mreally really looking forward to doingthat for you next week I’d also givenpeople the opportunity on the vive andFacebook group and also think on the thevegan recipe club Facebook page there’sthe opportunity to put forward anyrequests so I’m looking for ideas frompeople of what they’d like to see in ifI was to continue doing these onlinecookery demonstrations so please sendany comments to fever I have a look atthe page on their social media where youcan put for suggestions of things thatyou’d like to see me cooking live foryou so thanks once again and happycooking everyone