Make simple Lockdown Breakfast and snacks recipe. It very easy and tasty too..
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#breadtoast #frenchtoast #breakfast
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi friends assalamualaikum enigmachannel Abama toast every sailor is onlytwo paths Leviathan a Panama Bombaytoast sailor the counter politicalbachlinfirst one the now on the three egged thetoka or bowel a chakra de toluca breadbear to cachaça may irritate circa orcoupla Paul editor chica I’d only thickkana Paul catch odd up all night with achicaCasa the pollutant elaborate toastercanal are calm now on the moon andMatteo aid to achieve autograph for abowler[Music]or hu3 the nominal Lublin AnnapoornaLublin panamericana muta would tell youon the manga Karuna la coruna calenderedNarenda means in the Madrid never blinkfunny bear clawyulik yulik limp and Ramon the tastefrom the California on a lot to threeminutes Keith Urban pangram GlenPanettiere comedy it’s Lana one daychakra at Panama Ron you look at a wayan IME pickaninny Chakrapani coma[Music]now the 2tbsp chakra – Anikasacré Patricia Karina LeBlanc panaderiaChakri amante Onondaga calendar no evenimagine a la consequence my pal waittill now leblanc funicula chakram purpleis the morning Molina Lamech Spanish noMunna Mennella calendered no calling itaround a lot a star calm nella Mixon atthe Cabral nullable in panic la underthe cover nylon de pista is inside frontrack whom girl came day since ouressence Corregidor at panic on high ifthey one remains inside Pandora and themood to smell here cousin Alanna moneyis inside monochrome is inside panelI’ll paste curry comb in the bundlecolony in a locker room banal lady Ithink I got a morning break first termwill decline evening snack song with aninput to Cortana in a motel underwhatever kind of normal I mean I’ll letit so number whatever protocol the pastmemory since I could have an analyst upto permit number in essence lamp ordinala blind panic la Lane phoneticparanormal louder Paul the mood after Iessentially am is in the modality Connoror a liquid Mario maker acetatenow travel and ET avec la mulana arrivedit a great day with in a meditation themixing on the liquid lavender de paniclon a la dippin an allure charisma Lizadefinitive read them on the Koala put iton a medium flame receive a governor inMali number nine Nalani add panic lon[Applause]even Amidala medium flame in achievingover to clown Vega way to pay anotherlight brown another car no remember cookpanettone Cara give it on taste nowArkady didn’t decide until fit in a labI go to class even Allah in the Marioare more than America clock in the mybrownie Shamanov a bread and a bottle ofand a when they’re under Adrian I made adeadlock friend aside in a la escuelaI don’t know nursery equal I disappearand I love when I’m dead people to class[Music]keep an electric edition an incredible[Music]Nevaeh Richard and over a melodicachi-chi nama handle a to the cheek lockit down Americana super on a bread toastno soul Allah it on the french toastwomen already a DJ either in the recipeon kaput achieve the lioness channel Isubscribe Penang a command planning alike banana thank you