School time includes learning to cook and bake! Follow Miss Miller, Intervention Specialist for Stark DD School Age programs at RS Southgate School, as she teaches how to make sugar cookies.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone it’s miss miller againand for this week’s video we’re going tomake sugar cookiesso you will need baking powderlemon juicefloursugarcinnamonmilk andegg okay you will also needtwo mixing bowls a spoonand some measuring spoons and somemeasuring cupsokay so let’s get started first thing idid is i put some shortening in my bowland i melted itso next i’m going to add one eggokay i’m going to crack it and put it intherenext i am going to addmy sugar and i will need onecup of sugar can you guess which one isone cup you said this one you’re rightput one cup of sugar into our first bowlnext we are going to put two tablespoonsof milk can you guess which one’s atablespoontablespoon’s bigger one okay so we’llput two tablespoons of milk inour first bowl here onetwonext we will need one teaspoonthat was the smaller of the twoone teaspoon of lemon juice into ourfirst bowl we mixall our wet ingredients in one bowland all our dry ingredients in thesecond bowland then we’ll mix them togetherokay now we’re going to take our spoonand we’re going to mix that togethergood and mixednow we’re going to do our dryingredients in our second bowlso we are going to take two cups offlourokay so take your bigger one again andtwo cupsof flouronetwonow we need a half of a teaspoon ofcinnamonokay and we need one teaspoonof baking powdernow i’m using a half a teaspoon so i’mgoing to put two of thoseto me one teaspoon two halves make onewholeokay now we’re going to stir thosetogetherokay now we’re going to take our dropourdry ingredients our flour mixture andwe’re going to put it in with the wetingredientsi’m going to stir that upokay and while you’re doing all thestoring you want to make sure you turnon your oven firstand we’re going to bake these at 400degrees fahrenheitstir this up good make sure all the dryingredients get mixed in good with thewet ingredients make a little doughand always remember when you’re dealingwith food always remember to wash yourhands firstokay once you get your doughthen we’re gonna put it on to the bakingsheet this is called acookie sheet now i put parchment paperon mine but you don’t have toit just keeps it from sticking so muchokayso now i’m going to takei’m going to take balls on my dough herestick together and put on my bakingsheet and make sure you leave a littlespace between your cookiesso that they don’t bake together okayand make sure they’re about the samesize otherwise you’ll have some bakingfaster than othersso make them about the same sizeput a little space between themokay once you have your cookies on yourbaking sheet like thishave an adult help you put them into theovenokay and they don’t help with that soyou don’t burn yourselfand then you’re going to set your timerfor 8 to 10 minutesso i’m gonna set mine for nine and i’mgonna hit pauseand then i’ll show you what they looklike when they’re doneokay and when the cookies are done theyshould look like this make sure you havean adult i hope you get them out of theovenenjoy i’ll see you next week