Pancakes Recipes

Chit Chat & Cook with Me: Protein Pancakes

Let me know if you guys try these pancakes out!! THEY ARE SO YUMMY!!!! Thank you so much for watching & I will see you in my next video!!

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hello everyone welcome back to mychannel so my name is Johanna if you’renew here don’t forget to hit thatsubscribe button down below so it’s beena minute since I’ve made videos and it’sreally just because I’ve been uninspiredand kind of lazy and I’m not reallydoing a lot at home so I just feel likeI haven’t had a lot to film but I’mgonna change that I’m gonna get more Ineed to get more of a new routine andjust kind of get things done but ifyou’re new here I know I’ve got a fewmore subscribers that I had this lastvideo I was a senior at UNC Charlotte Igraduated I say that because like Ihaven’t really walked across the stageyet so it doesn’t feel like I’veactually graduated but I’m not graduatedtechnically a few weeks ago and I’mcurrently in the process of moving outof my apartment and back home I’m gonnalive with my parents for a little whileum and yeah I’ve just been feeling soweird during all of this quarantine likeI’m such a huge planner which I’m sureso this is like college mess right heresorry um but I’m such a huge planner andyou really cannot plan anything it’skind of like day by day and everything’schanging there’s more news out there’smore there’s this it’s it’s just foreverchanging and so I’ve just not reallybeen really motivated to make any videosor feel but today I thought I would makea video a little recipe cooking videoI’ve not made with those before on mychannel so I thought I would do that butyeah I thought I would catch you guys upand I think I don’t even know how manyweeks North Carolina will go in to faceto this Friday so in like 3 days 2 daysso that’s excitinghopefully I don’t know but still I meanit’s not we’re not back to normal and Idon’t think it’s ever gonna feel likenormal for a very long time I don’t knowI just feel likeeverything just stopped like it’s likeone day we were doing homework andstudying and with our friends and thenone day they were like don’t come backto school and then a few days later likeyou have to move off campus you’re nevergoing to come back your classes areonline you’re not gonna have agraduation you can’t mingle you can’t dosorority stuff I mean it was just likeit didn’t gradually stop it literallyjust stopped in which everyone knowsthat every college kid I feel likethey’re I mean everyone’s life just kindof came to a halt so with that beingsaid I have been staying home I’ve beeneating out some like getting to go fromlocal places because there are somelocal places that I still want tosupport and give business to during thistime but I’ve also been cooking a lot athome and especially breakfast I’ve beencooking at home a lot so I kind ofperfected my protein pancake recipe Iused to make these all the time but theywere like too thin like too runny sowhenever I would go try to like flip thepancake it never like it would just fallapart like anime of pieces and it lookslike it just still wasn’t a pancakeanymore but so I have perfected therecipe and I thought I would share withyou guys it’s super super simple you cankind of customize the pancakes to yourwhat you like and so yeah I was gonnashow you guys this quick easy healthyyummy recipe I think I counted or I tryto do all of them with all theingredients and these pancakes havearound 40 grams of protein so that’samazingI normally eat these around brunch timeand I’m good until dinner so withoutfurther ado let’s get right into myprotein pancake recipe okay so here’severything you need do a berry of choiceyou don’t have to do strawberriesraspberries blueberries blackberriesanything like that will do good two eggsone banana two scoops of protein powderthis is really all I have I got thisfrom Sam’s Club not too long ago it ischocolate butyou really don’t taste the chocolate atall you don’t taste the flavor of theprotein powder you really just taste thebanana because it’s so strong so if youhave peanut butter or vanilla orchocolate any kind of flavor proteinwill totally work I’ve also used it withcake batter and that was really good butlike I said you really don’t taste theflavor of the protein powder so feelfree to use whatever you have then alittle bit of vanilla cinnamon salt andbaking soda so here we goso if you have a blender I highlysuggest blending it up blending up yourbatter it’s gonna be completely it’sgonna take the work down a time but ifyou don’t have a blender I made these atschool before and when I didn’t have ablender at school you can whisk ittogether in a bowl and it’ll work outcompletely fine so in the blender if Ican get this or goes okay houston wehave oh here we go so in the blender youwill put in your two eggs too and thenyou’ll put an entire banana so you canif you want to cut this recipe in halfyou can this will make around five toseven pancakes so I can eat all this butif you’re not as hungry on you couldeasily just slow this recipe in half allright and so we’re gonna do two scoopsof protein powder like I said you canuse any flavor the main thing really theonly thing you’re gonna taste is thebanana and the cinnamon so feel free touse whatever you’d like this ischocolate[Music]okay and then after that I’m not reallybig on measuring something when I’mcooking that when you’re baking youpretty much need to measure outperfectly but for this you can kind ofadd as much or as little as you’d likeso I would say around a teaspoon of saltI just kind of shrink it twice in thereum just a little bit I put a little bitin the cap a little bit of vanillaextractprobably 1/4 of a cap full you don’tneed much umfreshly we’re not freshly um naturallyground cinnamon I’m just kind of looselythrow that in there I love the taste ofcinnamon so I just kind of shake thatshake that in oh okay we’re done butI’ve been in the last but not least justa pinch and when I’m being a pin it’sjust a pitch of baking soda there we goand that is it and your berries orwhatever fruits you won’t later just putup that off to the side and we will getto that in a minute to set put your lidback oh I can get this out okayoh you can smell the cinnamon oh my goshit’s a good set you will just blend thatuponce you have that nicely blend it up Iput a little bit too much cinnamon it’llbe okayonce you have that blended up now we’regonna cook it this is not a fancy recipebut I’m looking you step-by-step on howto make the perfect pancake um so let meget up hand out brace and then we’rejust gonna start slowly pouring in thebatter and here’s kind of like theconsistency of it it’s kind of likeconsistency the problem I was having inthe past was I was putting eggs in thereand also I was putting milk and the milkmade it way too runny like it was like achocolate milkshake it was so runny soyou don’t need a lot of liquid cuz Ithought you did thought you needed a lotof liquid but you don’t so these badboys up and you make them kind of thinbecause you make them too big they won’treally cook and if this gets harder to Imean I guess if you had a bigger pan youcan make them bigger but I’d like tohave mine pretty small and so once yousee bubbles forming at the top that’swhen you know to flip it and I would sayabout a minute half on each side andthen it’s good to go and if you burnthem it’s not the end of the world itstill tastes good anything with a littlesyrup on top okay this is what I’mtalking about with the bubbles so it’sstarting to bubble up so that just meansit is time to flip it there you goand it looks pretty much like a normalpancake you know they are a lot thinnerthey don’t have like all the extra junkin it to make it nice and fluffy buttrust me the end product is amazing[Music]okay did cook them I got the pan way toohot normally they don’t want this tourbut I promise they still taste good Ipinky pinky promise but so for theberries I just put them on top I love alot of berries so I will literally justput them all on top like this and likeyou can never have too many so I justlike pile them on top and let them flowdown as they need and let’s pretty muchyeahyes there are a ton of berries but Ipromise it’s delicious and then all youdo you can top it off with honey but Istill like classic syrup soand voila that is protein pancakesthis looks amazing so oh my godhmm hmmthey’re so good you’re seriously so doneand they honestly taste like too good toeat but you would think these would beterrible for you and I’m sure not likethe healthiest thing but there’s not alot of junk in it there’s literallyprotein powder eggs banana salt cinnamonthere’s just not that much badI don’t eat these every day but I do eatthese like once a week what can’t it sayso so good and if you want to addberries to the batter I’m sure you couldI never have I just like them fresh ontop but I’m sure that would be deliciousas well um so yeah I’m gonna finisheating thisit’s literally delicious it’s so goodand they took me all of like ten minutesto make it and everything there’s anyvideos that you guys would like to seefrom me makeup related life related morevideos Gibson more videos about manycollege stuff sorority stuff umliterally anything I’m gonna try to makemore videos that’s my goal I literallyhave no excuse that’s I have all thetime in the world right now so I’m gonnatry to make a few here and there so ifyou have any ideas or if there’sanything you want from me please drop itdown in the comment section below and Iwill do my best to deliver but for nowthat’s it I don’t think I have anythingelse to say regarding the pancakesthey’re pretty straightforward andthey’re deliciousI’m not joking they’re so good so pleasegive them a try if you have time or ifum maybe you want to go a littlehealthier if you need to get moreprotein in your diet this would be agreat way to go cuz I know just drinkinga protein shake is like kind ofdisgusting but it’s so easy to eat it inthe pancake form so as always thank youso much for watching and I’ll see you inmy next video bye

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