Cookies Recipes

How to Make Easy Delicious Cookies! NO OVEN!

Ever wondered whether you can bake simple cookies without an oven? You dont have to buy cookies! Make them at home, without an oven!
Here is this simple recipe to do just that!
1. 2.5 cups all purpose flour
2. 1 Teaspoon Bicarbonate of soda
3. 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup salad oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essance
Some Milk to knead the mixture to a soft dough
Half a teaspoon fat or margarine to grease the pan
A little flour to dust the greased pan

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hello everyone welcome to recipes withClara a channel that gives you recipesthat you can try at home recipes thatare easy to make and today of course weare giving you one of those recipes haveyou ever wondered whether you can makerecipes and cookies at home or do youthink you will always have to buycookies when you want to do them eitherfor your children or your cell phoneyour visitors so today we wanted toshare with you a recipe of makingdelicious cookies that you can do athome and has become our custom we wantto begin with prayer because we believethat God is the one who enables you todo wonderful recipes to have creativityin the kitchen so let’s have a word ofPrayerbefore we begin thank you Lord Jesusthank you Father that you’re covering useven right now as we trust you to dothis recipe alright so that our viewerswill be able to find it wonderful whenthey train at home so be with us in eachglorify Jesus name Amenall right let’s begin our delicioussimple cookies we have our mixing bowlright here and let me introduce you tothe other ingredients we have two and ahalf cups of flour all-purpose flour wehave a half a cup of sugar we have ateaspoon of bicarbonate of sodabicarbonate of soda please you’ll findit in the section in your supermarketwhere they sell baking powder thisbicarbonate of soda they’re a teaspoonwe have a teaspoon of vanilla essence wehave one egg already eaten we have halfa cup of oil and then we have milk onhand just to help us in the kneading ofthe door yesand then we have our match here ormargarine or fat that we will grease ourpan with and of course we have an extraflap there that we will use to flour thepan all right now let’s begin we willbegin by mixing our dry ingredients as Ialways say if you have big sieve as itwith bigger holes you can do this buthere we are mixingdry ingredients then we will pour theminto our mixing bowl alright so there wemake a well in the center and then westart pouring in the wet ingredients wehave our vanilla essence our egg andthen we have our oil yes and then justto begin with we will pour in just alittle milk and if a milk and then beginour meeting yes we use our hands to needbecause we want to get it to a softdough a soft dough yeah you noticethat’s why I didn’t put a lot of milkyeah we only need our milk to get thedoor to a very soft this is a verysimple recipe so we keep adding our milkso that we get it to the consistency weneed yeah so a very simple recipe fordoing cookies[Music]our children love this and recentlythere were some young people that we[Music]stay V estate me to show them thisrecipe as you notice is very simple notcomplicated and it will give you reallytasty really tasty cookies yeah almostready it’s just a little yes becausethis is one of those recipes during yourhospitality that you can serve yourguests you don’t always have to servethe normal bread that we buy from theshop you can use this recipe and that’swhy I love learning something newbecause people always make something youyes[Music]yes so basically it’s ready okay they’reready Wow we have a hard alreadyand soft as you can see and ready to doour cookie sheets so I do first of allGreece the one that we are going to useyou notice I’m using a pan that is veryheavy wide it’s basically a super yearbut a short of a shorter one because wewant to have you know a surface that’sbig enough to be able to do our cookiesand so that’s the one we have chosen touse so that we can bake our cookies ontop of your gas without necessarilyusing an ovenso let’s grease[Music][Music]now we have our pun right with thisextra fishing you can help me but let meremove just the extra with us a v8 goodwe have now our dough and divide it intotwo so that I can show you two ways ofdoing these cookies the first way issimply taking a piece of it a piece ofit usually when you’re using bicarbonateof soda just do them in tiny tiny ballsit will flatten as it cooks of courseyou will see that happen so given spacegive them space on the pandepending on the size if you really wantsmall ones you can do small ones dosmaller ones values I’m taking I thinkit’s probably about an inch in diameterbut giving them space so that when theyflatten they will have space to flattenyeah then we do in the middle it’s a fewin the nigger a complete probably onemoregood so there I just paste them outspace them out good so that’s one way ofhaving our cookies and then I will showyou another way exciting way to do withthe children this is a pan that we willstill use because it’s heavy bigger soit gives us also a wider space so thatwe can have as many cookies as this canhold you need also bake them on top nowlet me show you another way the otherway is basically rolling them out on arolling pin this is extra flower extractnow and so we roll it out let’s beginwith a small motionnow that small yes so we roll it out youcan try to get their cookies the purposeI’m showing you this is because we cando as many ships as possible we willlimit ourselves to the wrong ship andpull my little daughter to help me so Ihave several cutters here that you canalso buy and got these in a cake shopthat you can use to cut you can alsojust get you all in I got this from oneof the leads that we use to[Music]two on our local oil that we buy in asupermarket and I use it as a cutter soshe can she really wanted this one overthat people called the ginger man so shecan cut out for herselfyou can cut here press in yes here andget it out like that so we try to get itdown yes our ginger man so we arrangedit inside our pan I arranged my alsoinside we can use[Music]yeah is my little girl is continuing todo the cookies now here are the ones wehave been working on the shapes thesearound baby’s hot shape baby ginger menI think that’s what they’re calledand now we will go ahead and poop or isit bake our cookies on top remember thatthese cookies you can cook them on thiskind of gas on your table cooker on yourmaker or near Chico as long as you useas principal what we will do is that wewill get the flame to the lowest we canget not the normal way that gas gets tothe lowest but you go as though you’reswitching it off and get to better knowit but you can get and that is the flamethat you bake your cookies and we willgive them about 25 minutes and then I’lltell you what to do so let’s cover themlet’s cover them and so I will switch onjust give it a few minutes so that thisarea can heat up slightly not too much afew seconds so you not minutes secondsso we won’t reduce it that way thenormal way because that’s still too highwe will take it as though we areswitching it off yes so go to the lowestthere you can get sometimes you can missthis keep trying it will go off but keeptrying until you get to that very lowflame because that the flame that youbake your cookies for about 20five minutes and then we will come backand I’ll show you what to do with thecookies at twenty five minutes they arenot fully cooked they are really theyare cooked but we need to turn them overso just patiently we will come backafter 25 minutes our cookies are ready25 minutes now you can see they roundand up and they need to get brown on topafter 25 minutes so what we do we willturn them over so that they can brown onthe top side can you see how they lookyes browned and so use a spoon issomething that can help you to turn themover and then we will give them 10minutes or so so that they can brown onthe air on the top sidesweet yes so you can see it’s possibleto be delicious cookies and ice as Itold you when you do them withbicarbonate of sodathe boys flatten out but don’t do thatwhen you bake them with baking powderbecause they will not so these ones willusually flatten out and so we gave themanother 10 minutes and then I will tellyou what we will do Wow we have ourfinal productcookies delicious cookies these are theones we dipped the balls and this arethe cut the ones we did that we thecutters you see that the cookie man thelittle circles the heart shapes thebigger ones now you have one more recipeto serve your guests to serve yourchildren to make your tea times a littlemore exciting and I hope this will makeyour hospitalityalso more wonderful more excitingsomething to look forward toyes my children love please we love thiscookies and I hope you would try them soif you have enjoyed this recipe pleaseshare with others if you haven’tsubscribed to our channel considersubscribing as well see you next timefor another delicious wonderful recipethat we have for you so bye god blessyouenjoy your hospitality[Music]

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