Pancakes Recipes

Indian Dosas VS American Pancakes – How to Make Dosas & Pancakes | Miami, Florida

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What’s up, guys? Today I want to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: I’m going compare the Indian dosa to the American pancake by making them both at home and trying them!

Indian dosas may look like pancakes, but they’re a little different. They’re made from a fermented batter of rice and lentils or semolina flour, while American pancakes are made from all-purpose flour. I’ll be making three variations of each!

To make my dosas, I got a tawa griddle. I had a regular non-stick pan for the pancakes.

For the dosas, I also had onions, limes to juice, cilantro, and jalapenos in place of green chilies. First, I chopped some onions, took some cilantro leaves, and cut a jalapeno and put them all in the blender. They made bright, green, watery paste. Then, I had to mix the batter!

I added one cup of batter to a bowl and then mixed in a cup and a half of water. Once it was mixed well, I had to let it sit for five minutes. After 5 minutes, I mixed the batter with my blended herbs and vegetables.

Next, you throw a bit of water on the tawa and butter it. This would be my plain dosa. I added the batter to the tawa and folded it. It wasn’t crispy enough, so I flipped it. It looked more like a sponge dosa, as it still wasn’t super crispy, but it takes lots of practice to make dosas properly!

Next was my veg dosa, which I added some pre-made potato curry to. My friends at Bollywood Masala made it for me! It smelled so good! I put the potato curry on top of the dosa and folded it over

Then, I did my surprise dosa! I was going to add Nutella to this one! They looked amazing!

Then, I started on my American pancakes. My dad taught me to make pancake batter in a blender to save time. I added a ¾ cup of water and 1 cup of pancake mix and blended it. There were lots of bubbles in the batter, which means fluffier pancakes!

I fried up my pancake with some butter and flipped it once it was full of bubbles. For the next pancake, I added chocolate chips to make it really chocolatey. Then, I made a Nutella pancake, which I learned from my grandmother. Then, once it was finished, I spread a bunch of Nutella down the middle and rolled it up into a cigar.

The pancakes were sweeter, while the dosas are more savory.

I started with the plain pancake with maple syrup. It was so decadent and took me back to my childhood. Next, I tried the plain dosa, which was savory and full of spices and jalapenos. It should have been less fluffy and crispier, but it was good for my first time. Then, I tried it with mint-coconut chutney, which was perfect!

Next, I went for the chocolate chip pancakes. It’s super decadent and is so sweet, it doesn’t need syrup. Then, I went with the veg dosa, which contained lots of spices. The aloo filling was great! It was a little too doughy for me, though.

Finally, I went with the Nutella pancake, which was incredible and fluffy and had Nutella oozing out of it. Then, I tried the Nutella dosa, which tasted almost identical to the pancake with the exception of the spices in the dosa.

Dosas in general are savory and take longer to make. They also require more ingredients and a special pan. The pancakes are a lot easier to make and are sweeter.

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My name is David Hoffmann. For the last 12 years, I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food, and history! Since starting David’s Been Here in 2008, I have traveled to over 1,100 destinations in 77 countries, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube channel, travel blog, and social media sites.

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so this is how you make an Indian dosaget liver to water hey what’s upeveryone this is David Hoffman fromDavid’s been here coming at you from myhome in Miami Florida today I’m soexcited because I’m gonna make for youIndian breakfast versus Americanbreakfast yes the Indian dosa fromsouthern India versus the deliciousAmerican pancakethese are my favorite breakfast on theplanet I really enjoy eating them buttoday I’m going to show you how you makethem you guys don’t know they’re alittle different you know Indian dosa ismade with lentils and rice flour or someElina and rice flour and Americanpancake is made with all-purpose flourI’m gonna make three differentvariations of each I got a few surprisesin there I’m gonna show you that I’vebeen doing that whole life but quicklybefore we start cooking I want to thankNoor to bpn for sponsoring this videoit’s perfect for travers like me buteveryone should use north VPN to protectall our devices and keep theirinformation secure whether they’re onthe 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gonna giveyou one month free now you guys ready tostart cooking some Indian food vs.American food let’s go and for the doughso we have a tava griddle this is howyou make your dosaand then over here we have a regularnon-stick pan for the pancakes so forthe Indian dosa you need the batter andyou need a few more ingredients onionlime juice coriander and a jalapeno forgreen chili we’re gonna start off withthe onion cut the ends off and then likethis peel this okay the reason why I’mdoing a rough chop is because I’m gonnaput it into a blenderyou know that’s my my secret how to likeget through this a lot faster you knowif not we have to face this all up solet me just cut that a little bit allright so now we have the onions choppedup next up we have to take the stems offhere right cilantro stems off leavesinto the blender just keep going it’sgot to finish this up and once we’redone here we’re gonna get the line rightaligned and Spacely squeeze it all injust enough of this perfect so let’s cutthese limes in half squeeze it here sohe can catch the seeds we don’t wantsees to be grinded up last time I haddosa I think it was in vada kala orsomewhere in northern karada well noseeds came out perfect okay so Icouldn’t find a green chili so we’reusing jalapeno so you have to cut itright here right take that offthen cut it in half right and if youwant it spicy leave all the seedsbecause my wife is eating with me todaywe’re gonna take out all the seeds justkind of like get in here and get rid ofthem write them all out okay and thenthe same thing here so first thingsfirst down the middle and then togethersorry last ingredient jalapenos ooh thisone’s spicy it’s smaller we’re gonnablend these ingredients first and then Ihave the batter that way you know allthe flavor will be the same or you knowuniform at the end[Laughter]that’s good whoo oh wow do that so thatwe have it a bright green watery pasteso next step we have to mix the batterwith water right and this is the betterI got got it online rava dosa has allinstructions lower back so everything wejust did tells you how to do it righthere and then we have to get one cup ofbatter okay one cup zactly one cup thatgoes in first so you need hope and ahalf[Applause]next with the mix the batter with thewater let it sit for five minutes thenafter that we’ll blend everything in theblender okay let it sit there for fiveminutesall right guys five minutes are up nowwe mix alright so this is how you makean Indian dosa you live in a waterhey that huh clean it set off yeah ohyeah butterokay whoa and then we’re gonna startwith a plain dosa the best thing to dois the like all the way aroundso I think I need to live it one moretime because it’s not crispy enough andthis is my plain dosa mostly I spongedough some you know it’s a lot ofpractice to make it crispy and deliciousthey do it in southern India next uplet’s make the veg dose upthere we goso for the veg dosa we have potato curryright here my friends at bollywoodmasala made it for me look at this thisis just amazing smells so good so youhave to do is once this is ready we putit in okay so let’s put the potato curryon top you guys put on top stuff itbasically like a taco rightmmm-hmm just like that and that myfriends is a veg dosa this is thesurprise dosa I was telling you aboutI’ve never tried ANATEL of those I’mexcited and when we did just use therest of the you know the the mix withwater blended it and here we have it soI’m going away a little bit so it’sready the way we’re gonna do it is astudent that’s ready it’s a littlecrispy I’m gonna take a big glob ofNutella spread it down the middle thenfold it so we spread the Nutella looksready to me so now I’ve gotta hold itand that’s it our three doses oh look atthat what a beautyplain veg Nutella all right now that wefinished making the doses it’s time tomake pancakes American pancakes myfavorite ever since I was a kid I’vebeen eating pancakes I used to mix ityou know in a bowl my dad showed me thebest thing to do is mix the pancakebatter or hanging mixed with water in ablender speed up the process right sowhat we have to do 3/4 cups of water and1/4 cup of pancake mix this is exactly acup mix it right here all right blendthis all right that’s done whoo allright okay perfect you can see morebubbles in the batter means fluffierpancakes make sure the pan is hot prettyhot have it on medium get a little bitof butter not so much the mixyou can see it’s already up okayso once you see tons of bubbles shouldbe ready to flip you don’t want to burnit I feel like this one’s burning notperfect okay and that’s itpancake is ready right there boombeautiful pancake great fluffy bit ofbutter stop it right thereso this one we’re gonna do is we’regonna slice some chocolate chips I lovedoing it for my kidsa little more I have to put like atleast like 15 to 25 chocolate chips makeit really chocolatey they love chocolateas you can see the chocolate chips aregetting melty these if you want to checkif it’s almost there perfect okay sowe’re gonna flip it I love this partbecause once you flip it in the tongswhose really melt and makes it thebatter walk a bit a few seconds minuteall right so I think it’s done put itright herejust make a regular plain pancake withthe rest of the batter it’s gonna be abig one there’s gonna be our Nutellapancake I’m gonna show you how I do itit’s really special my grandmothershowed me this like 25 years ago godrest her soul this is like the Italianstyle pancake Americanizedlet’s look this was a big pancake andthat’s it our pancake is ready it’s abig pancake so here we have the threedoses and three pancakes the only onethat’s not finished is no teller one solet’s do that firstgo big hole so I just spread all gonnatell like that that’s too littlewhat I do is was a huge pancake thoughso that’s pretty good right let’s get alittle more I feel like there’s a lot ofempty spots here so well my grandmothertaught me was to turn this into like acigar right so you just roll it up so wewould just like roll like a hundred andjust go all out so what you’ll notice isthat the American pancakes is more of asweet breakfast Indian style Indiandosas is more savory obviously thisone’s like a dessert but that’s aninvention of mine right so I’m gonna offwith the writer ones first I’m gonna cutright here better huh okay and then I’llcut one of these in half and then forthis one I’m gonna be used syrup rightthereso I poured some syrup so we’re gonnastart off with the American pancakefirst with some maple syrup brings backmy childhood super sweet mmm it’s likeso decadentit’s delicious it’s a pretty thinpancake you know not crispy at all veryfluffy and over here we have the dosa soplain dosammm savory lots of spices while you’regonna reduce jalapenosthat’s crazy the classic dosa usually isa little crispier less fluffy I guessyou know my first time not really pro atthis but I also have some mint chutneymintcoconut chutney there you go with thatmarriage made in heavenmmm-hmm Wow so what’s nextwhoo toilet your pancakescut this guy huh this is one of myfavorite pancakes ever like I said Itried it when I was like 5 at IHOP mykids loved it my sister gives it to herkids it’s a you know super decadentbreakfast but it doesn’t even need syrupit’s that sweet next up we have the vegdosa look at this beauty I’m gonna cutthis because I’m sharing it with somefamily members but you know usually youpick it up like that so this is savorydosa hmm that’s a spice in hereincredible aloo no potatoesyou know usually it’d be a littlecrispier this one’s a little too doughyfor me it’s either super crispy superdoughy that sponge dose up or in themiddle mine just like it’s way morefluffy than a sponge dosa not bad for myfirst time and now we have until apancake versus Nutella dosa same fillingNutella different batter and you’resupposed to eat them both with yourhands so does that what we’re gonna doright nowtake a big bite of this one mm-hmmwell this is incredible it’s likeNutella is losing out mmm super fluffyand here we have the dosa all rightlet’s try ithmm to be honest it takes almostidentical so antenna dosa has spicesAmerican painting doesn’t so if you likesome spices some more savoriness to yourpancake or your dose up go with this oneand as I last bite guys okay so that’sit guysIndian dosa versus American pancake sowhat’s the difference well the dosatakes a lot longer you need moreingredients you need to you know fire upthe griddle have a special griddle andin fact not just a regular pan theAmerican pancakes a lot easier to makeright just put them on the pan flip themdone add some talk chips if you want addNutella syrup so this is more of a likea sweet breakfast this is definitelymore savory I highly recommend you knowthe coconut chutney that’s the best witheither the plain dosa or with veg Tosathere’s so many different doses too ifyou go to South India there’s like ahundred different variations so if youguys didn’t notice I’m wearing my doseof t-shirt and my Corolla head here Ihad to get in the mood you know makingdosas just thinking back to southernIndia I really enjoy dosas my favoritebreakfast in India by far and this onein America go to Nutella one you’ll beaddicted alright guys I hope you lovedthis video if you did please me a thumbsup leave me comment below see on mychannel for more awesome travelcontacting next raw food adventure Idon’t know Miami India who knows[Music]

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