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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
it says no Spanish – this is the work Ido remember just the work that Iremember from Spanish and this what itis[Music]and attract I becomehereoh my bad that’s the wrong intro whatdoes it means okay fisherman’s okaymaybe is it got the brazier that thePuerto Rican praise out today but todayis a special video we’re makingwe seen a tic-tac one about a life hacksand et Cie talking about you could justmake homemade peanut butter cookies Imean it sounds like you I’m pretty surewe can but with three simple steps yougo to because we go find out hurtourselves cuz you know we ain’t line onthis 1040 but if I start if you want toget a chance to meso click the link in the description andmake money on his core team break clickthe link in the description he’s to songlike dirt for questions go like that outor the English you might need I’m gonnastart look back at the video insidepresident all of this so you need to ofcourse the P number this is the mainingredients either you can have a smallboat where I got a big book you know wedo a big peanut butter out okay so so ifI say putting a bow scepter spinet oryou got your little bitches you don’treally need a whole aid which youprobably you liked or to I’m not sureI’m a video once I say it now so theystated makes it you know you know youget that little really state to say socurrently you about to go – tick-tockand look look over the video againbecause I’m not sure if like this likeif you need all you or anything likethis so as you look at the video and Isaved it put him a little save cut oranything up a roots okay figure mmmpeanut butter egg and sugar mix it alltogether until it’s well combined thenyou want to use a cookie scoop to scoopsome out pop it into your hand and ontoa baking sheet do the black wingplanformpop it in the oven let it cool and enjoyokay good musicand these are me all right let’s getstupidalright so your square start with theshake ah so we start with the sugarI’m gonna put the peanut butter in herefirst in the yeah you got to put the onecup in her okay we do a semi redo thefirst step so next thing to do is putthe egg I’m gonna just put one becauseI’m not gonna make a whole batch I wantto see how a taste first and then afuture if you don’t want to make one andwant me to make some more my mom arethere or my mom mom and dad it tastestesty let me know so we just go ahead tosugarI mean not to sugar two eggsI’m allowed to know everybody sleep sobad okay we up and they sleep okay sowatch this now you’ve been doing itright alreadylet me let me fix let me uh let me tellyou know right we exactly cool cast Itold you I ain’t got time for that mynigga todayI said it’s a sickie stick I know wegotta get the little sugar I just wantto put in there – it’s not againtogether until it’s well combined[Music][Music]let me show y’all my work this good okayoh yes I basically my bones is die butyou’re something I miss my bleep I justmiss my wife would be a widow my guy Isaid I saw that flicker there is no catalive which I missed but your mistress Iwas like I thought it was watery but shesaid if you want to soften likesomething Malucci they supposed to likethis probably you go come over like atleast four or five cookies are three doTupac cookies I don’t know it lookedbetterDean pound look on here Heybut the folks I’m go get the littlepenny I’m gonna just be right back solook I got my pen and of course you wantto Illumina for we’re here woman that’smoving it out it’s not dirty yo I justwatched it he got to put it was like alittle thing and I was gonna put it onso I just took it off we put a firstseat owner said okay how big I want tomake a you said I won’t be making theyall be like messing up so you won’t getbeat we black we stand you with a littlebefore using them before you put anypaint so on my food if you don’t got itmy girl like me cuz this we don’t usemicrowave we hey use on microwave so wejust put another thing so got somesurprise so you to put the aluminum foilon there and just put the fries on topof a burger prepared to burger out thebone to me and just put it over but yeah[Laughter]because I supposed to be my CDs HankI’ll show you this I noticed to get overeverybody[Music][Music]Oh[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]we can so we go combat like[Applause][Laughter]see[Music]y’all know we’re not coming with Dansome of these know what you got to sayabout that everybody it’s like overmillion people they put brown sugar[Music]it’s better than I expected[Music]he’s trying to treat you all my spottySookie I ain’t gonna lick give it alllike I’ll rewrite the same[Music]buddy Sookie I ain’t gonna give it alllike I rewrite the same